So, I know that I'm really silly and I like makeing really weird and random things on this chapter but, I'm going to talk about something REALY serious for a second.This has to do with bullying.
Now, I myself, have been bullied all though out my life, and each year it gets worse and it's getting hard to deal with.
I'm in the 7th grade now and old friends are drifting away from me and new ones are replacing them.
I fell awful
Just aweful.
I feel like I'm leaving them, or there leaving me. And the number one reason why we drift is bullying.
People spread rumors and mean untrue facts about me, and my friends.
Some people can't handle that and leave me.No offense by the way! I understand.
But what I don't understand is why they start acting mean back.That's why really hurts. That's what REALY makes you ugly.
I'm going to tell all the cutters, losers, fat people, as everyone else who feel bad about them selves something.
Here it is:
You are beatiful.
You are humble.
You are amazing.
You are you.
Don't Listion to what people say about you. Your are the best person you can be, they are the worst.
Don't let those bakas take away from you what you treasure most.
Don't let them take away your hope.
Have hope. Have faith. Be your beautiful, unique self.
You are special.
They are normal.
You can be whatever you want.
Not what they want.
I love you, others love you, we all love you, no matter what try say, or think, there is always someone you loves you, admires you, adores you.
But there will always be people who, hate you, despise you, want you dead and gone.
And if I were to pick between those two people I would chose the first one. If you can't find the person that loves you now, the you'all find them later.
There is always a tommorow, jut as there is always a today and a yesterday.
Focus on tommorow, because tommorow is where all the hope is, and you are where the hope is.
Now let me tell you something, something important.
It is:
You are perfect the where you are, and if you ever THINK about changing yourself, then you might as well be a loser or worthless, be cause only people who change themselves, and stop being there unique selves, are worthless.
Please REMEBER this if you ever fell down it bad about your self. Tape it in your locker, or keep it in your room/ a binder I don't care, just REMEBER that there is always hope and there is always a place for you in my heart, or some one else's.
I love you all, now have fun being AMAZING!
You can use anything I jut said as a quote or otherwise, but please don't put my real name, it can be my username or Devi-Chan if you will.
Love ya' (look at the oicture and the song in the media please)