1.) I'm Salty 😒/😏:When I'm not with my friends or talking to someone I can get REALY salty at night, like I mean, I AM SALT! Ask liccthedicc , I am the salt master!
I make snarky remarks and act like a bitch, like Poppy! This is the most common way for me to act though, so bitches beware! Your in for a scare!
2.) Crazy 😆
If I'm with a friend/ friends I get crazy! Like I mean laughing my ass of for no reason and saying jibberiash like a slammed hard drunk lady!
Trust me! One of my first conversation with my friend kitsune_chann was at night and she had to calm me down, but with no prevail.😓
I'm realy salty though so I only ever act like this if I am Hungary, or want sweets at night.😜
3.) emotionless 😑
Now me acting like this is pretty rare, if I'm with someone I don't like or I'm bored I lose most of my emotions. Oal so ct like this if I'm writing I don't make any facial expressions as I strre blandly at the screen, like the face you make when your sleeping and it just really peaceful, exept I look like I'm kinda mad.
It funny, I promise.
That's all!