Part 1: You're mine now

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A quiet night time setting of a city street is lit by the warm glow of a lamp post. Police sirens echo softly in the distance. The sound of quickened footsteps draw closer as a shadowy figure emerges into view. The figure hops over a dumpster and hides behind it, and it waits with violent panting and wheezing. The sirens draw closer becoming almost ear piercing, though slowly but surely they begin to fade and disappear into the distance. The figure lets out a sigh of relief. It catches it's breath for a moment, and begins to run down the streets once more.

"THEY TOOK HER!!" the figure yells as it approaches a fairly large and impressive house. The sound of booming music is muffled from the outside. The figure opens the door and storms inside. A house party is taking place, people dancing and drinking. The lighting in the house is poor, only lit by blue and pink rave lights. Everyone at this party look like they've killed a man or two, covered in tattoos, piercings with quite muscular bodies. Not to mention each one of them is carrying a weapon of some kind. "THEY TOOK HER!!!" The figure yells once more. He grabs a baseball bat that is placed against the wall, and he smashes lights, drink glasses and the stereo which shuts off the loud music. The house goes silent and everyone looks at the figure. A terrified guest slowly reaches for the ordinary house light and turns it on. The man now in full view, can be seen with his head looking to the floor, panting deeply and seething with rage. The most notable thing about this man was his vibrant green hair and pale skin. "...Boss..?" a nervous voice weeps. He attempts to approach the man and put a hand on his back "..Boss, are you ok..?" Suddenly, the man grabs a gun from within his purple waist coat and shoots him in the head. The man falls to the floor and the party guests take a step back, not knowing what to do. The man looks at the guests with rage. "OUT!" he yells, using the gun to point to the door. The guests stare at him. ".. I said GET OUT!!" he yells a second time and the guests shuffle quickly towards the door to get out of the house.

All guests leave and the door is shut loudly behind them. The man stands in the middle of chaos. He is surrounded by broken glass and equipment, spilled drinks and a pool of blood. He seems to be calming down and he looks to the ceiling. His face is covered in clown-like make-up, black around his eyes, red lips, grill on his teeth and tattoos all over his body, like he came right out of some fucked up punk-rock band.

"They took her..." the man begins to weep, calmer this time. He covers his face in distress. "Baby.. Baby I'll get you back" he says to himself. He begins to laugh quietly, in an almost menacing way. "What will I do, what will I do?" He ponders and looks around the room, noticing his laptop. "Hmm.. if you take something of mine..." he grabs the laptop and turns it on. He finds himself looking into police private documents and clicks on the head of police [your fathers name]'s profile. "I'll just have to take something of yours...." he whispers with a menacing smile. He clicks on [your father's name]'s relations tab and opens up a photo of you (his child) with all your info, including full name, address and more on the file. "Hehehehehe.... HAHAHAHAHA!!" he laughs with great pleasure and slams the laptop shut.


2am, you lay in bed just after finishing your favourite book. Putting the book on your locker, You get yourself comfortable and ready for a deep slumber. Your door creaks open slowly which gives you a mild fright. Your dad peaks his head through the door. "Hey honey.. sorry for disturbing you. Is everything ok? I just got back from work and saw your light was still on" he whispers in a soft voice. "Hey dad, yeah I'm fine. I was just finishing a book. I'm going to sleep now" you whisper back. "Ah, alright.. that's ok, g'night sunshine" your dad says in a soft and friendly voice. "G'night dad" you respond quietly as your dad slowly closes your door.

You turn off your light and snuggle into your sheets, with the thoughts of what work might be like tomorrow on your mind. You slowly fall into a slumber, until you suddenly hear a floor board creek that wakes you up. Thinking it was nothing, you don't open your eyes and try to get back to sleep. Suddenly, you hear it again.. then again and again. Finding it rather annoying, you open your eyes quickly and within the darkness was a horrifying figure looming over you. "G'night sunshine" the figure does a creepy impression of your dad and before you could scream, he knocks you out.

[To be continued...]

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