Part 2: Live at 12am

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Slowly you begin to regain consciousness. Opening your eyes you see nothing but blurs and a warm glow from a nearby window. Your head is pounding with pain but you attempt to sit up anyway. Sitting up, you rub your eyes and your vision slowly becomes clearer. The first thing you realize is that you are no longer in your bedroom, in fact you don't remember what happened last night at all.
You looked nervously around the room. It was empty besides the soft mat you are currently laying on, along with a very old rag-like blanket over you. A chair sits in the corner of the room near the door. There is also one barred up window that is letting in the warm glow of a sunset. Wait.. Sunset? How long have you been here? You thought.
You looked to your left and noticed a tray on the floor with a jug of water, drinking glass and sloppily made sandwich on top. A note resting against the glass reads "With compliments -The Joker <3"

Wait, The Joker..? The Joker.....?
Your stomach suddenly drops and you felt shivers go up your spine. You knew exactly who he was and you knew there probably isn't much hope for you now.
Your father who was head of police had been trying to put The Joker behind bars for years. Although the city's infamous hero Batman has caught him many times in the past, The Joker always manages to escape.
You knew The Joker had malicious plans for you as a way to get back at your dad, there was no doubt.
You felt tears in your eyes and you covered your mouth in fear. You couldn't help but sob hopelessly. You began to hyperventilate uncontrollably and tremble when suddenly you heard the lock on the door unlock. You went dead silent, holding your breath and felt your chest tighten trying to fight for air.
"Well.. Well.. Well.." The joker sang as he opened the door. "Look what we have here" the sound of  his slow footsteps on the concrete floor drawing nearer was intimidating. You held the rag up to your mouth, as if trying to hide from him yet you continued to stare at him with your puffy red eyes. He loomed over you and smiled showing off the grill on his teeth. He looked horrifying, you thought and couldn't help but let out a stuttered "P-P-P-Please l-leave me alone....."
He kneeled down to your level and let out a slight chuckle. Using both his hands, without hesitation, he held your head, wiping tears away and rubbing his hands all over your face. His hands felt warm, in a strangely comforting way "Mmmmm look at you.. You look just like your daddy, eh?" His laugh sounding a little more menacing. "I wonder how he'd feel seeing you like this" he said, mimicking your frown as you stared at him with tears running down your face. "Don't you worry Sunshine" he said patting your cheek a little too hard "The party has just begun!" He grinned slyly. You were terrified of what that could mean and you didn't want to find out.
"I'll be seeing you tonight baby" he said in a playful tone as he stood up. He began walking towards the door but turned around before leaving "Oh and enjoy the meal! You never know which might be your last" he said in a creepy tone and laughed as he exited the room and locked the door.
You were frozen with shock and suddenly you fainted.


You woke up once again, this time in a dark room with a spotlight on you. You were tied to a chair and your mouth had a gag. Your heart pounded in your chest when you noticed a camera pointing directly at you, and next to it, the Joker stood by a table filled with sharp instruments.
"And, Action" the Joker said as a red light lit up on the camera.
You struggled in the chair but it was no use. The joker walked behind the camera "Good evening Ladies and Gentlemen of Gotham city! Tonight we have a very special show for you all."
You looked into the camera and yelled muffled screams of desperation into it.
"Ohoho! and we have a very special guest tonight! Welcoming [your full name]!!" The joker says in a presenter type voice and begins to clap his hands like an audience.
"[name] is my new little toy and tonight we're gonna have some fun'" he says as he approaches the table full of tools. He picks one up and puts it back down "hmmm no no, that just won't do" he mumbles to himself. "Ah!" He says happily and picks up a knife. " The classic kitchen knife, it's always nice to go back to basics!"
You closed your eyes and felt like screaming.

The joker approached you while inspecting the knife. He walked behind your chair and leaned over, rested his head on your shoulder and his arms wrapped around you, showing the knife  off. "You know what my favorite thing about knives are?" He asked you creepily. You shook your head "no" very fast. He slowly rested the knife on your cheek "my favorite thing about knives is watching that moment you feel pain, watching the emotions you go through ALLLL because of me" he said as you felt the knife push into your cheek but not enough to cut. "It's just so.... Pleasurable" he whispers as the knife pierces your skin a little and he drags it down your cheek, leaving a fine line of blood dripping down. You scream, but more from the shock of it all rather than the pain as he did not cut very deep. The Joker chuckles as he gazes at the camera. "[Father's name], what do you think when you see your own flesh and blood taken hostage against their will? Does it remind you of something, hmm?"
The Joker rubs the knife against your other cheek with the blunt side. "You took Harley Quinn from me, I thought I should take something of yours. Now we're even. If you want your precious child back, free Harley Quinn. If you don't, well let's just say little [your name] here will be getting more than just a simple cut next broadcast. Be sure to tune in next time" he says with a smile and the broadcast gets cut from the air.

Joker x Reader: Hostage SituationWhere stories live. Discover now