Part 5: Something new

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As each day passed, you became more and more comfortable in the Joker's presence. You always felt a little nervous around him, but there were moments where you felt at peace with the situation, forgetting about the life you had before. You slowly felt more willing to talk to him and you held proper conversations together. Being handcuffed to someone for days really helps in getting to know them. 

Yourself and the Joker were sitting on the couch in the living room. It was only the afternoon and a lovely golden light sparkled through the window. The sky was cloudless and you wished you could go outside to enjoy the weather. You hadn't left the house in almost 2 weeks. The Joker brought up the topic of your past, he asked what you're childhood was like and what it was like growing up. You described a lot to him, the good times, the bad times and how you're currently working in retail but hope to go to college soon and get a better job. For a moment, you forgot that the Joker was holding you hostage and described it like everything was going to be ok and that you're future is looking bright. Though you did not bring this up to him, nor did he question it. The Joker explained that he relates strongly to the bad times in your life. You found yourself curious about his past. 

"Can you tell me more about you.. Mr.J?" you asked shyly. He paused for a moment and looked off into the distance. "Well..." he began "I had quite a.... dysfunctional family... My father was an alcoholic, my mother abused drugs and me? well, I turned to crime at a young age coz school and playtime just wasn't gonna work for me" his voice sounding very serious, a little unusual for him. "After all the abuse and violence at home, I ran away. I was about.. 10. It all started with thievery, a couple of wallets, a couple bucks, maybe a nice watch or phone here and there, just so I could afford food. I was a homeless kid living on the streets, what do you expect? but it wasn't long before I was found and taken into a home for kids like me. I had no name, no parents, so I was put into the adoption ring. Some of these kids learned good manners, how to dress nicely increasing their chance for adoption. Me? I never changed. Nobody wanted a kid like me. I was too crazy for 'em, too 'different'. Been to a couple of hospitals as I got older for the mentally ill and that's how I met Harley Quinn. She was my therapist for a while.... but we fell in love and ran away together." The Joker's eyes glimmered with joy, before his expression changed quickly to anger. "Then they took her from me...." he said sounding irritated and slammed his hand on the couch. You did not say a word. He quickly calmed himself and ran his fingers through his hair. "but.." he sighed. "it's alright.. I have you now." he said as his gently run his hand over your cheek. You looked up at him, feeling very sorry for him. He's been through a lot, you thought. You slowly reached for his face and gently ran your finger over his cheek. He closed his eyes and seemed to purr lightly, he looked pleased. He bit his lip and leaned over slowly, your faces were only an inch apart and you were about to accept what was coming next, or at least what you expected to come next. However, instead he leaned into your ear and whispered "How about you n' me dye our hair together, hm?"

"Uh.." you sounded confused. He lifted his head back and looked at you with a smile. "My green hair dye is fading, I need to put more in. How about I dye yours too while I'm at it?" he asked curiously. "Uh.. sure" you confirmed, still feeling confused. 

You sat in the bathroom watching the Joker dye his hair green, he had uncuffed you both by this point. Despite how creepy he looks from a civilian's point of view, seeing him like this was much less intimidating for a master criminal. Once he was finished, he sat you on a chair and got some bleach ready. He grabbed some gloves and wriggled his fingers as he put them on, pulling them and letting them go with a snap. You suddenly felt a little uncomfortable, like you were about to be operated on by a surgeon. He giggled at your expression. "So.. what colour are you dying my hair..?" you asked him. "Ohh, it's a surprise!" he said in an almost creepy tone. You were always quite anxious about saying no to him. You did not want to get rid of your [hair colour] hair, in fact you quite liked the way it was, but you supposed you didn't mind. After the bleaching and dying, he washed it all out for you, he even blow dried it for you and styled it. You had no idea what it looked like and he refused to show you a mirror. However, once it was all finished, he grabbed a mirror and finally showed you. 

(Choose one depending on your hair length)

Short hair: Your hair was dyed platinum blonde, with blue and pink tips on the fringe. It was also spiked up with the hair-dryer and hair spray.

Medium hair: Your hair was dyed platinum blonde, with blue tips on the left and pink tips on the right. Your hair was also tied up into short pigtails except for your fringe.

Long hair: Your hair was dyed platinum blonde, with blue tips on the left and pink tips on the right. Your hair was also tied up into long pigtails and you had two fringe-like strands of hair over your face.

He made you look a little more punk-rock than you originally did, and you honestly weren't surprised. "Well, what do you think? like it?" the Joker asked you, eager for an answer. "I.. I like it alot, it's great." you nodded, whether or not you did or didn't like it, you decided to be polite. "Fantastic!!!" he yelled. He took out his phone, and lifted his arm up for a selfie. "Smile!" he said and took a photo of you both with your new perfect hair. After a few silly selfies, you told the Joker you needed the use the bathroom, and so he left the room. Once you were done, you came back out and lifted your wrist up to the Joker, waiting for the handcuffs  to be put back on, but he never did it. "So!" he began. "I'm going to a party tonight, and I would love love looove if you could come with me" he asked eagerly. "I want to show off what a precious little thing I own" he said as he pointed to you. "and, we can have a little bit of fun" he said looking as if he was up to something.

Joker x Reader: Hostage SituationWhere stories live. Discover now