Chapter 2

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Scott POV

I sit down in the living room and check twitter while we all wait for Mitch to be ready.

About half an hour later, I no longer hear Mitch singing Beyoncé at the top of his lungs and I see him run from the bathroom to his bedroom dressed in his Rilakumma onesie instead of a robe.

After twenty more minutes of waiting, I decide to check if he is almost done.

"Mitch? Almost ready to go?" I ask, softly knocking on his door.

"Oh my god Scott! Don't rush me!" He shouts through the door followed by the sound of breaking glass.

"Is everything okay?" I ask opening his door a crack to figure out the source of the loud noise.

"Y-yes," he sounds unsure. "Okay no."

I push open the door to find clothes scattered all over the place. Mitch is sitting on the ground surrounded by broken shards of glass.

"Mitch? What happened?" I tiptoe my way around the glass to get closer to him.

"I-I... Well, I knocked my mirror over while trying to pack," Mitch sighed.

He's not packed yet?

"I'll clean up the mirror, you pack. Mitch, we leave in an hour!"

I clean up the sharp pieces of glass and manage to only get one shallow cut on my thumb which I cleaned and covered with a Band-Aid.

I went back to Mitch's room to find it spotless, but Mitch was nowhere to be seen.

Hey, wait! I didn't know Mitch had a picture of us next to his bed?

It's a picture of us on stage from one of our concerts. We are both smiling and looking at each other in the picture.

I remember that concert. Mitch looked so good that day in his Vetements shirt and black skinny jeans. Simple but flawless. And his smile...

Whoa, Scott.

That's your best friend.

You can't be thinking about kissing your best friend, especially if he doesn't feel the same way.

My phone buzzed, pulling me out of my little trance.

Michelle: I'm in the living room!

Michelle: Packed and ready...

Michelle: Where r u?

Me: Coming sry...


"Hey! We good to go?" I ask walking into the living room.

Where did everyone go? Kirstie, Mitch and Esther were standing by the kitchen counter.

"Yup, were good. Everyone is waiting on the bus," Esther said, answering my unasked question.

We were half way out the door, me pulling Mitch's three suitcases, when Kirstie stopped me.

"Oh no, Scottland! You're bleeding!" She said pointing at my thumb.

"What?" Mitch turned around looking concerned.

"Oh... I-I just cut it when I was cleaning up the glass. I'm fine," I stuttered.

Mitch rolled his eyes and gave me stern look. "No you're not fine. You're bleeding through the Band-Aid and Kevin is going to clean it and dress it for you when we get on the bus."

"Yes Mom," I said. I'm not gonna bother fighting him on this.

"That looks deep," Esther said while studying my cut. "Mitch, he might need stitches!"

"SERIOUSLY? Guys, I'm right here. It's my thumb! Stop talking about me like I'm not here!" I can't believe them.

I immediately felt bad for raising my voice when I saw the hurt and guilt that flashed across Esther's face.

"I'm sorry. Thanks for caring about me," I said and gave Esther a hug.

"It's okay," She replied, hugging me back.

Kirstie joined the hug, "We're all so stressed with the tour coming up and all."

The elevator binged.

"Guys..." Mitch got on the elevator and held the door for us.


Once on the bus, Kevin cleaned my cut and put a new dressing on it. Out of everyone on tour, Kevin probably knows the most about first aid and doctor stuff. He said it's not quite deep enough for stitches which is good.

Our bus is amazing!

Two stories with built in disco lights and multiple mini fridges. It even has a shower!

The bottom floor is all couches and the kitchen and TVs.

The bunks are all on the top floor. So that's where we put our essentials.

Mitch chose a bunk right under mine and across from Kevin. Avi chose the bunk above Kevin.

Kirstie and Jeremy got bunks across from each other down the hall from us.

After we were all settled in, we went down to the first floor to get some food.

We had already been on the road for four hours!

"Hey Daddy! You hungry?" Mitch greeted me with the usual nick name.

"What do you think?" I replied sarcastically while grabbing the bag of gluten free pretzels he was eating.

"Fine. You can eat those. I'll just eat your secret stash of Oreos!" He skipped over to where I always hid my Oreos on the tour bus.

"Okay you can have it! Take your disgusting pretzels and get your dirty paws off my Oreos!" I laughed wrestling the Oreo box out of his hands while he tried to get away.

He was giggling like a child. It was adorable.

"Stop it! I will tickle you!" I threatened.

"No please!" He gave me my Oreo box and ran off to watch SpongeBob on the TV.


If only he felt the same way I do.

But no. I have to hide my crush. If I tell him it could ruin our friendship.

I know he doesn't like me like that.

I need to move on and get over my crush...

But how?




This is fun!



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