Chapter 3

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Mitch POV

We got on the bus around eleven on Thursday. It's now noon on Friday.

We are expected to arrive at the venue for our first concert at one thirty and I'm a nervous exhausted mess.

I tried to sleep last night. I really did. It's just not easy on a tour bus. With the foreign sounds, the tiny bed, and the stuffy oven like temperature. It's practically impossible.

I think the main thing stopping me from sleeping though was nerves.

Tour always comes with its own set of nerves and anxiety and I seem to get the worst of it out of all of Pentatonix.

I probably get bad nerves because I have anxiety and I'm shy and I never really learned to cope with stress. I mean, what do you expect. I literally won the sing off and moved to LA right after graduation. Scott and Kirstie got a year of university to figure it out, how to be an adult. I just pile stress on top of stress and then explode.

Thank god for Scott who always seems to be there to pick up the pieces.

So as you would expect with the first show being tonight, I have isolated myself from everyone and I'm listening to Sophie with my noise cancelling headphones trying to channel my inner Beyoncé.

I'm half way through 'MSMSMSM' when Kirstie plops down on the couch next to me.

"Mitch?" She asks hoping I take of my headphones.

"What's up Katherine?" I reply after pausing my music and removing my headphones.

"How are you holding up?" She is studying my face for any signs of my anxiety.

Kirstie has known me since I was eight. She knows me almost as well as Scott and I know each other.

"I'm good. I-I'm excited I guess for the show..." I manage to stutter trying to seem calm and collected.

Thankfully she doesn't see through my façade and she smiles. "Me too. It'll be amazing!"

She gives me a quick friendly kiss on the forehead and skips off to her fiancé.

I hate worrying Kirstie about little things like my nerves or anxiety.


I go back to my Sophie and finish the entire EP.

By now it's one o'clock.

My hands are visibly shaking and my mind is thinking at five hundred miles per hour.

I am very careful though to seem calm and cool for my bandmates who have their own nerves to worry about.

The only person in the world I can never hide from, of course, sees right through my act.

One of my favorite things about Scott and I is that we have known each other for so long we can just look at the others face and immediately know what's wrong.

Scott looks in my eyes and immediately just wraps me in his arms.

He can tell I'm internally screaming from nerves and insecurities.

With my head on his chest and his arms around me making me feel safe, my breathing slows to a more regular pace and I feel instantly better.

"How you holding up, Princess?" Scott asks softly in my ear.

"Much better now, thanks," My response muffled by his shirt.

"Have you eaten anything today?" he asks. My stomach answers for me, winning a small chuckle from Scott.

"Sweetheart... I know you're nervous but you have to eat. Starving yourself will only make things worse." He unwraps his arms from behind my back and steers us towards the kitchen.

"I feel sick," I pleaded.

"It's the nerves. Eat. You will feel better. I pinky promise," He smiled while pulling out some gluten free leftover pizza from the mini fridge.

I ended up eating the cold pizza, because how do you say no to those gorgeous sparkly blue eyes.


"Were here!" Esther shouted from the front of the bus.

Scott and I went up to our bunks to get our things that we needed.

We all met up outside the bus and waited for the muscly security men to escort us to the building.

I was focusing on not tripping and killing myself when I felt someone interlace their fingers with mine.

It was Scott.

He always knows when and how to calm me down.

I squeeze his hand in a silent thank you.

He squeezes back.

I don't know how much more my feeble heart can take.


Candice, our stylist met us at the venue and already had all our outfits laid out for us.

Nicole and Genevieve, our hair and makeup artists set up their stations.

It's really happening.

And now we have the first sound check of tour.

At this point my nerves and excitement seem to even out. Sound check always brings out the excitement.

We go through the show and sing parts from here and there to even out the mics and make sure everything is ready.

Once we are done sound check the team has a meeting on the stage. A final pep talk.

They all congratulate us on how far we've come, and we thank them for all they've done for us.

Of course we all cry.

And now we all part ways. The band gets a half hour to collect ourselves before the meet and greet.





I dont really know where I plan for this to go...

I guess we'll see!



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