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Three Millenniums Ago:  
"Kisato? Where are you!" Kisara shouted in panic as she ran around the small house. Suddenly, a young maiden with white hair and dark blue eyes popped up from inside a vase; scaring her mother as she laughed. "Kisato! What have I told you about hiding in the vase? You'll get stuck in there one of these days!!"
Kisato's laughter ceased, looking gloomy as she bowed her head. "Sorry mother. I will try not to do it again." Her voice held meek sincerity towards her angry mother.
"Try, is not the same as doing, young lady." Kisara was about to give a stern glare at her daughter until she saw how nervous the little one was. Sighing before helping the no more than seven year old Kisato up from the vase, Kisara lifted and hugged her daughter tightly. "I am just worried darling. I do not want you to get hurt." Kisara smiled sadly at her daughter, a sudden recognition coming to light as Kisato smiled. "Anyways, let's go get dinner tonight!" Kisara exclaimed as she walked towards the hay bed, setting her daughter down against it. "How about we go fishing?"
Kisato looked at her mother with worry. "Did something happen to you again?" Kisara stared at her daughter in surprise. "I mean, we have been fishing for the past few days. I do not mind it, since we are able to eat, something the matter?"
Smiling at her daughter's observation, Kisara patted her legs. "Everything is fine, Kisato. But...I believe it is time to tell you where I came from, and who your father is." As Kisato laid against her mothers legs, she was curious by what her mother meant.
"Father? I had a father?" Kisara debated at those final moments, whether or not telling her would be the right thing.
'We have been fine up until Kisato's sixth birthday, must I really tell her?' Shaking her head to be-rid of the sudden negativity, Kisara began telling Kisato without a moment's delay. 'She has a right to know, no matter how young she may be.'
Kisara told herself before starting.
"When I was a little older than yourself, I lived in a kingdom my mother and father ruled. It was called, Leoht." Kisato made herself comfortable, laying the back of her head against her mothers legs as she stared up to watch her mother tell the awe-inspiring story. "We lived in peace and were protector's of an ancient dragon that came to us generations ago; when a Seer had first told us that the dragon must be tame. But that it could only do so if its spirit was transferred into the body of a female, since its destructive power alone was immeasurable."
"Do you know what gender the spirit is? What do you mean by it having to be tamed?"
With a chuckle, Kisara answered one of her questions before continuing. "The gender of the dragon is unknown. However, since its spirit has been transferred through a woman, we can only assume that its physical form used to be female. The reason why it must be contained and tamed as it lives in our world, is because it cannot express its emotions properly. Long ago when the dragon first made its appearance, it ran wild and thus, created chaos and devastation in their wake. It was not until our ancestor who had listened to the Seer and nurtured it, that the dragon had struck a deal with them. And that was the beginning, of how Leoht was reborn from ruin."
With a tilt of her head, Kisato scrunched her face in confusion. "I still do not understand? Where is the dragon now if it is contained?"
Smiling, Kisara patted the young maiden's head. "In Leoht, only the bloodline from the human who nurtured it shall be their vessel, as so, it has been my family's lineage who has taken care of it." With a sad expression, Kisara's mood changed. "The White Dragon must be transferred through another, with a sacred scroll that was created through the agreement of the dragon and our ancestor. Without it, the dragon will continue to stay in the current host, until the moment all life has left them; causing ruin to the world yet again as it cannot be contained."
"You are avoiding my question, mother." Kisato pouted as she looked away from her mother in mocked hurt.
Smiling with her eyes closed, Kisara giggled. "I'll apologize for stalling, but it is true. After all, you are old enough to understand this important information." Brushing her fingers through her daughter's snow white hair, Kisato huffed impatiently. "Alright, alright. I'll get back to the point." Her mother chuckled. "Since the White Dragon has been passed down from our bloodline, the dragon was transferred to me from my mother."
Sitting straight up, Kisato gazed at her mother in shocked awe. "The dragon is within you?" With a nod, Kisato continued. "If what you say is true, then mother...why was the dragon not passed down to me?" With a grim expression, Kisara heavily sighed.
"The night the dragon was transferred onto me from my mother, our kingdom was under attack. I do not remember by what or whom, only that its body was as black as the night and its eyes were a burning red. I was forced away from my family when it attacked and had become unconscious. When I awoke, I was in a remote village where I was than taken by slave traders."
Tearing up at the memory, Kisara breathed out shakily before pulling on a smile.
"As I was in the cell, waiting for my fate to be sealed, it was your father who freed and rescued me. But when he had freed me, the slave traders were after us. Though we did manage to hide ourselves deep within a cave by the Nile River, we had no sense of time as we stayed and got to know one another. But...when I had told him about the tragedy that happened to my family and how unsure I was if they were still alive, I asked him to bear me with a child, so my family's legacy does not fade since my mother had given me the scroll to protect."
Kisara ruffled her daughters hair with a goofy smile.
"I didn't have the courage then to tell him what the true purpose of the scroll was, nor did I yet tell him about the dragon. But he surprised me by agreeing, and even offered to help raise you once his mother took me in. We had made a plan to wed since we were of age, and I would not be looked down upon for having a child without a husband. But due to his dream of someday becoming a priest for the Pharaoh, he said he would occasionally be away for quite some time."
With a tilt of her head, Kisato was confused. "I do not understand, why would you be looked down upon for having me without my father?"
" this society, one would need to be married, or to show some kind of proof that the child they are to have is theirs. If you are not, then you are socially shunned due to the lack of a male authority."
Pouting, Kisato plopped her head against her mothers legs once more. "Why must they shun a person away? I find that to be very unnecessary. It does nothing but hurt the person with their child." With a small smile gracing her mothers lips, Kisara agreed with her daughter. "Wait..." Kisato glanced up. "So, is that the reason why people we come across do not give us the proper service we deserve?" Sadly nodding, Kisato became upset, not at the story and reasons her mother had given her, but because of society's negligence. "What of my father then? Seeing how he is not here."
Kisara was taken aback, but blushed as she smiled. "He said if anything was to go wrong while he was away, I was meant to leave and take refuge at the Pharaoh's palace. He had said that you and I would be safe there and that–...and that he would wait for me."
"And? Did you ever once go to the palace?" With a shake of her head, Kisato pouted again. "Why did you not go?"
"For what reason should I have gone? Yes I would be safe, but for how long until I was used as a puppet due to the dragon's power?" Shaking her head gently, Kisara sighed but it did not stop her voice from wavering. "I would also have been disrespected for my abnormal features, despite being protected from harm. People who do not understand us are afraid of us, Kisato. That is the way our society is." Looking at her daughter worriedly, Kisara had tried to reassure her with a smile. "I only wished to live a simple and humble life as I can. Away from the malice and greed of others, while being able to provide for you as much as I can."
"What is so good about now, if you are still being disrespected by others." Kisato grumbled under her breath as she looked away.
Sighing warily, Kisara continued to smile as she spoke. "You shall understand when you are older." Patting her daughter's shoulder, Kisato looked up at her mother. "But as I was saying about your father. We had talked almost the entire night, which comforted him since he was quite nervous. After we were done having you, he had to check on his sick mother—since he originally left in order to find medicine for her. I was more than happy to go with him since we were almost inseparable back then, even though we had only known one another a mere few hours before."
Remembering the not-so-faded memory of the two, a blush spread across Kisara's cheeks again before sadness clouded her eyes.
"When we arrived, his village was under attack. Flames enveloped everything in sight, and the slave traders who took me away from the village were there. Your father jumped off his horse and ran in a state of shock to one of the burning buildings. I can only imagine that was where his mother and he lived."
Tears glazed over Kisara's eyes at the horrid memory from that time, an overwhelming wave of guilt and sorrow eating her alive.
"I tried to follow him shortly after, but I couldn't get past the crowd of people who kept shoving me. By the time I was finally out of the crowd, I had lost the scroll my mother gave to me."
The tears she tried so hard not to shed, began to drip down her face. Kisato felt sorry for her mother since she knew it was the last thing she had to remember her family by.
"I searched from where I fell only to see that it had burned to ashes. I was about to lose my senses when I overheard your fathers scream. It distracted me for a moment, bringing me out of my thoughts with the only thing on my mind was to protect him. But when I saw the slave traders ruthlessly beating him, my legs wouldn't move due to fear of losing him too. The White Dragon felt my sadness and desperation to protect and save him, and so it had taken form for the first time that night and defeated the slave traders."
With perked up ears, Kisato listened intensely as she gazed at her mother in wonder.
"Unfortunately, I was not yet mentally strong enough because of the horrors that had happened. So when the dragon took form, I fell unconscious and do not remember the events that took place. When I awoke, I was far away from the village and your father. The dragon had not even given me the chance to say goodbye, but I knew that I must continue forward." Brushing her fingers through her daughter's hair again, Kisara lowered herself and placed her forehead against Kisato's. "I had to go on. For you, my dear."
Kisato sat up, leaning on her mother's shoulder but continued to pout for a moment. "I will not ask for more than this if it makes you sad, but I must ask this." Looking her mother in the eyes, Kisato couldn't hold back the curiosity her voice held. "What is my father's name?"
Blushing once more as she smiled, Kisara hesitantly told her daughter the name that would forever change Kisato's destiny.
"His name...was Seth."
It was as though time had stopped.
Kisato's eyes drifted closed, her body felt as though it was being stabbed with a prickling sensation. She felt this tingling pain a few times before, but never this intense. She watched her spirit leave her body and began floating upwards into a black void, where visions of the past came to light.
These visions were not her own, rather they belonged to the men she had heard of.
The Pharaoh had sacrificed a part of his soul in order to save his people and son two days prior from today, which caused his son to become the new Pharaoh. In the future of this vision, however, a bandit intent on destroying the kingdom tried everything he could in order to kill the son as an act of revenge.
A priest with unique dark blue eyes, who was as loyal as he was dedicated–now corrupted with a need for power, as he was blinded by vengeance for a loved one; spewing how it was the Pharaoh's fault.
"Wh–...what is this?" Kisato spoke with an echo escaping her words.
"They are one of many who have been chosen by the string of destiny."
"You must protect the Pharaoh and his spirit for centuries to come."
"You will be the one to protect those of the chosen path, for generation's throughout time."
"Chosen? What nonsense do you speak! I have never heard your voices before." Kisato was frightened and yet intrigued at the mysterious voices. The Spirits who have spoken before appeared in front of the young maiden; almost blowing her away with the humongous gale wind they caused.
A blood red dragon with a mouth within a mouth, and a golden headpiece on top of its head, showed itself first. "We are called by many things, Youngling. But in this world, we are known as the shadows of the Gods of Egypt."
A faded yellow, bony skeleton dragon with crimson eyes and bat-like wings appeared next. "And we have chosen you to protect those who are of the prophecies old and new."
The presence of a dark blue and purple giant, with fangs, horns, and claws appearing, was the last to reveal itself. "You showed great potential, and not just because your mother is protecting the White Dragon with Blue Eyes."
Gasping, Kisato's thoughts ran wild, but there was one that kept repeating itself. 'How much of the White Dragons' past do they know?' Scrunching her brows in concern, Kisato shook her head. "I still do not understand what it is you speak. What prophecies? What do you mean by string of destiny!"
Suddenly, the purplish blue giant had stretched its arm out; giving Kisato yet another vision–but of the distant future."A boy, named Yugi Mutō, is to be the host for the Pharaoh in the future." The golden skeleton dragon spoke. "But the Pharaoh and he shall go through hardships, either one fighting for dominance of the body they shall share."
The blood red dragon was the second to speak. "Though as time progresses, they will come to an understanding. And shall create a bond so strong, that they will have the faith and courage to destroy the evil that will soon, appear again."
The visions were brought to light as Kisato witnessed the man with brown hair and blue eyes, a permanent scowl upon his face, creating advanced technology that she had no knowledge of. Just as a gust of white light appeared, the scenery had changed to faces Kisato had no recognition of, but her own.
Within this vision she was much older than she is currently, surrounded by a group of other people of whom she could not see their faces, but her smile made it clear that she was happy. Confused by this vision, the Egyptian Gods broke the connection before the next one could appear.
Breathing heavily as she tried to wrap her mind around what was happening, Kisato wobbly stood before gazing at the Gods. " will it be possible for I to live this long?"
"Do not worry, child. The answer to that will appear soon." The dark giant spoke. "Now, go."
"Go to the Pharaoh's palace, and tell them of your destiny."
"We wish you luck on your journey...Eset."
And with that, branding Kisato with a sacred name, the Gods released her from their mental connection.
Allowing her mind and spirit to return to her body.
"KISTAO!!" Her mother shook her, just as Kisato blinked in confusion.
"Where..where am I?" Kisato's head blistered in pain, gently pushing her hands against her head, the maiden felt as though she might throw her lunch out as the events that took place in her mind's eye confused her more as she tried to remember.
"What do you mean where? Have you forgotten already, what has happened Kisato?"
Shutting her eyes tightly before reopening them, Kisato's vision swayed and tipped as she stood, tripping over her own feet and just barely standing. "Phar-...Gods-..palace." The maiden's words were still disorientated, trying her best to regain control of her body and speech.
"You are not making any sense my child, what do you mean by the Gods?"
Gripping onto the wooden pillar of their home, Kisato breathed heavily as her mother ran to her side. After a moment, Kisato was able to say coherent words once more and began explaining to her mother what and who she saw.
Kisara's already pale face became whiter than her hair upon hearing the information.
"I-..I must go to the palace at once, the..the Gods had asked that of me."
"You will not go anywhere." Her mother strictly said.
Staring up at her mother with a pleading expression, Kisato began to beg. "But I–!"
"Not without me." Smiling sadly, Kisara knew too well what one's destiny means of them. Grabbing hold of her daughter's hand, Kisara brought Kisato to the far corner of their home, pulling out a wooden box and prying it open. "These were the robes I wore when my kingdom was under attack. I will give them to you, in hopes that it may benefit and give you entry into the palace."
Staring at her mothers glossed over eyes, Kisato smiled widely, thanking her mother as she felt herself gain a sliver of courage to fulfill her duty.
*~Four Days Later~*
Stopping the horse near a remote home, Kisato couldn't help but to constantly look over her shoulder with a nervous glance from the alarming encounter they had earlier. "Do not be afraid darling, the White-Dragon has taken care of those thugs and they shall not follow us anymore."
"I understand mother, was my first time to truly see the White-Dragon's power. I was afraid that you would never wake up."
Seeing her daughter faintly shake when she lowered her head, Kisara placed a hand on top of Kisato's head, startling her for a moment. "It takes a lot of energy to bring forth the dragon, so I must be sure that the only time it is summoned, is when those I care about are in danger and not myself. But rest assured that the person who lives in this home has treated us well when we lived here for some time."
" come we did not stay?" Glancing up at her mother, Kisara hopped off the horse and began to guide it by its reins after securing her hood down.
"It was a complicated time. The flood had been too large, it destroyed several homes and villages, but because of that food was also scarce." Tugging her daughter's hood down when she saw her hair beginning to stick out, Kisara continued while smiling. "I had no choice but to leave, since the flood was close to this home. The person who took us in, Aziza, made me promise to come back once the flooding was over...however I did not have the heart to do it until now."
"Why is that mother?"
Tying the horse's reins to the wooden post, Kisara petted and fed the horse after she thanked the creature for taking them so far. "The villagers here did not approve of Aziza taking in a stranger who looked different from others, so we were constantly harassed. I did not want to place such a burden on her, so when I had to leave due to the flood, I thought I was also doing good for her to not return."
"I see...I can understand why you did that mother, she is a person you also care for." After helping her daughter down, Kisara's own body began to shake nervously as they stood in front of the door. Holding her mother's hand tightly, Kisato smiled and reassured her as she knocked on the door for her mother, Kisara became flustered but the door soon opened to reveal a child about the same age as Kisato.
"Hello little one, we are looking for Aziza, does she still live here?" The child turned their head and shouted for their mother to come; the child being scolded in the process for opening the door to strangers.
"Can I help you?" Kisara slowly lifted her hood, Aziza instantly recognizing her as tears welded in her eyes. "Kisara!!" Hugging her tightly, Kisara felt both happy and uncomfortable as she hugged back, only to be released and getting hit on the shoulder. "How dare you not return sooner!! Do you have any idea how worried sick I was?! I was afraid I would die young from how much I worried about you and the baby!"
Kisara burst out in laughter, but it only confused her daughter. "Forgive me, I did not think you cared about me that much to worry everyday."
Hitting her mother's shoulder one more time, Kisara couldn't stop laughing. "Oh you...!!" With a sigh, Aziza smiled and welcomed them in. "I will ask my husband to bring your things inside, so come in. You came at the right time, I had just finished cooking." Gazing down at Kisato, she saw the maiden drooling at the smell and laughed. "By the look on your faces, you must have been traveling for quite a long time."
"Thank you very much for the food, but I must get going."
"Are you sure you cannot go tomorrow instead?" Aziza worried, Kisara placing a hand on her shoulder with a sad smile.
"I too am worried, but Kisato has made her decision. Once she makes up her mind, it is very hard to stop her."
Humming in thought, Aziza smiled. "Sounds like someone I know quite well." Kisara grew flustered, but had no time to think as she was tackled by her daughter.
"I promise to return whenever I can, so please...stay safe, mother."
Smiling as she hugged her daughter back, Kisara grew anxious. "I will do my best. Stay safe for me as well, darling."
"I will do my best!" Kisato cheekily smiled, hugging her mother tighter than before. "I love you, mother."
Tears brimmed at the corner of her eyes as Kisara kissed the top of her daughter's head. "And I love you, Kisato." As Kisato walked over to the door, she never once looked back.
Kisato knew that if she did, then her resolve would dwindle, ignoring the Gods in the process and would stay with her mother.
Sighing shakily as she stared up at the intensity of the palace, her stomach began doing flips as a creature who has been appearing recently in her presence suddenly popped up. "Do not worry my lady, all will be well." The white furry creature with angelic white wings, closed their eyes happily at Kisato.
Breathing in deeply, she walked towards the palace guards who –on instincts– made an 'X' with their spears. "State your business."
Gulping down air in her dry throat, Kisato breathed in as she had taken off her hood, straightening herself to show that she will not be intimidated. "My name is Kisato, daughter of a High Priestess from the Kingdom of Leoht. I am here on urgent business and must speak with the Pharaoh at once to discuss these matters." The guards bickered and debated before finally agreeing to let Kisato into the palace; a few extra guards gathered around her. 'Better to be safe, I suppose. I can understand why they would like to be cautious. The previous Pharaoh had just passed away after all.'
Keeping her chin up high, Kisato tried distracting herself from her fears by thinking of what to say and how to keep her words from sounding ridiculous and impudent.
Stopping, she had not realized that she was already alone with no guards by her side. Looking further up, her words were caught in her throat as Kisato's eyes widened from shock.
She was inside the throne room, where the Pharaoh and Wearers of the Millennium Items were waiting for her to bow and speak with respect, but the young maiden's body seemed to have frozen as images of the visions that the Gods had shown her played in her mind.
With an impatient cough, Kisato snapped out of her trance, bowing rather ungracefully before a chuckle escaped through someone's lips. "What is funny my lord?"
Composing herself, the Pharaoh asked her a question that rendered her speechless from the kindness in his voice. "It is alright, you mustn't need to bow child. But tell me, why have you come to my palace?"
Blinking a few times, Kisato straightened herself before explaining her situation with a lowered gaze. "My name is Kisato, Pharaoh. Although I have told the guards that my mother, a High Priestess, has come from the Kingdom of Leoht...I am not here to speak about the past, but rather the future."
Looking up quickly, she saw that the Pharaoh was giving her an encouraging smile, urging her to continue.
"I had communicated with the Spirits known as the Egyptian Gods a mere few days ago...they have told me about my destiny, and of the future to come. I was told I needed to protect your spirit, Pharaoh, and others who are of a prophecy old and new to come. They chose me as a protector to these beings, and one of those Gods has given me a name for my journey as well; Eset."
The Pharaoh, as well as those with the Millennium Items gasped as they argued and debated; all but the Pharaoh himself. Kisato lowered her head in fear, afraid that what she had said may be a lie in their minds.
Trying her best to hold her frightened tears back, she did not want the Wearers of the Items to see her intimidated and weak by the force of their voices, but ultimately failed as she clenched her hands against her robes. 'I wish I was as strong as mother. I need her courage more now than ever.'
With silent tears trickling down her face, those who were a part of the heated debate were not looking at her, and for that she was grateful. Kisato jumped slightly as someone began to wipe away the tears from her eyes, noticing that it was the Pharaoh who stood in front of her.
Lightly gasping, the holders of the Items did not see their king walking away from his throne, and the guards had looked at their feet. Wiping the rest of her tears from her face using his cape, the Pharaoh gently smiled.
"It is alright child." After a moment of silence, he held his hand out. "Come, follow me. We will discuss whatever the Gods have told you alone." With the Pharaoh's outstretched hand, Kisato looked over at the Wearers before looking back at her king, nodding as she took his hand.
"I see. So these visions you have are events that have yet to come?" The Pharaoh spoke in awe.
Kisato nodded. "Yes. And although it scares me most times, I am no longer afraid. Especially since I could see the spirits you trapped within the stone tablets."
"Very intriguing, how did you know we trap the spirits within the tablets?"
"They speak to me about it. I am able to understand them, but they say only those who are like me, will be able to see them."
"Ah, I understand. Then do you know what my future holds after the events take place?" Nodding, Kisato soon frowned sadly as she gazed into the palace pond.
"Yes, but I had promised the Gods when they came to me again, that I had to swear by their names that I would not tell you about it. I have never broken a promise, so of course I am not going to start with the Gods."
The two chuckled at the statement as they looked at one another.
Continuing their peaceful conversation as the other six guardians of the Items had panicked, starting their search for the Pharaoh. "They also forbidden me from telling you their true names, until the day you will need to know, in order to vanquish the evil spirit that will soon come."
"I see. I shall not hold it against you, but I do like that you are honest." The Pharaoh smiled kindly as Kisato gave a cheeky grin.
A tall male with a veil over his head and a Millennium Item around his neck, came running towards the Pharaoh and Kisato. "Pharaoh!! There you are!" Huffing in exhaustion as he came closer to the two, Kisato hid behind the Pharaoh as he waved and gave a hello.
Turning to the white-haired child, the Pharaoh smiled at her as he spoke. "Do not be afraid, there is no reason why Mahado would hurt you or I." Reassuring her, Kisato contemplated before nodding, leaving his back and standing next to him instead.
With a bow, the Pharaoh chuckled at his breathlessness. "Please, do not leave without letting us know, Pharaoh. We do not know if she's yet to harm you or not." With a nod, Mahado continued. "The others and I have come to an agreement. She will be judged once we enter her mind to see if what she says is true."
Gulping nervously, Kisato knew she did nothing wrong and yet, she could not control her fear of Mahado's intimidating posture. "She has caused no harm to me from the time we have spent together. And why should I report to you, when it is you who should report to me?" Biting her lips, Kisato stifled her laughter as Mahado blushed in embarrassment.
"F-forgive me Pharaoh!" Kneeling, Mahado bowed deeply before the Pharaoh chuckled, bringing the tall male back to his feet.
"I was merely playing a joke, Mahado. I did not mean it." Smiling brightly, Mahado gave an exasperated look, sighing, the Pharaoh continued. "But I have made a decision on my own as I had talked with our new guest."
Gasping, Kisato as well as Mahado, stared at the Pharaoh in shock.
'Then...does that mean he truly believes what I had said?'
Mahado spluttered out in bewilderment. "My cannot be serious about this decision?"
"In the little time that I have known Kisato, she has spoken nothing but the truth to me. She has no reason to lie about this–and if she isn't a messenger of the Gods, even then she should be treated with proper respect as she is here to seek refuge."
With widened eyes from both Kisato and Mahado, they opened their mouths to speak in unison, only Kisato stopped herself. "B-but sire–!"
"You all may continue to pass judgment on her if that is what everyone wishes, but know that my word is my bond. And what I say is true." The Pharaoh smiled as he spoke with unmoving authority yet kindness at the same time. "So let it be written, so let it be done." Bowing as the words left the Pharaoh's lips, Mahado stretched his hand out towards Kisato before fear immediately clouded her mind. Looking at the Pharaoh, he nodded still with a smile on his face, encouraging Kisato to take his hand.
Gulping nervously, Kisato breathed in before releasing the shaky air from her lungs as Mahado held onto her hand just tightly enough so that Kisato had gotten the message to not run away.
As the trio made their way back to the Pharaoh's throne room, the Pharaoh patted the young maiden's head before sitting on his throne and waited for the others to be finished.
The Millennium Guardians did their trial, but as they got deeper and deeper into her subconscious–the Gods themselves spoke through Kisato.
Frightening the others.
"This child has been chosen to become The Protector of All." Through the Millennium Items, the guardians can see the Gods, and have noticed that it was Lord Hamon –to them, a yellow skeleton dragon– that has spoken first.
"You will not harm her. For if you do, there will be much to pay." Lord Raviel hissed, anger and spite seeping from his voice. "It is that of your best interest, to keep her safe as you would your Pharaoh."
"For if she dies, then the creatures of hell as well as those in the Spirit World, who have learned to trust and respect her, will break free from their tablets you've imprisoned them in–causing yet another destruction of the world." Lord Uria spoke last, trying his best to calm the sudden escalation of Lord Raviel's threat, while trying to keep his own anger at bay.
The only female with the Millennium Necklace; Ishizu, spoke sincerely as she deeply bowed; causing the others to follow suit. "We shall do everything in our power to keep her safe. We do not wish or mean to disrespect you three all-powerful Gods. That is not our intention."
"Good. Since Eset is still a Youngling, we cannot continue to communicate with others through her until she is stronger through mind."
"The stress of one of us alone will cause her to become ill."
"So we must retreat before we injure her any further."
As the six guardians agreed to the terms, they released Kisato from judgment.
But just as they did, Kisato's eyes fluttered closed with a groan; blood spilling down from her nose before collapsing onto the ground face first, her labored breathing caused her vision and mind to race and spin.
The Pharaoh was quickly by her side, carrying her before ordering a pair of guards to take her to the guest-chambers, giving her the proper treatment she deserves, as well as anything she will need once she awakens.
*~Eight Days Later~*
'It has been days since she's collapsed. Why has she not awakened?' This question echoed through everyone's mind. Little did they know, Kisato awoke mere hours ago; her mind in a haze from repeated visions she will soon not remember.
"My Pharaoh, Kisato has still not awoke." With a sullen frown and concern glazing over the Pharaoh's eyes, his grand vizier; Siamun Muran, continued. "The celebration for you becoming officially Pharaoh, can no longer be postponed, sire. We must begin the preparations before the end of the embalming ceremony." Vizier Siamun nervously glanced at the Pharaoh, bowing with an expression full of worry as he slightly cringed. "And..forgive me, as I keep bringing unwelcoming news to you...but you must attend several dinners today, and meet with the royals of the other lands tomorrow, in order to find a wife and make a kin."
With an unamused sigh, the Pharaoh decided to use Kisato as an excuse. "I very well understand, but I cannot leave until I know for certain that Kisato is alright."
Smiling with an exasperating look, Vizier Siamun calmed himself and nodded. "As you wish, Pharaoh."
"And what of the arrangements for the Nile Festivals in the upcoming second season, due to the flourish of the flood?"
"Everything has been completed. Once your schedule for meeting the Royals of Atlantis and the Royals in the nearby countries are over, the guards will be ready to accompany you to the Nile River, in order to give thanks for a wonderful harvest." The Pharaoh pouted for a moment, knowing his Vizier was not going to let him go without meeting the officials as well.
The Pharaoh remembered a very crucial piece of information with the Atlantean's, and had decided meeting them would be on his list of top priorities. "I understand, you may leave."
Placing his arm across his chest, Siamun left to begin the preparations for the Pharaoh's coronation.
The Pharaoh stood from his throne, suddenly bored as he wandered around the palace, continuing to find new secret passages and tunnels from below. As the Pharaoh wandered further on the grounds of the palace, he saw Mahado training Mana.
A grin surfaced as he got closer to his two longest friends. "Mana, Mahado!" The two stopped their training and saw their friend–Mana instantly running before jumping on him. "Mana! Release the Pharaoh at once!" With a pout, she listened; causing the Pharaoh to laugh loudly before Mahado had given him an update on the situation.
"I see, so she has still not awoken?"
With a shake of his head, the trio became silent for a moment before a guard rushed over to them; breathless and on the verge of collapsing.
"What is it?" Mahado asked urgently.
" is Kisato! She.." The Pharaoh braced himself for the worse when the guard stopped himself to regain his breath. "She is awake!!"
With widened eyes, the Pharaoh had asked Mana to help the guard as Mahan and he ran to Kisato's corridors. When they approached, the other five guardians were also running towards them, hearing the news they've been waiting more than a week for.
Once they entered, they saw Kisato had wobbled away from her bed and used the wall to support herself, trying to steady herself when everyone barged in. Looking up, her legs still wobbled as she smiled at the seven guardians before losing her footing and fell to the ground; causing Priest Seth to carry the maiden bridal-style.
"You have been asleep for quite some time, my lady. I think it would be best if we put you through basic training in order to gain blood flow back into your leg's."
"I second that. Mahado, would you take the honor of helping Kisato?" The Pharaoh asked, but Mahado took it as a command when he bowed to agree. "And once she regains the ability to properly walk, I shall leave her to be trained by all six of you Item Wearers. What her subjects should be, shall be decided later."
Everyone vividly remembered what the Gods had told the guardians, and agreed without a second thought; all bowing and accepting the command without hesitation. The Pharaoh was about to speak once again when everyone heard the young maiden's stomach growl rather loudly, causing the Pharaoh to chuckle. "But first, some food is required if you are to keep your strength up."
"I do not wish to continue this! It is much too hard for me!!"
Several days passed and Kisato whined before falling to the ground, tears threatening to pour as she buried her face on her knees. Feeling unable to do much as she was not getting the hang of her Heka yet.
Mahado sighed almost impatiently, but Mana smiled as she walked before kneeling in front of Kisato. "Would you like to know something?" Kisato looked at Mana with watery eyes and a slight pink nose. "Those were the exact same words I said when I was first starting." Mana chuckled as she continued. "But now look at me! I am Mahado's top Magician! So you see, no matter how hard the situation may be, you cannot give up."
Mana whispered the last sentence for Kisato's ears only.
"Besides, Mahado is just upset that he had to cancel his meditation session with Ishizu." As she giggled, Kisato worked up the courage to continue training with Mahado and Mana. They trained for hours from after the sun rose in the morning, to its almost setting.
Mahado walked Kisato to her living quarters and the two spoke quite comfortably. Mahado confessed to Kisato about the stress he's been enduring for the Pharaoh; ever since his father died so suddenly. Kisato told him about her life and experiences before coming to the palace–leaving her mother out.
She knew that if anyone ever found out the White Dragon was being protected by her mother, something terrible would happen. She felt it, and not just because of her mothers words echoing from before in her mind.
Once Mahado saw Kisato safely to her room, he departed from her.
After saying goodnight, she entered her chambers before witnessing a lovely dress with a few items next to it, beside it read a letter.
Kisato tried to make sense of the unfamiliar text; knowing very little from her mother.
"Welcome Kisato.
Of the short days you've been here, you have taken a sacred position that is rightfully yours. We believe in the Gods that have chosen you to protect the Pharaoh.
If there is anything you desire, please come to me if you wish.
Priest Seth." > 

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2023 ⏰

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