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~~~Hayley's POV~~~

When I got there, I saw a trail of roses, so... I followed them. At the end there was a string hanging down from the bleachers. I pulled on it, and a card was attached to it. On the front, it said,
I love you. If you love me, you'll open this card <3
I opened it, and it started playing love story by Taylor Swift.
I started singing along.
"Romeo save me I've been feeling so alone. I keep waiting for you but you never come. Is this in my head? I don't know what to think he knelt to the ground, pulled out a ring and said, Marry me Juliet you'll never have to be alone I love you and that's all I really know. I talked to your dad go pick out a white dress its a love story"
"Baby just say yes."
I turned around and saw Caiden holing a sign that said in big, bold, sparkly letters,
"Yes Caiden!! I would love to go to prom!!"
He pulled me into a hug and rested his chin on my head.
"I love you Hayles"
"I love you too Caiden"
The rest of the day went by really fast. The ride home was filled with 'congrats' and 'we needa go shopping for dresses tomorrow'. Pherie seemed more exited than I was!
~~~Pherie's POV ~~~
I am so happy that Hayles got asked to prom! Her and Caiden have been dating forever! But, I don't blame them. Hayley's blonde, Caiden's a brunette. Ya know what they say. Opposites attract. They made it in the yearbook twice as a couple. Their titles are, 'most likely to get married' and 'cutest couple'. My boyfriend asked me last week. Not as romantic as Hayles and Caiden. At all. It was simple. Text message. But only cause he wasn't in town. He was out of town, already getting fitted for a tux. I should probably tell you his name. It's Brandon. He's tall and has brown hair and tan skin.
The next day, we went shopping for dresses. We went to a store call 'Sexy and I know it'. I always thought the title was weird, so the store would be. But, I was so wrong. It's an amazing store!! I always shop there for dress shoes and dresses.

Hey guys!! This is a short chapter. Sorry. Next chapter will make up for it though. If you're reading, I really appreciate it. Seriously you guys, I'm your biggest fan for reading this! I was thinking of adding cast members. For Brandon, the way I described him, he should be Taylor
Love ya!

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