28. Silence

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I walk home slowly, to anyone else, I would seem peaceful, as if I was just out for a stroll beneath the red leaves and foggy air. It must be around midday, though the sun is anything but bright as it dissolves within the dense mist that surrounds me.

I arrive home, but my body takes me straight to the dark, gloomy mansion instead of to my light little cottage.

Maybe I just need the dark sense of doom, or maybe I just need my family. Either way, George opens the door for me and greets me worriedly, I only nod back and start to make my way upstairs. I've climbed exactly seven stairs before my mother appears at the top, her hands on her hips, glaring at me like i'm not allowed inside.

"What are you doing here Edward?" She asks. I don't answer her, I just continue to climb up the stairs and push past her towards my own room.

Apparently my father chose not to turn my room into his office after all, opting instead for one of the rooms on the ground floor for that purpose. Even if he hadn't though, I was fully prepared to crash in one of the sofas.

My room is still intact. My bed is covered with my old red comforter, a big hole in one of the corners, white puff spilling out. I've had it since I was eight.

A football trophy from when I joined the team after Lucas coached me in sixth grade sits on a shelf above my desk. Everything is here, every memory of my life before I chose to move out, before Lou came back.

I don't change my clothes, I don't close the door behind me, I just curl up in a ball and lay on my bed, facing my big glass wall.

My mother comes in and asks angry questions from the door, but I don't really process anything about what she says, so I don't know what she wants. My dad tries to get me to talk, George brings me some food, even Sebastian sits on my bed and tries to get a reaction out of me.

Sorry, I think, I truly just want to be alone.

I spend the rest of the day curled up, drifting in and out of consciousness, vaguely registering when people stop by. I don't move, I don't eat, I don't change position, I just lay here comfortably, allowing my mind to rest a little.

When night finally arrives, my senses seem to sharpen. I register in the reflection of the glass, a boy sitting just outside my open bedroom door, his back to the wall of the hallway and his eyes focused on me. He seems to be drifting asleep, his head bobbing to the side as he falls asleep, immediately wakes himself up just before he hits the ground and focuses back on my curled up body. He repeats this sequence four times as I watch.

"Lucas," my mother speaks to the boy, "Blair is here looking for you, would you both join us for dinner? You said you wanted to talk to me and Eddy's dad?"

"Thank you, Anne." His raspy voice responds, "I'll be down in just one second."

Lucas stands up, walks to the door and hesitates for a moment before stepping inside the room and closing the door behind him. He sits on my bed and looks down at me as I stare at his reflection. My heartbeat quickens.

"Eddy," he moves a curl from my forehead and tucks it behind my ear, his touch feels too hot on my freezing body. I shut my eyes tightly. "I'm here to tell your mom and dad the truth. I think they deserve to know everything so they can take care of you." He continues. I feel my eyes burn with repressed tears as he keeps stroking my hair. "Blair is also here, she just wants to talk to your dad. He agreed to be our lawyer you know? Even before he heard everything, he promised to help us, no matter what we'd done. I'm sure he won't want to after he hears the truth, but it felt nice to know that he jumped at the chance to help me."

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