The Quest Begins

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Dipper's POV

We all huddled together to hear Axel's plan. I have to say, this guy is pretty impressive.

"Okay guys, this is what we are going to do. First, we have to restore the field around the Shack. This book must have sent a blast that knocked it out temporarily so we are gonna have to fix it," Axel said.

"Celestabelleabethabelle can give us some of her hair!" Mabel said.

"What? You think after what you did I would do that for- HEY!" the unicorn exclaimed as Mabel cut off some hair from her.

"You were saying?" Mabel asked. She just grunted and went away.

"Okay. So now we can repair the barrier," I said. "Dipper and Ford, you guys can go do that."

"Sure, Dipper," said. Ford nodded and both of them went outside. I kept explaining the rest to the others.

Dipper's POV

Grunkle Ford and I got to repair the barrier again. I grabbed a bottle of glue and went outside with him.

"Dipper, don't you think there's something suspicious about Axel?" Ford asked me.

"Not really. He looks like a good guy to me. Do you still not trust no one here in Gravity Falls Grunkle Ford?" I replied.

"No, it's just that... Well he seems to good to be true. I mean, he just came out of no where. How do we know he's not with Bill?"

"I think you're overreacting," I said and continued to glue strands of hair around the house. Ford didn't talk after that and we just continued that for a while.

Until we saw an Eye-bat flying around. Good thing we had finished already. When I put the last hair the barrier reactivated again and both of us hurried inside the shack.

"There's some Eye-bats lurking outside," Ford informed. Everybody turned off the lights and closed the windows. After a while they went away.

"Okay, you two weren't here so I'll tell you what happened. Seems the parts to the Shack-tron are still at the dump so we need to go get them. Bill is going to realize he has the wrong book soon so we need to get going," Axel explained.

We nodded and they split into groups. Axel, Ford, McGucket, Soos, Wendy, The Manotaurs and some Gnomes would go get the stuff. The rest of us were going to stay here and start drilling holes and stuff.

"We'll be back soon," Axel said as the group stepped outside. They had already geared up incase one of Bill's minions comes after them. "And remember, don't let anything happen to that Book."

And with that they left.

Bill's POV

"Where is the REAL BOOK!" I yelled at Stanley.

"I don't know!" he yelled back.

"Fine then, I'll just have to find it in your mind!" I exclaimed and left my physical form. But then I something went wrong and I flashed back into my 3D self.

"What? Grrr. I can't go into the Mindscape!?!" I went red and glitched more frequently. This is exactly why I need that book!

"Haha! Take that you Nacho! Although you looked more like a bitten one," Stan remarked.

"SILENCE!" I yelled. "I'll just have to do this the hard way..."

"What do you mean?" He said and chains came out of the walls and chained his arms and legs. "What? Let me go!"

"This will be fun. Ahaha. HAHAHA!" I yelled as I started torturing him. You will break Stan. You will.

A/N Hey what's up guys? CM here with another chapter of The Return. This is my last chapter for the summer and updates will be slower since I'm going back to school on Monday. So yeah. There should be like 5 chapters left of this book and it's over. Be sure to leave some feedback and smash that vote button.
Anyways, CM out!

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