Hero Complex

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Hello beautiful people out there! First of all, I want to apologize for my late update. You'll see, today I started school (right in the Malec Week, I know, such is my luck), so I'll probably be posting my participations late, but I promise you that you'll have your rightful one-shot!

Now, speaking specifically about this story, I want to tell you that the idea is a bit sad and darker than others instead of being just happiness and love. The reason behind it is that, point number one, the idea isn't mine, but a friends. Point number two, I really suck at AU's. If I've written two or three of those in the years I've been into fanfiction, that's a lot, so I was at a point in which whatever it came sounded good, and this one was indeed a good idea.

I just don't like AU's, I appreciate that there's a huge amount of originality put into them, so that things make sense and the pieces fall into the right place, but, quite personally... I feel that if there are no angels or demons or shadowhunters in a story that revolves around exactly that... then they're not really the same characters, okay? It's just something stupid in case you wanted to know.

Anyways, enough of my rambling! I need to get to my bed before I pass-out of sleep-deprivation!

Monday-AU Settings Day

Hero Complex

To be quite honest, Magnus hated hospitals, hated the sick sensation of waiting that hung in the air, hated the way silences extended until they become unbearable, hated how uttering a word in there, even breathing felt wrong, as if he was using someone else's air, someone else's life-time.

However, even less did he like the idea of Catarina returning home from her late-shift through the empty and very dangerous streets of New York City on her own.

Seriously, the woman was like an older sister to him, the caring, wiser figure that was willing to look after him and fix his messes, help him keep his things together. She was the closest to family Magnus Bane had ever known, and the thought of losing her, of ever seeing her hurt, terrified him―not that he'd ever told her so, although she probably had figured that out on her own, smart as the nurse was.

It wasn't that he thought Catarina Loss couldn't take care of herself. Of course she could. It was merely that he felt better knowing where she was, knowing she was safe. Most of times, Catarina simply let him do, not having the heart ―or willing to― tell Magnus she didn't need him to walk her home every night. Besides, they could always drop by at a restaurant for dinner, which basically explained what Magnus Bane was doing sitting at the waiting room of a cold, god-forgotten hospital.

Because, of course Catarina Loss would stay to work overtime. Of course she would. That was almost as doubting that gray clouds predicted rain. That was, to put it simply, her essence, give more that she was asked to, give in to the needs of others until she forgot her own.

To be honest, Magnus didn't really care about the time he lost waiting in that hospital, but rather about his friend's health. If Catarina continued overworking herself as she did chances were that soon enough he wouldn't stand in that hospital as merely an escort.

With a muffled grunt, Magnus brought himself to his feet and rubbing his eyes he head to the restroom.

Knowing Catarina, there probably had been an accident during her shift at the Emergency Room and that was what kept her from leaving at the time her contract stipulated.

Tired as he was, it took Magnus way longer than it should have to notice that the people blocking his way to the restrooms were arguing, their teeth gritted a little too tightly in sake of keeping the composure.

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