CHAPTER 2: Alcoholic effects. (Bella and Jacobs P.O.V)

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Jacobs P.O.V.

When I put the cup down; Bella was still giving me her warning glare.


I decided I'd have to lie to get her to drink it, so I began to laugh.

"What? Jacob! Are you drunk?" She was yelling now.

"No Bella... You should have seen the look on your face when you thought I was drinking, priceless."

I think she was buying the lie.

"So that's not alcohol?" She asked pointing at the punch bowl.

"No Bella of course not, I wouldn't hear the end of it if Billie found out."

That being part true, I managed to buy the alcohol myself without being asked I.D. being a wolf had it's advantages.

"Okay well good..." Bella seemed to clam down quite a bit letting the lie relax her.

Bellas P.O.V.

I was glad Jake wasn't drinking, I took a deep breath and put some of the drink into my cup.

"What is this anyway?"

"Just punch Bella."

I began drinking the punch it was nice, it tasted fruity.

By my forth glass I began feeling a little bit of a buzz but I guessed that would be a given at a party this size.

I had lost count of the amount of punch Jacob had drunk.

After a few more drinks the world was spinning I felt good.

I closed my eyes, when I opened them again everyone was dancing in an in closed area.

"Jacob what?"

"Don't worry about it Bella I'll go get us another drink."

I had lost count of how many drinks we had, had.

We were dancing around like idiots but I didn't care I felt good.

"Sooooo Jacob I kinda nedddda go to the toilettt."

"Jacob laughed.

"Okay Bella.

Jacobs P.O.V.

Bella was dancing around like an idiot, she was lucky, I had drunken more then twice what she had and I was only beginning to feel a buzz.

I grabbed her hand and lead her towards the house I had to hold her up she was stumbling all over the place, she could not handle her alcohol.

I stopped her just outside the house.

"Bella listen to me." I said trying to sound as serious as possible.

"Jake why are youuu angry did I do something to make you madddd?"

I sculled down the last of my drink and throw the cup on the ground.

"Bella listen to me, if you want to go to the bathroom you have to act normal if Billie finds out..."

I was cut off by Billie himself.

"Jake? Bella? What are you two doing standing outside?"

I acted as sober as possible, which wasn't that hard it was Bella I was concerned about.

"Nothing dad Bella just needs to use the bathroom that's all."

"Okay you kids have fun." Billie said as he stepped back inside.

"Byeeeeeeee Billieeee." Bella screamed while laughing.

I put my hand over her mouth.

"Bella! Shhh! That's it go behind that bush!"

"watta you talking about jakeyy?"

I was getting annoyed now.

"Bella just go."

I pushed Bella behind the bush and waited.

Bellas P.O.V.

Everything around me was a blur, Jacobs words, my surroundings, half the time I didn't remember who I was or what I was doing.

Jacob pushed me painfully behind the bush.

"Owwee jake!" I yelled as a stream of blood ran down my leg.

Jacob didn't answer.

I pulled up my dress and began.

As the moments went on I began getting more and more out of it the world was spinning I felt like a little kid again.

I came out laughing.

Jacobs P.O.V.

I was about to go in there and see what was taking Bella so long when I heard her laughing shortly after she appeared her leg was covered in blood she seemed amused.

"Bella! What did you do?"

If I returned her like this to her bloodsucker who knows what would happen.

"It's your faultttt!" She moaned as she put her arm around my waist.

She had alcohol all over her hair and her dress but she still looked beautiful.

That leech would never have let her do this.

"Lets go back to da party I wanna another drink."

"Bella I think you have had enough."

"Itz just punch jakkee."

If only she knew.

I got Bella cleaned up while sculling down various cups of vodka, maybe if I was as drunk as Bella I wouldn't have to put up with her immaturity.

I saw Bella drinking quiet a few cups herself, she got faster every time.

I refilled the punch bowl deciding this wasn't fast enough so I grabbed the whole punch bowl and began to scull the whole thing.

The bowl was gone with in seconds, now this is more like it. The world began spinning straight away but I still wasn't at bellas level.

I refilled the punch bowl a good 10 times before I had lost complete control of my actions.

"Lett me try jackyy." Bella said as she refilled and sculled the whole bowl down making her dress more wet.

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