Adventures in Fred Meyers

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"I'm hungry let's buy food."
"We don't have any money, Peyton," Ariana responded.
Peyton and Ariana had gone to Fred Meyers after school before Robotics to kill time and such.
"Let's go find people to take money from then," Peyton suggested as she took her third cookie from the bakery sample container.
The two girls walked through every aisle in the store, seeing only upperclassmen and random students.
"UUGGHH, nobody's here!"
"How about we go upstairs and scope the scene some more," Ariana said.
They walked to the elevator, the stairs being too lame for these cool kids, and went up to the second floor of Fred Meyers. Standing behind the railing of the seating area by Starbucks, they looked at all the people passing by. After a couple of minutes they see.. Chen! Chen was walking around with Jessica, who knows what they were looking for.
"There's our ticket," Peyton said as they ran down the stairs to catch up with Chen. If there was one thing they knew, it was that Chen always had money with him!
"CHEEEENNN!" They shouted as they ran towards him.
"What do you want, kids," Chen asked.
"Chen we want money and food," Peyton replied, a little too excited.
"UUUGGGH.. Ok, alright," Chen said as he reached in his pocket for his wallet.  When the two had their money they walked around the store aimlessly trying to find something  to eat.
"I want something to drink," Ariana said.
Peyton couldn't understand why anyone would want to drink something instead of eating food, so of course she said
"No way, let's eat something!"
The two argued about what to eat and eventually ended up buying some cookies and Ariana got her off brand 69 cent soda.
When they returned it was 4:28, late for robotics like usual.
"At least we missed the beginning meeting," Peyton said as the two walked and ate their food.

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