Donald's Burgers

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It was early in the morning when Sydney arrived at the fast food place. Turning the key to unlock the door, she stepped into the building and turned on the lights.
"What the..."
Abby was sleeping on the floor! Sydney walked over to her and nudged her awake.
"Heeeey," Abby said.
"Abby what are you doing?" Sydney asked.
"I was having a sleepover with myself," she replied.
"Why tho-
Sydney was suddenly cut off when Peyton and Saruni walked through the front entrance together.
"Heeeeey," they greeted in synchronization.
"Hey guys, good to see you aren't late again," Sydney said.
Sydney and the other three all formed a circle and started dancing fantastically.
After a few minutes of jig time they stopped to wonder where Ariana was.
Abby said, slightly panicked, "the store opens in 10 minutes where's our fry cook?"
The coworkers all looked at each other with horror.
"Who's gonna flip the burgers? Peyton asked, we all suck at it except for Ariana."
"I say we take a vote and whoever seems would do the best job flips those dead cows," Saruni suggested. A couple minutes passed and the winner walked into the kitchen to claim her prize.
"Whyyyy," Abby cried as she looked at the greasy grill.
3 minutes until opening.
"Group meeting!" Sydney shouted and everyone scrambled into a team huddle.
"We are going to make some great burgers and we are going to make some great money!"
Sounds of cheers rang throughout the restaurant as the first customer walked through the door.
"Hello welcome to Donald's Burgers, how may I help you?" Saruni chimed at the lady.
"I would like 400 kids meals to go please, the woman responded, My child is having a birthday party with his entire school and he loves your cheeseburgers."
"Yes ma'am, and when would you like those to be delivered?"

Panic spread throughout the kitchen as Abby tried her best to fill the orders. Sydney and Peyton were standing right next to her cheering her on.
"Go Abby, go Abby!" Peyton yelled. "You can do it!" Sydney screamed.
After 7,000,497 seconds of flipping meat and crying, Abby was completely worn out. Just when the staff had all given up hope, a miracle happened.
A door opened, and everyone heard a


"Ariana! Sydney cried, where have you been?!"
"Sorry guys, I was at the state fair until 2 AM so I slept in lol," Ariana replied. The girls had known of Ariana's record for sleeping in but this was insane!
"Well, you're here now.. which means get over to that grill and make 200 more cheeseburgers!" Abby yelled in exhaustion.
"Ay ay, captain," Ariana responded.

It was 4:00 PM when the woman left satisfied and the entire staff of Donald's Burgers decided it would be a good idea to close early.
"I'm exhausted, guys," Saruni said, as she grabbed her bag and met the others by the door.
"We all are, Saruni, but we have learned one great lesson from all of this," Sydney replied, as she turned the key to lock the door of the restaurant behind them.
"And what exactly would that be?" Peyton asked.
"Ariana is a hoenut!" Sydney yelled, and they all attacked Ariana with their feet.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2016 ⏰

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