Ch. 2- We're Going To School?!?!

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Storm Fullbuster P.O.V.

"Storm!!! Get up! We gotta go to school!"
My younger sister Sylvia was shaking me awake.
"Unnghhh" I moaned. "Stop it, Sylvie..."
Now I remember. Today is the first day of school. Wow, that sounded lame in my head. I'm not particularly excited for it, although this will be my first experience with a real school with normal kids. Growing up, we never really got a formal education, with our parents taking us on missions every other day. In between, Aunt Wendy or Aunt Mirajane, or sometimes Master Makarov would "teach" us in our own little class in the guild (classes always ended with us destroying stuff). Luckily, we're all pretty fast learners, except for that blond-haired nincompoop (aka Nash- he and Storm are... veryyyyy big rivals). But somehow Mom and Dad decided, whoops, all of us kids should experience high school, and Nova, Gale, Reiki and Rosemary, Luna and Nash's parents all agreed!!! Go figure. Actually, on second thought, they never agree on ANYTHING, so this was a first!

"Stormy!!! What are you mumbling about?!" Sylvia grumbled. "Cmon, let's go wake up Rin!"
Course he's still in bed. "Okayyyyy" I grinned. This is is gonna be fun.
Rin's blue hair, identical to his twin Sylvia's (inherited from our mother) was sticking up all over the place, and his dark eyes were shut closed.
Focusing on his head, "Ice-Make Geyser!!!" I shouted, not bothering to keep my voice down.
In an instant he was up. "WHAT'D YOU DO THAT FOR?!??"
"Put some clothes on!!!" I replied. "Literally, since we're leaving for school with Gale (his family lives nearby) in 5 minutes!!!"
"Huh??????" Rin asked cluelessly. "Bro, what're you talking about???"
Sylvia shook him, grabbing his shoulders. "We're going to school! Didn't you hear?! Now hurry up!"
"School as in the place with the classrooms and hellishly heavy books??!" Rin asked, still confused.
"YES RIN, our parents have explained it to us a million times!" I said, exasperated. Of course he wasn't listening- I really shouldn't have expected him to.

Next chapter takes place in the Fernandes household!

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