Ch. 4- We Make A Dramatic Entrance

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Rin Fullbuster P.O.V.

I probably look like a freaking mess right now, but it's cool. It's not like I'm going to fancy my self up for school anyways.
"Hey Rin, you look like a tornado ran over you!!" Gale laughs at me, from the passenger seat of the car. Gale's mom, Levy, is driving us. She's one of the nicest moms I know.
"Shut up, you loser," I say, fighting off a grin. Gale is like the twin my brother Storm never had, and he's really chill.
"Good luck impressing the girls like that," he jokes, giving me a wink.
At this, I blush, because he knows who my crush is. Even Storm, who is texting Luna on his phone next to me, doesn't know.
Sylvia notices this and says, "Awwww, is Rin thinking about Rosemary again??? You know, you're really going to have to tell her sooner or later! Or if you want, I could do it for you," she says slyly.
"Sylvia! I never even said I liked her! Why would I be crushing on that redhead?!?" I say, desperately trying to cover up my true feelings.
"Don't bother, bro, we all know you like her, it's kinda obvious," Storm says, not looking up from his phone.
"Mm hmmm," Sylvie nods. "If it makes you feel better, I think you guys would be really cute together!"
What?!?! How did Storm know?! Am I really that obvious?

Sylvia Fullbuster P.O.V.

Gah!!!! Everyone in the whole entire guild knows about Rin's huge crush on Rose, and yet he still thinks he's so subtle.  Well, to be fair, I don't think Rosemary knows, and she's just really dense.
It's so hilarious that my brother becomes this tongue-tied idiot around her, because all my life I've known him to be bold and rash. My dad says Rin inherited his crazy side, but I think Rin is his own brand of nutso. When it comes to fighting monsters, he's a literal demon, and we make the best team, with his speed and strength, and my agility and power.
Rin and Rose are absolutely perfect for each other, and I have the perfect plan to get them together. In fact, going to school is going to be essential for this to work, my parents literally had perfect timing!!
"Look, kids! All these cars are going to your school!!" Aunt Levy exclaims as we come to a stop behind this really slick Mercedes.
Are we actually stuck in traffic?! We can't be late on the first day.
"Sylvie!" Storm nudges me in the shoulder.
"Rin!" I jab him.
Rin scrolls down the window and whispers, "On my signal! 3, 2, ...1!"
"ICE MAKE RAMP!!!!!!!" All three of us use our power and a beautiful icy ramp appears underneath us and we shoot up in the air over the huge line of cars and a couple of trees. For a second, we're soaring in midair and then, "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHH!!!!!!!" We start to plummet and crash through a few trees, scaring away a flock of pigeons.
"WHY ARE WE FLYING?!?!" Gale screams, cursing loudly. "AND MORE IMPORTANTLY, WHY ARE WE FALLING?!?!?!?!"
"AGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Me and my brothers start screaming too. "STORM THIS WAS ALL YOUR IDEA"
"SHUT UP IMBECILES" Aunt Levy hollered. "SOLID SCRIPT PILLOW!!" We land on a gigantic fluffy white pillow.
"But Mom I didn't do anything!!"
"Don't argue with me Gale, now GET OUT!!!!"
I wince, rubbing my ear. I've never seen Aunt Levy this mad in my entire life!!!! She's almost as scary as Aunt Erza right now!!!
"AYEEEE" we all scream and dive out of the car.
"TAKE THIS" Aunt Levy throws us a black backpack and it bonks Rin in the head.

Sylvia Fullbuster P.O.V. (still)
Great. I sigh, thinking how all that time I spent this morning doing my hair and picking out a cute outfit is now useless! I guess I'm not very likely to make a good impression on anyone now... Oh well, it was kind of my fault, and anyways, I'm kind of used to being roughed up since I'm a Fairy Tail wizard!
"Sylvia!" I hear... Rosemary?
"Rose! Am I glad to see you!!"
"Oi! You guys look terrible," Reiki commented, looking at the boys' disheveled heads. "What in the heck did you guys do this time?!?!"
"Never mind that, Reiki!!! We gotta go!!" Rose urges, looking over her shoulder. I follow her gaze, and there is a massive crowd of people coming quite fast in our direction.
"Now what's happening?!?!?!" Storm asks. He looks freaked out, he's really quite shy around strangers if you think about it.
"Let's just say we're the reason they're coming this way! Now get moving people!!" Rose exclaims. I do not have a clue what they did to deserve all this attention, but I'm honestly not that surprised... The mob of students reminds me of all those angry townspeople that would chase us out of town whenever we f*cked up a job. We quickly start moving- running- in the opposite direction, where we find a soccer field and a parking lot.
"Guys, let's try this way!" Reiki hisses, and we reach a (thankfully) pretty empty hall.
"Guys, I think we're supposed to go to the office so we can get our schedules," I realize, and point to a sign ahead of us. "Cmon!" As I swing open the door, I spot a familiar pink head. "Luna!" I cried out. "Nash!"
"Hey guys, wassup?!" Nash yells. The office lady gives him a look. "Ooh, sorry," he says, a bit quieter. "You guys are finally here! Took you long enough!"
"We were... Busy taking care of something." I manage.
"So, how can I help you guys??" the office lady asks, not unkindly. Reiki steps forward. "We're here for our, uh, schedules, ma'am."
"Oh, I see, you kids must be new to this school! I'm Mrs. Attelson, your office manager. Welcome to Magnolia High! Now, if you could just give me your names..."
Ten minutes later, we walk out of the office.

I guess this is a good time to actually tell you guys what grades they're in! Sorry, lol meant to do it earlier!

Nash Dragneel, junior
Luna Dragneel, sophomore
Storm Fullbuster, junior
Rin Fullbuster, sophomore
Sylvia Fullbuster, sophomore
Reiki Fernandes, senior
Rosemary Fernandes, freshman
Gale Redfox, senior
Nova Dreyar, senior

Ummm so idk what else so yeah I'm ending the chapter!!! Hope it was okay for you guys, and thank you to all of you who voted for the chapters, I really appreciate it!! Also let me know if you have any ideas or requests!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2016 ⏰

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