Chapter 26 ~ The Race, Fairy Tail, is On!

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Lisanna POV

"Alright, everyone," I started, "Lucy should be some where underneath this pile. Please hurry! Do whatever you have to to find her! She's very precious to Natsu!"

The hallway emptied as the mob rushed into the destroyed room, leaving Wendy and I to ponder how long Lucy would last.

"Gray and Juvia are doing a great job of holding up the roof," the petite girl pointed out, snuggling deeper into my back.

I nodded, to scared to say anything else. The only things that wanted to escape my mouth were "Lucy!" And "Where are you?" 

The search dragged on, so long, in fact, I had to take Wendy out because her magic power was getting so low. 

C'mon, Lucy.

Gray POV

"Juvia doesn't know how much longer she can keep this up, Gray-sama..." the bluenette groaned against my back.

"Just a little longer, we've gone this long, we can hold them off a little longer. They have to find her... They have to." 

Juvia nodded and grunted. I was getting a bit worn out myself, just constantly shooting a stream of ice from my palm. Juvia was doing most of the work, reinforcing my ice and holding off the falling debris above us.

But we couldn't stop. I knew how much Lucy meant to Pyro and even if I hated his guts, we were the closest thing each other had to brothers as well. Lucy meant the world to him, and I couldn't let him sink back down into his rotting stage that he did after Igneel passed. 

Lisanna gave me a soft smile as she passed by me, with a sleeping Wendy on her back. 

I gave a grunt, "Any news?" Even breathing was starting to get hard. 

Lisanna shook her head, "It's been two hours and no one has found anything. We may have to..." Tears welling up in her eyes cut her sentence off. 

"Shit..." I cursed under my breath, finally having to come to terms with what may be our fate. 

Juvia spoke in the loudest voice she could, "Wait, if Gray-sama and I put the last of our energy into holding up the roof for good, could the searches go on?"

Lisanna looked up, wiped her eye and nodded, "I don't see why not, as long as it's stable."

Juvia nudged me with her elbow, "What do you think, Gray-sama?"

I grinned, "Ready when you are."

"Unison Raid," we started, gripping hands even tighter, "Ice Shield!"

Nothing could've matched the relief I felt when I could finally sink to the floor and  collapse into a pile of goo. 

Juvia sank down with me, and together, we carefully watched the ceiling creak and adjust to the new filling, but eventually, it settled. 

"It won't last forever but it'll give Juvia and I time to recover then come back and-"

"Gray, I can help as well."

Gildarts POV

I burst through the open doors of the base with the boy I considered my son in my arms, "Where's the med staff?"

Several people ran up to me, telling me to bring Natsu to a little tent where I placed him on a makeshift bed and was quickly pushed out of the way as healers and actual medical personal looked over him. 

"His heart rate is dropping fast! We need to get some magic in him, stat!"

"I have a large cut on his left leg! Probably from the debris of the crash!"

"Does anyone know where his magic power went?"

"I need materials prepped for stitches!"

Words and commands flew around the small area, and none of it I could help with. 

We just had to hope the kid knew what he was doing.

I made my way out of the tent and towards the woods surrounding the base, sitting down in a small patch of grass and giving a large sigh.

I had known Natsu since he was just a tike; just a baby trying to find his dad who had died trying to protect him. Odd how that worked out. I never would've saw myself as a dad, ever. When I found Natsu, I figured I'd fix him up and send him on his merry way, but he was too determined to ever go back to his normal life without some kind of parental figure and he was my kind of kid. Tough, determined, strong; we definitely made a pair, him and I. 

That pink haired brat kept me on my toes, at all times. Never giving me a second of rest or relaxation. And in a way, I enjoyed that better than my old life. 

Natsu, you have to wake up.

Suddenly, the thought occurred to me. How did Natsu get in that much trouble in fifteen minutes?

As if hearing my question, Lisanna ran up to me, "Gildarts, we need help finding Lucy!"

"Whose that? Natsu's girl thing?"

"More than that. Remember 'his Luce', from when he was little? She came back and saved him. Did you not know?"

My jaw hit the floor, "No! That little twerp doesn't tell me shit! I knew he had a Lucy but I didn't know it was the same one. Anyway, she saved him? Why'd he need saving?"

A sigh came out of her mouth, "He ran back in to avenge her and got himself captured again. They drained his magic almost completely, and she did something I've never seen and saved him, but trapped herself. We have to find her before he wakes up."

A low growl started in my throat, but I had to help him before I could hurt him again. 

I grinned, "Lead the way."

Levy POV

Lu-chan. Lu-chan. I had to find her. 

"Solid Script, Dynamite!" I chanted, focusing it on a small area, then letting it loose, so that the other, more active mages could dig through more easily. 

Tears stung my eyes as I glanced around at all the fallen rocks and large pieces of metal that could've crushed her. But she wouldn't leave us like this, right?

"Oi, Levy! I need a blast over here!" a voice shouted. 

I nodded and started again, "Solid Script-"

"Allow me, Shrimp." a gruff voice whispered in my ear. A long strand of black hair brushed my arm as a large man walked briskly passed me and up towards where the shout came from. 

"Right here?" Gajeel asked, as nicely as he could.

The blonde mage nodded, "Yeah, but your not Levy."

He turned and looked at me, then winked, "Nope, I'm better."

Then he punched the earth into a million tiny pieces, grabbing one of the pieces of iron as he did and slid it in his mouth, chewing loudly. 

I couldn't help but giggle as he walked back up to me, his mouth stretched wide, grinning with the pride of a thousand lions. He ruffled my hair, "How was that? Enjoy the break?"

My lip jutted out into a pout, "I was very capable of doing that on my own, thanks!"

He gave his signature laugh, "Gi, hi, hi, sure you are, Shrimp." His arm was placed on my head, as if I was an armrest.

I sighed, ignoring his heavy elbow, "I hope Lu-chan is okay."

"She'll be fine. I'm sure."


Thanks for reading! 

*Still don't own Fairy Tail. 


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