Chapter 7 - Interrogation.

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   Halfway through the story, Bob fell silent. Not a single word, or emotion fell from him. He sat there in total disbelief. He didn't want to believe, but in his subconscious, he knew it was true. He just realized how much his brain ignored the signs. How much he wanted his brain to ignore them. But, it was all true. He didn't know how to respond. Didn't know what to think. Vanessa grew uneasy in the silence, she was impatient for his response.

   She looked at him, unsure of what to think. Bob was dumbstruck. Not a single word could escape the dry vacuum where his mouth used to be. He looked up at her, noticing her curled brow, pursed lips and worrying eyes. He took a breath, assessing his situation, and finally he said.

   "You know, for someone who is quite literally dead, you seem to show more emotions than most of the living." B

   "Yeah well, you don't lose your humanity just because you aren't exactly human anymore." She replied.

   "I'm sorry if that came off as insensitive nessa, it's just. This is a lot to take in right now." He said with a soft voice.

   "I know Bobby. I wanted to tell you earlier, but I was afraid you'd run away or something." V

   "Heh. Considering the fact that I'm talking to your spirit, I wouldn't exactly rule out that running away thing." B

   "Yeah. I don't blame you." She said, bowing her head.

   Bob sighed, looking at her with concern. He lifted her head, gently comforting her cheek.

   "Hey, nessa, don't do this. Look, I'm sorry okay. I'm really trying to wrap my head around this. I just. I have a lot of questions." B

   "Okay, then ask me." She replied.

   "Well, for one thing. Am I the only one who can see you? Or are you cheating on me here?"

   She managed a friendly chuckle.

   "No Bobby, I'm not cheating on you."  She said, with a sarcastic look on her face.

   "But to be completely honest, I think you are the only person. No one else ever reacted to my presence before." V

  "Ahh, must be as much a surprise to you as it is to me then." B

   "Pretty much. I'm actually relieved that anyone can see me at all." V

   "Maybe I'm a psychic or some shit." B

   "Can you read what's on my mind then?" V

   "Pizza?" B

   "Psssh, lucky guess." V

   "Or maybe I'm just awesome?" B

   "Yeah right, you wish." V

"Lemme have my moment please? Kinda rare for me." He jokingly remarked.

"Really? You seem pretty narcissistic to me." She laughed.

"Believe me, you don't know half of what goes through my mind." He sighed.

"You never know, maybe I do. How do you know I haven't been secretly stalking you up till now?" V

"Ooo, how romantic. Do you stalk all your living friends?" B

"Well I mean, I wouldn't say alll. But like, a select few." V

"Wait really?" B

"Hehe, no Bobby, why would I do that?" She nervously chuckled.

"Although, if I did stalk them, not saying I do, but. If I did, you'd be my favorite one." V

"Not sure if to be scared or flattered honestly." He laughed.

"Well, flattery isn't my strongest suit, but maybe if you said flattered I'd feel less of a weirdo." She blushed.

"I don't think you are a weirdo nessa. I think you are beautiful. Well. I mean. Not that, you asked or anything." B

"Well aren't you just a natural born charmer huh?" She blushed.

"I do try my best. Still working out a few kinks here and there." He laughed.

He sighed and look away for a bit.

"Hey nessa? Side tracking for a bit, there is something I've always wanted to do." He said.

"Yeah sure, what is is?" V

"Just don't kill or anything with your ghost powers." B

"Hah, that's rich. Ghost powers. Just cause I'm dead doesn't mean I-" V

And just before she could of finished her sentence, Bob swiftly leaned in and kissed her.

He quickly retreated into himself, hoping he hadn't overstepped. But Vanessa just smiled at him. In fact, for a ghoul you'd expect her to be more pale, but she was as rosy as a pregnant lady. Cheeks so red you'd think she died from blunt force trauma.. Too soon for the dead joke? Yeah, probably too soon.

They both laughed away, making small talk like Bob never did before. He was enjoying it, to the point where he actually felt comfortable. Well, despite the fact that he was talking to a dead person. He had almost forgotten about that, until his parents woke up that is. 

   Bob was completely unaware that his mother was actually standing behind him for about 3 minutes now, concerned over the fact that he was talking to himself for the longest while

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2016 ⏰

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