Chapter 4- How Strange

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Bob sat there asking himself, how'd it ever get to this point? How he went from this lonely kid hiding in his room, to having to decide who deserved his heart more, or whether it was even he who deserved theirs. He really liked Vanessa. She made him feel like he never felt before, she made him happy just by being around him. Then there was Jamie, this popular she devil who just so happened to be slightly more sensitive than he expected her to be. The last thing he thought was that she'd grow feelings for him. It was all too confusing. For a while he just sat there with his head in his lap. Contemplating heavily on his next action. His mind said Jamie, but he felt in his heart, that he had to pick Vanessa. Jamie just showed up out of nowhere. This morning she didn't even want to look at him, now all of a sudden she had this drastic change of heart? How can he be sure she isn't just trying to trick him? No. He wasn't having it. He couldn't. He had to talk to Vanessa again, tell her how he felt. That was the right move to make.
   Jamie seemed edgy. She was looking at Bob with such intent. Perhaps she was sincere? She couldn't wait any longer. She had to ask.
"Hey Bobby? You okay?"
"You been sitting there all quiet for some time. Is this because of the Brad thing?" J.
Bob sat up and finally replied.
"Why do you like me?"
"I mean, just this morning, you didn't even want to be around me. Why the sudden change of heart?" B.
"I dunno, I guess you really did grow on me. You aren't as lame as I thought you would of been." J.
"Really? That's not the impression I got when Brad came over." B.
"Ugh, I knew this was about the Brad thing. Look I'm sorry about that." J.
"I don't know what came over me, he's just, he has this way about him. I can't get over it." J.
"Yeah, well that kinda worries me. What if I decided that I did like you? And he popped up again? What would happen?" B.
"Woah, if we ever got together I don't think it would be a public thing" J.
"I have an image to uphold. I can't be seen with you." Jamie said while flipping her hair.
"Yeah, I figured. I'm sorry but you aren't my type." Bob replied.
-Jamie scoffed.-
"Your type? I'm everybody's type excuse you." J.
"Well, I'm not everybody." B.
"Ugh, whatever Bob." J.
"Let's just get this stupid tour over with." J.

   About 2 hours later, they stopped back at Mrs. Skinners office, finally done with the tour of the campus ground. That little moment Jamie and Bob shared quickly evaporated through the rest of it, as the awkward silence was broken only when Jamie made mention to the name of the places she brought him. Not once did they even make eye contact. Except maybe now, as they entered the office. It was only briefly as she expressed what seemed like years of pent up disgust with one venomous roll of her eyes. Bob felt as the earth itself trembled under the enormous force. They entered the office, but to their dismay, Mrs. Skinner had been out on lunch. They knew this because she left a note on her desk that said she went out for lunch, also because of her obvious lack of presence. Jamie grew visibly frustrated, but her job was done. She could wait no longer.
"Well loser, this is where we part. I hope you fall down a drain and break both legs." She said with a smile that would chill even the most infamous of serial killers.
"Yeah, it was really... something. Thanks for taking time out of your busy make-up shopping schedule to do something helpful for once." He replied with a smirk on his face.
"Don't get snippy with me you little shit, it may have worked on Alice. But I'm not like Alice." J.
"Yeah no you're right. I'm sorry. Obviously her outfit had more personality than you do." B.
"Ugh. Bye." J.
And with a swift hand motion, she turned around and quickly left. Bob sat down on the couch again. A bit flabbergasted, and slightly confused. What just happened? He took a deep breath and stared out the window. The weather had cleared up? He never even noticed.
"The weather here is as bipolar as the females." He thought.
He sighed. Wondering where Vanessa was. He hadn't seen her since this morning. Nor had he seen Tommy. He grew anxious. Wondering where his friends where, hoping that they hadn't forgotten him. It was a bit extreme to think such, but that was one of his fears, one that he was extremely insecure about, so it haunted him. The idea that his closest friends didn't even care about him, and quickly forgot he even existed.
   Letting go an even bigger sigh, followed by a frustrated groan, Bob finally got up and decided that maybe, it was time to head home. School wasn't done, but he had been pardoned from all his classes, so what was the point of staying here any longer. With that in mind, he stood up, walked out the door, and made a bee line straight for the school entrance, or in this case, the exit. Excitement welled up in him for a second with the thought of finally heading back home, but only for a second, as he remembered what awaited him when he got there. His smile quickly turned into a frown, and his heart plummeted. Today had actually been an otherwise happy day for him considering all the shit he's had to deal with. But no matter how happy he was, as soon as he walked through his house door, the world just seemed to slip into a dark gray. There was one bit of good to it though. The faster he went to bed, the faster he would wake up to another day of meeting Vanessa and Tommy. A privilege he thought very highly about. A privilege that seemed almost too good to be true. Almost.

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