Part: 2 Forgotten Words

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"If I carry on without you,
Will I remember what you are?"

Well, now I have some time alone, I'll explain what happened.

I got thrown into the Prevention Room, or as us Darkhearts nicknamed it, Hell's End.

It's a very small, dark room with no lights or windows. It has one door that you can't see from inside, which is locked.

No own has ever managed to escape this room. The people made it impossible for that to happen.

The walls are thickly padded and dirty, the ceiling and floor are the same. Underneath the dirt I can just make out the pale grey of the materials used.

I punched the wall padded nearest to me and watched, fascinated, as the dust exploded from the impact. Flakes of thickly dried blood floated to the padded floor.

There was a blood stain on the ceiling that looked like a skull and crossbones. Either someone drew that with their own blood or they got punched by an Authorised Personnel (a guard if you will) and the impact had sent the blood right to the ceiling.

I enjoy fantasising about the reasons behind all the stains.
My favourite on is the one I'm about to create.

My hand was cut open with a knife in a diagonal slash and it was bleeding quite badly.

Dipping my fingers into the pool of crimson liquid, I started to draw in the padding, I had to layer the blood thickly so that it would show...

As I was working, my mind thought back to how I got in here in the first place.

It was that Lightheart child, her personal caretaker was walking her down the lane that cut across the backyard were all the washing is. I was helping my best friend Myra this morning, to hang out the clothes that, however many times you washed them, would always look dirty.

The little Lightheart looked over the fence and saw us. She was curious of me. She had never seen a boy in all her short life.

You see, unlike the Darkhearts, Lighthearts were separated by Gender and Age. Children were often looked after by personal caretakers rather than the parents.

So as you can imagine, this little lass was stunned to see Darkhearts for the very first time, and to see a boy.

We locked eyes for a short moment, but it was enough. She saw all of me for who I was not what I was. She yelped as her personal caretaker pulled her arm in order to make her look away.

Glancing back at me she waved ever so slightly, smiling. I smiled back, my short lived wonky smirk that I thought I'd forgotten returned this morning.

All thanks to the Lightheart girl...

I stood back, admiring my work of art. My hand was now scabby and messy but I didn't care. As I looked at what I'd done the corners of my mouth turned vaguely upwards.

I had done it.

I had written a message in pictures for the others who were sure to come in here next.

The message was hope...

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