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It was raining heavily outside. I could hear the loud thunder followed by the piercing glows of lightnings. It had been raining nonstop for the past few days and I was glad because I had the reason to stay in my room the whole day. I didn't have to go to university and be the center of gossips and stares of people trying to show pity. It only made me remember how my friends betrayed me and how the love of my life abandoned me.

The thought of going out made me nauseous and vomit nonstop in my bathroom sink.

I couldn't help myself from laughing. It was just so funny that I had become an outcast. Before, my life hadn't been like this. I'd got a lot of friends. We would party from dusk 'til dawn. We would travel to other countries and come back whenever we wanted. In the past, staying at home had made me feel bored and annoyed but now, it was a different story. Staying at home made me feel relaxed and comfortable.

I turned on the faucet and splashed cold water to my face. I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I couldn't even recognize myself in the mirror. Since the day my dad had died from a car accident, everything went down the drain. My older brother took everything and declared himself as the sole inheritor of my father. I had been kicked out from the Main House by Winston's mother, Margaret, saying I was an illegitimate son.

George had let me stay in his small apartment since then. George was our family butler's son. He was 13 years older than me and I considered him as an older brother. We used to play together since he had lived with his father in the Main House. When his father had died, he then became our family butler.

I'd never thought about saving when my father was still alive so I didn't have any savings at all. I used to spend money endlessly but then I couldn't even afford renting my own place now.

But the most painful one was when Aubrey had left without any explanations. I loved her so much. I had pleaded for her not to leave but then, she hadn't even listened. I had cried in front of her begging not to break up with me. She had been my girlfriend since high school. It had been the happiest moment of my life when she had become my girlfriend. I couldn't imagine my future without her.

All my friends had suddenly disappeared and I couldn't even contact them. I had tried going to their house but they'd never appeared. Their maids would just tell me they had been abroad and wouldn't be back. But then, I knew they were inside and watching me driven away by their maids.

I spent all day drinking until I passed out so I wouldn't feel the pain of being abandoned. I couldn't believe I was suffering a life I'd never imagined. I would sometimes ask myself if I was in a dream and that I needed to wake up.

My thoughts came back to reality when the water started overflowing from the sink. I turned off the faucet and reached out for a towel. I wiped my face and went back to my room. I looked around my messy room. Empty bottles of alcohol were scattered on the floor, unwashed dishes were piled up in the kitchen sink and I could smell nauseating smell coming from the trash bin.

I reached out for my phone on my study table and checked the time. It was still 5 o'clock but it was so dark outside.

I checked my wallet just to realize that I didn't have enough money left for the month. My stock of food wouldn't last for a week. I couldn't call George again to send me some food. I felt ashamed that I became dependent to him. I sighed deeply. It's so frustrating.

"Maybe I need to find a job." I silently told myself. But then, I didn't know any job suitable for me. I didn't have any experience of working since I had been receiving daily allowance from my father and I had had credit cards before. I helplessly laid down on my bed and closed my eyes. I didn't know what to do.

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