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The address written on the piece of paper Attorney Jung had given was located in the southern part of the country. It would take us about 9 hours to reach the place. I glanced George who was focused on driving while whistling. I couldn't understand why he seemed relaxed despite this situation we were in. He had been driving continuously since we had left Attorney Jung's office building.

"Have you already known what Attorney Jung has told me?" I asked him while focusing my gaze outside the car's window.

"I know some but I didn't expect that it would be this serious. I had known that Winston is an illegitimate child from my father. Your father didn't tell Margaret he had done a paternal test and that he had found out the truth." George answered without leaving his sight on the road. "Your father had never loved Winston's mother. It was an arranged marriage to strengthen the foundation and connections of the company. As you know, Margaret is the daughter of Assemblyman Walter Choi. Assemblyman Choi is very influential and he has a lot of connections. But, I can say that your father had loved your mother as what my father had told me."

"I don't have anything to say about my mother. She had died when I was born so I don't actually know anything about her. I'd just learned from Margaret that my mother had been an unknown actress in the entertainment industry." I could still remember that day when Margaret had told me that my mom had been a prostitute in the entertainment industry offering sexual services to politicians, directors and businessmen just to have a place in the industry. She had been screaming to my face how filthy my mother had been. I was a son of a bitch as what she had said.

"You should never believe Margaret. You already know that she detested your mother and she's also the reason why your mother was banished from the entertainment industry. She's very manipulative and cunning." I could sense anger in the tone of George's voice. I knew that George was a very cool guy and most of all, he had a long patience. I never saw him get angry and loss his composure.

"How many more hours will we travel before we reach our destination?" I was getting a little bored because of the long drive. As far as I could remember, we had never made a stop since we had left the office building of Attorney Jung.

"With our pace now, we can arrive there by 7 o'clock. Do you feel bored?" I saw George smiled and handed me some snacks. " You should have told me. Let's listen to some music then to relieve the tension."

I couldn't help myself from laughing and took the snacks. He really knew me. " Do you know Mr. Min?" I looked at him while munching the snacks he had given.

I was curios about Mr. Min. I was wondering why my father had asked me to find this mysterious man. Was he someone powerful? How powerful was he? Could he really help me?

"I just know that he shares a strong bond with your father. My father had told me before that your late father had unknown connections to powerful underworld people. But I don't really know exactly. He's connected to powerful mafias and yakuzas. But his real identity is unknown."

I suddenly remembered George's father. He had been the family butler for 40 years so maybe he had known a lot about my father. Sadly, he had died because of an unknown reason. It had been a mystery how he had died in the Main House.

"But then Attorney Jung had told me I have to gain his trust. I just wonder what kind of person he is." I didn't know who Mr. Min was and there was no detailed information about him. How could I gain his trust? Would he help me unconditionally?

"Don't think too much. Just take a rest and I'll wake you up when we arrive there." George handed me a blanket. "You need enough strength to face Mr. Min."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2021 ⏰

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