Chapter 41

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YoonYul's POV

Yoong wakes up because she suddenly feels cold. When she opens her eyes, she saw Yul hugging her naked. She looks at down and saw herself naked too.

' Yah...Kwon Yuri '

Yul slowly opens her eyes hearing Yoong calling her

' What happen baby? '

' What have you done last night? '

' I did nothing '

' Why I'm naked? '

Yul chuckles

' You really don't remember '

' No '

' You were the one who started it '

' Me '

Yul nods then continues ' I stoped you but you still continue stripping '

Yoong slowly remember about last night.

' Do you want me to continue? '

' No '

' I don't even know that you can be so sexy when you are drunk. Gosh, you were sitting on my stomach then slowly stripped your clothes off your bod.... '

' Stop Kwon Yuri ' Yoong hides herself inside the blanket

Yul tried to take the blanket away but Yoong holds it tight.

' Baby, you don't need to be embarrassed. I'm just so happy that you want me so much even when you are drunk ' Yul continues teasing the poor doe-eyes

Yul finally takes the blanket off the younger girl. Yoong want to cover her body but Yul already throws the blanket away.

' Baby, you don't need to be shy. I already saw everything and mark everywhere ' Yul said while climbing on top of her fiancée.

The black peard stares lovingly at Yoong.

' Did your head still hurt? '

' A little bit '

' Next time don't drink too much '

Yoong nods

' Don't go to a bar or club when I'm not with you '

' Why? '

' I don't want people to take advantage of you when you are in a drunk state '

' Well for my information, you were the one who took advantage of me last night '

' I'm your fiancée and I didn't take advantage of you. I warned you but you still continue that's different '

Yoong pouts cutely. Yul kissed Yoong's forehead then lay beside her. Yul wraps her arms around Yoong's waist

' Let's sleep a little bit more before our flight ok '

Yoong snuggles closer to Yul and hugs her fiancée.

' One more thing ' Yul said and Yoong looks up

' You tired me so much last night. Right now I don't have energy to pleasure you ' Yul teases earning a slap on the arm from the latter

' Shut up and sleep. I'm tired too '

' And who's fault is that ' Yul continues her teasing

Yoong pecks Yul's lips

' You '

' Me? '

' Yes is your fault because you can't control yourself '

' Right because I have a beautiful fiancée. So just blame you wifey '

' Babe, can we sleep now. I'm really tired and my head still hurt '

' Do you want me to buy some pills? '

' No just hug me '

Yul takes the blanket from the floor and cover their body. Slowly they fall asleep in each other's embrance

TaeNy's POV

Fany opens her eyes and saw the bedside empty. She looks around and saw Tae packing their stuff. She smiles at her sweet girlfriend.

' Morning TaeTae '

Tae looks back and a bright smile appears on her face.

' Morning baby '

' I want my morning kiss '

Tae chuckles

' Go fresh up first then I'll give you '

Fany pouts then gets off the bed without covering her bare body. The eyes-smile girl smile when she saw her girlfriend staring at her.

' Why are you staring me like this? Is not the first time you see me naked '

Tae gets up and takes the bathrope on the couch. She walks toward the younger girl and cover her girlfriend with the bathrope.

' I love seeing you naked but I don't want you to catch a cold. If you do, then we can have our sexy time ' Tae smiles

Fany slaps Tae's arms playfully.

' Go fresh up now. If you stay longer like this I can't promise that I can still control myself '

' Yah...pervert '

Tae chuckles

' Me pervert. You tried to get my attention without covering yourself '

Fany blushes

Tae pecks Fany's cheek

' Go take a shower, I really don't want my girl to be sick '

' Will I get my moring kiss after shower? '

' I already gave it to you ' Tae teases

Fany pouts

' You will get your morning kiss after shower ' Tae slowly pushes Fany inside the bathroom

30 minutes later, Fany comes out and saw Tae already packed everthing.

' You should wait for me '

' Is not a big deal. Come here ' Tae opens her arms

Fany went straight into Tae's arms

' You smell so good ' Tae said with her face buried into Fany's neck

' TaeTae, have you forget something '

Tae kissed the idol's neck then looks at her. The older girl slowly leans to catch Fany's lips.

' Happy now '

' I just get a kiss from my girlfriend, of course I'm happy ' Fany said while her arms still around Tae's neck

' What do you wanna do? We still have two hours before we meet the girls at the lobby ' Tae asks
' Can we cuddle together? ' Fany said while tracing her finger on Tae's arms

' Is it really what you want, just cuddle '

' Of course, otherwise what do you think I want? '

' I thought you want me..... '

Fany suddenly feels Tae's hand roaming inside her shirt.

' T-Tae '

Tae is busy planting kisses on Fany's neck.

' Yes baby? '

' L-L-Let's go out '

Fany will lose control if Tae continues teasing her

' What did you say? '

Tae's hand slowly went south. Fany gasps

' Baby, do you wanna play with me now? '

Fany bites her lips. Tae crashed her lips on Fany's. They are kissing roughtly, after they pull off for oxygen

' Baby, you didn't answer my question ' Tae's hand is now inside Fany's bra.

' You did it on purpose right. You pack all our stuff so we can have more time together '

' I don't know what you are talking about ' Tae plays innocent while her hand continues playing on Fany's body

' Ah....Tae....... '

' Yes baby, tell me what you want? ' Tae asks while unbutonning Fany's shirt

' S-Stop teasing me '

' I do nothing? ' Tae finishes removing Fany's top, now she is unbuttoning her girlfriend's jeans while planting kisses on Fany's chest

Fany can't hold it anymore, she pushes Tae on the bed with her on top
Tae smirks ' Baby, what are you doing? I thought you wanna go out '

Tae changes their position with her on top

' Baby, we can't go out if you pushed me on the bed. Because I will do something else to you ' when her can continues teasing the idol's body

' God TaeTae, stop teasing please. Just make love to me now '

' Anything for you baby '

KryBer's POV

Krystal slowly opens her eyes and saw the bedside empty

' Am? '

' ........................ '

Where's Amber?

The idol heard the door opens and saw Amber comes in with a bag.

' Am, where have you been? ' Krystal pouts

Amber chuckles ' Buy you breakfast '

Amber walks toward the bed and gives a kiss to Krystal before walking toward the table.

' Go fresh up princess. I'll get the breakfast ready '

Krystal wraps the blanket around her body and disappears inside the bathroom. When Krystal comes out, she saw Amber talking on the phone. The younger girl backhug the tomboy, after Amber hangs up

' Are you cheating on me? '

' Yes, I met a beautiful French girl earlier '

Krystal slaps Amber's arm playfully

Amber turns to face Krystal

' Is just my company call '

' I was just joking, I know you will never cheat on me '
' How can you be so sure? '

' Because your heart belong to me '

Amber chuckles

' You are right, my heart only belongs to you '

' Of course. What did you bought? '

' Bagel and coffee. Everything is ready, let's eat '

Amber pulls the chair for Krystal but the idol refuse to sit. The tomboy looks at her girlfriend confusedly

' I want to sit on your lap '

Krystal pushes Amber on the chair then she sits on Amber's lap. During breakfast, they are feeding each other.

' The coffee is so good ' Krystal said

' Is my favorite coffee shop here ' Amber smiles

Krystal frowns then looks at her girlfriend

' The workers at this coffee are they girls or boys '

' Girls '

' This coffee shop is your favorite is it because of those girls or the coffee ' Krystal asks jealously

Amber senses the jealousy in Krystal's voice and chuckles

' You and Sica are really sister that won't be wrong '

' Yah....Amber Liu don't change the subject '

' Of course is the coffee, even you said the coffee is good there '

Krystal takes another sips

' Well, now I tried it again is not that good. I can say the taste is awful, next time don't go there ' Krystal pushes the coffee away

' I wonder who's jealousy is worse, you or Sica ' Amber shakes her head

When Amber is about to drink her coffee, Krystal takes it away

' Don't drink coffee that prepared by other girl ' Krystal throws the coffee into the garbage can

' Princess, I need my coffee in the morning '

' I'll prepare another coffee for you '

Krystal walks toward the counter and prepares an instan coffee. She walks back to her girlfriend

' Your coffee '

Amber sighs and slowly drinks it

' Is it good? '

' Princess, this is instan coffee. What do you want me to answer? '

Krsytal crossed her arms and Amber quickly said

' Is very good '

Krystal smiles at Amber's comment then wraps her arms around Amber's neck

' We still have two hours before we meet the girls. What do you think we should do to kill our time ' Krystal whispers seductively

Amber smirks knowing Krystal's intention

' How about we do some morning exercice? '

' Hmm.....can you show me how to do it? '

Amber picks Krystal into bridal position and walks toward the bed

' The exercice that I will show need our clothes off '

' Show me then '

Two weeks later

SooSica's POV
' I'm so happy that the show end ' Soo walks happily away after their last interview.

' Baby, are you really that happy? ' Sica asks sadly because she knows that they can't see each other everyday day since they will moved out from the filming place

' Of course, I don't like camera always filming me ' Soo said

Sica just nods

' Sica, is everything all right? ' Soo asks while cupping Sica's face

' I'm fine ' Sica said

' Great, we need to go back and pack our stuff. After that we can go shopping for our bedroom furnitures ' Soo smiles

' Our bedroom furnitures? ' Sica looks at Soo to make sure that she heard the right thing

Soo nods

' I want you to be comfortable when you move in with me '

Sica suddenly hugs Soo

' Sica, if you don't want to move in with me it's ok. I'm sorry I should ask you first '

Sica shakes her head

' No, I thought you don't want us to move in together because you never ask. You don't know how much it hurt me just by imagining without seeing you everyday '

' I want to be with you everyday and everynight but I'm also scared that you don't want me '

' You are the only one I want. I never want someone as much as I want you '

' Sica, will you be ok if we live with the girls? If you don't want I have a penthouse..... '

' Of course I'm ok with this '

Soo smiles ' Can we go now? '

' Sure '

After the couple finish packing their stuffs, Soo receives a call from her father asking her to go home for dinner.
' Appa, can I bring someone with me tonight. I really want you and umma to meet her ' Soo asks because she wants to tell her parents about her relationship with the idol.

' Darling, how about another day. I really want to have a family dinner '

Soo wants to say something but Sica mouthed ' Baby, is ok. Go have dinner with your family '

Soo nods then agree to her father. After she hangs up she looks at Sica

' Why you want me to say yes to my appa? I want to tell my family about us '

' Baby, I know but is been a while that you didn't go home to have family with your parents. You can introduce me to them next time '

' What are you going to do then? I can't go shopping with you '

' I can go back to the mansion with the girls '

' I will miss you ' Soo hugs the older girl

' I will miss you too '

Sooyoung's POV

I went walk into the living room, I saw Kyung-Ho oppa talking with my parents.

' Darling, you are here? ' umma said happily

' Yes umma '

I look at oppa

' Oppa, when are you back? '

' I just got back ' he walks toward me and kisses me on the cheek

' Honey, they look so good together ' umma said with a bright smile on her face

' I know ' appa smiles

Oppa is talking with my parents like nothing happen, when the maid comes telling us that dinner is ready, my parents walks toward the dining room with us following.

' Oppa, what are you doing? '

' I come to see my girlfriend. I miss you ' he smiles

' Oppa, I already told you......... '

' Uncle and auntie is waiting for us, let's go ' he takes my hand and walk into the dining room.

' Kyung-Ho, I know you are coming so I asked the maid to prepare your favorite meals ' umma said

' Thank you auntie. Before we start diner, I want to do something first '

I look at him confusedly then he kneels in front of me

' Oppa, what are you doing? '

He smiles and takes a small box from his pocket. He opens the box and saw a diamond ring

' Omo, Kyung-Ho is so sweet '

' I love you since we were child and this feeling never fade. Sooyoung, will you marry me? '

I look at my parents who are smiling then I look back at oppa.

' I'm sorry oppa, I can't marry you '

' Darling what are you talking about ' appa's smiles fade

I look at my parents

' Appa, umma I won't marry oppa because the person I love is Jessica Jung '

' What? Stop your non sense ' Appa said

' Jessica and I were together a few years ago. Something happen that's why I went back to the States. Oppa already know about us before we were together '

My parents looks at him

' Is that true Kyung-Ho ' umma asks

He didn't answer

' The only person I will marry is Jessica '
' Choi Sooyoung, you are getting married with Kyung. I want you to break up with that girl ' appa shouts

Umma holds his arms

' Honey, please calm down '

I shake my head

' No, I won't leave her '

' Darling stop talking please ' umma said

' Appa, you always say that you will approve with whoever I choose '

' She is a girl. She can't take care of you. I don't want you to get hurt by her. She just want to play with you '

' No, we love each other. Sica will never hurt me '


' No, I'm not marrying oppa '


' Honey....... '

For the first time, appa slaps me.

' Darling, are you alright? ' umma runs toward me

' You are not going anywhere from now on. I won't let you see her again '

My appa calls the body guard to look after me.

' Take her to her room and don't let her get out until the wedding '

They holds my arms

' Let me go ' I struggle

' Honey, please calm down '

' I'm doing this for her own good. Take her to her room now '

They drag me toward the stairs, I struggle hard but they are really too strong. So I kick them hard on their leg, finally they let go of me. I run out the mansion

I heard my parents calling me but I didn't turn back. I run inside my car and drive away. I can't go back to the mansion because I'm sure appa will send someone there. I want to call Sica but then I discover that I don't have my phone with me.

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