Back At It.

540 14 2

A.N.- I redownloaded wattpad because I felt bad about not updating! If some chapters come out really bad it's because it was written on my phone and not my computer.
We all meet up at a doughnut shop by the beach.
"So what are we doing today?" Chase asks.
"Oooo can we go to the boardwalk today? I want to go on the Giant Dipper!" Belle says.
"Haha okay Boardwalk it is!" Jonah chimes in.
"Sweet, can I invite Kota?" I ask.
"Sure! But if you invite Dakota I'm in Cody!" Jonah says.
"I'm fine with that." Sammee says when eating her 2nd chocolate glaze doughnut.
"Yeah go for it! Cody was super chill last time." I say. 
"Okay cool let me go call Cody." Jonah says.
"Sweet I'll text Dakota." I say.

We decided to meet up with Dakota and Cody at the boardwalk at around 1 PM at the front gay where you buy the tickets.
"Kota!" I yell once I see him.
"Jasey!" He yells right back.
We both hug each other and laugh.
"It's hasn't been that long since we last saw each other." I laugh.
"No it hasn't but it's always good to see an old friend." He says smiling.
"That's true." I smile back.
"Hey where's that Cody guy?" Sammee asks.
"He's ummm. Somewhere here. Here let me text him." Jonah says.
"Jonah dude! What's up," We all hear Cody as he walks through the front gates, "Dude parking sucked ass. Ugh. I should've Übered here."
"Eh it's okay. You got here eventually." Sammee says nonchalantly.
"Okay cool. Everyone is here now right?" I ask.
"Yup everyone is here!" Chase says happily.
"Okay well, Belle, this little runt is Dakota. And this rat is Cody." I gesture to the idiots standing next to me.
"Hey! I'm not a runt!" Dakota says defensively.
"Fine this idiot is Dakota." I say correcting myself.
"Hey that's the best you're gonna get kid." Wes says.
Dakota sighs in defeat, " I know. You're such a bully sometimes Jasey."
"Jasey?" Belle says confused.
Yeah that's my real name."
"Aww that's a really pretty name."
"Ahaha thanks."
"Okay guys what passes are we getting?" Wes asks.
"Let's get all day passes so we don't have to keep reloading the pass." Chase says.
"Yeah let's do that. Reloading the pass gets so annoying." Sammee says already buying her pass.
We all buy our passes and go on rides. We rode cliff hanger so much. There was literally no line so the workers just let us keep riding it. It was oddly empty for the boardwalk but we didn't complain. We rode so many rides. Holy shit. I was surprised that none of us got sick. After we had all had enough of the rides we went down to the beach and chilled for a bit before getting dinner. Belle looked like she was having a lot of fun. She told me one time that she didn't get to go out that often because she was so shy and didn't have that many friends. I was glad that she's coming out of her shell more, she looked so happy to be here.
Everyone was playing and swimming in the ocean. After a while of swimming me and Dakota went for a walk to just catch up.
"Dude I've missed you so much. Everyone at school thinks you fell of the face of the Earth." Dakota says.
"Well staying here wasn't exactly a choice for me Kota. You know that."
"I know but it's not the same without you here."
"Why? You know that 95% of our school hated me. After what happened."
"No one hated you Jasey. They were just scared of you."
"Doesn't matter. Literally no one but you would talk to me after that. Plus me and my mom needed to leave."
"I know, but you never called or texted just to see how I was. Do you know how much that hurt me? I thought you forgot about me." He says getting teary eyed.
"Kota, you know I could never forget you. You are my little brother. You know that. It was just hard to adjust."
"I know but Jasey that really hurt that you never called. You were my best friend and you're still my best friend."
"Kota bear. I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. That was never my intentions."
"It's okay. I just really missed you."
"I really missed you too. I really am sorry Kota."
I pull him into a hug. It was one of those hugs where you know that everything is going to be okay. That you are both going to be okay.
"You know you can come to Cupertino any time? You know my mom, she loves you. She thinks you're her son for Christ sake." I say as we both laugh.
We walk back to where everyone was hanging out.
"Hey there you guys are! We thought you guys ditched us to go get food!" Cody  says.
"No, but now that you mention it I am hungry. Wanna go to our usual spot?" I ask.
"Sure, Woodies right?" Chase asks.
"Yeah woodies. That's the only place near here that sammee will eat." Jonah says laughing.
"Hey not my fault! Woodies is amazing." Sammee says defending herself.
"Whatever let's just go." Wes says. He sounds really upset. I'll have to talk to him when we get back to the hotel.
We get to Woodies and since it's a little bit cold outside we all get chowder bowls. We are all just sitting around this small restaurant eating out food and talking. Wes is unusually quiet. I'll have to see what's going on when we all get back to the hotel.
We're all just talking about random things that are happening.
"Hey what happened to Cody Herbinko? Wasn't he supposed to come with us?" Jonah asks.
"Yeah Honey what happened?" Sammee asks me.
"Oh something came up. Something about going to a concert."
"That's so cool! I love concerts!" Belle says excited.
"Omg you guys G Eazy and Logic are coming soon do y'all want to go?" Sammee chimes in.
"Dude that sounds hella dope. When are they coming?" Dakota asks.
"Next month wanna go?" Sammee asks.
"Yeah! Let's try and go if we can." Dakota says whappily.
"Yes that would be so lit." Jonah says getting hyped.
We all plan out what we are going to do like how we are getting there who's house we are stay at. You know all that dastuff.
This whole time Wes only said a few 'Yeah's and 'sure's. I felt really bad  I think it was something I did. I really need to talk to him.
Before you know it it was 11 and it was closing time for woodies. I guess time really does fly when you are having fun.
We all say out good byes to Cody and Dakota and go back to our hotel.
When we get to our room Wes still isn't talking.
"Sugar, come one. Let's go to the roof."
We climb to the roof and since we are friends with Damien we know how to get to the roof without sounding the alarm.
We sit on the roof for a while without saying anything for a while.
"Hey Sugar, are you mad at me?" I break the silence.
"Then why have you been acting so weird. You barely even talked during dinner."
"Are you cheating on me?" He says abruptly.
"What the hell. No. Where did you get that idea?"
"You left with Dakota and you guys were gone for a while, and then when I look over to check on you and Dakota are hugging."
"Sugar. We were catching up. We haven't seen each other in a while and hadn't had the time to catch up. Dakota is like a little brother to me. Hell, my mom thinks Dakota is my long lost brother." I explain and laugh at the last part.
"I'm sorry Honey. It's just I don't want to lose you. We just go together but before that I fucked up so many times."
"It's okay, really. I would never cheat on you. You mean too much to me."
"I really am sorry Honey. You mean the world to me."
"You mean the world to me too."

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