The Maz and Taz Village

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Maz Village
The Maz village located in the Western Hemisphere it contained dirt roads leading to different homes, the homes were made out of oak wood and oak wooden planks. The rooftop of the homes were flat. Inside each home was a table, fireplace, candles, chairs, and bed. On the middle of the house was a long ladder made out of oak wood. The ladder reached the top of the house. From the rooftop of the house one can see the trading post over the long wall around the town. Each corner of the rock wall had archers ready to target any foe. Along the walls were small farms. Every woman in Maz society had to care for these farms. All the way on the back of the walls was the palace. The palace was large, it contained many workshop rooms. The left side of the palace contained the archery rooms. Inside the archery rooms were slaves making arrow tips and shafts. The right side of the palace contained a furnace, anvil, and hammer in one room. The second room contained equipment for the Maz warriors, a thousand bronze shield and a thousand gold swords. The room all the way on the back of the palace was the kings throne. Inside the kings throne room were three doors. One door was the bedroom of the king and queen. The second door was for the son and daughter of the king and queen. And the very last room contained a sword. A sword that has not been used in over centuries. The sword was made out iron and gold. It was sharp and pointy. But most importantly, the sword contained a handle shaped like a heart. It was said the sword came from a strong warrior that conquer it all. With his wife heart on the handle of the sword, the warrior was able to vanquish his foes. Nobody has ever seen the sword. Those that dare touch the sword must absorb the power the blade holds. That is if they are chosen by the cutlass, the warrior must face the journey the sword holds.

Taz Village
The Taz village was located in the Western Hemisphere, the village was not as advanced as the Maz village. The Taz village had stone settlements. Inside the stone homes was a large square room containing a stone hearth that was used for heating and cooking. Most of the items inside the stone homes were build out of stone. The Taz village was under development, the new king was insisting for a new age. Thus, the Taz village began to trade with their surrounding neighbors for their improvement in the bronze age. Yet, it was said that the Taz village contained the strongest warriors on earth. The warriors had wooden clubs, stone ax, and bow and arrows. A tale was told among the neighbors in the Western Hemisphere of a Taz warrior that once worn armor made out of Iron and gold. The armor has not been seen since the last war. The person chosen to wear the armor must face the journey it holds.

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