Chapter 3 - Waking Up

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i opened my eyes into darkness...i was lying down, i sat up and what i looked at confused me even more.. there was nothing around me except darkness.. well not exactly dark there was this fog..i kept asking myself. how did i get here.. where was i .. i couldnt see anything.. except this very dense fog that hid everything.. even the floor i was on seemed coated with it.. i tried to clear my head and remember and all i got back was an angry buzzing in my head, i had never drunk anything in my life stronger than cough syrup,...

had someone kidnapped me ... but where did this fog come from..It was weird. it was like i was lying on smoke, and there was nothing solid around me, the fog was so dense i could see nothing of my surrounding, i couldn't feel anything , or see anything , 

" Hello " my voice echoed on forever...

" where am i " my shouts echoed of nothingness.

and suddently there was a bright light in front of me in the fog or whatever it was, it flashed and went out, i got up moved forward cautiously, i couldnt even see the floor, after i had kept on walking for a really long time without getting closer, i actually started running toward the light, the more i tried to move forward, the more the light flashed farther away, and the flashes became more frequent, started worrying if i would trip over something, and suddenly my foot tangled up in something i couldnt see and i fell forward face first.

i hit the ground hard... I got up spitting blood, and i realized i could see where my bloody spit had fallen, i could see the floor again, all around me it was a tiled floor, white, the walls were likewise and the walls went on forever, the walls were lit with a strange glow, everything was too bright, i looked down and the blood i had spit out was gone, this was so weird, my mouth didnt even hurt anymore, i checked it and it felt allright i saw nothing that could have tripped me, and the room was much larger than when i first thought it was, now i couldnt even see the walls, suddenly i began panicking, this felt like no dream i had ever had, i asked myself if i was dead for the first time,

"No you are not Dead" a voice replied, i turned my head around so fast that my neck made a noise like a pistol crack, i rubbed the cramp as i turned to face an man who looked like he was in his forties, wearing a orange floral hawain t-shirt and faded black bermudas with a drink in his hand complete with an umbrella,he looked so weird and out of place and he looked so oddly familar at the same time.. it was like having a very confused Deja Vu , if felt so weird and impossible for a moment i was too flummoxed to say anything.... he kept on staring at me sipping on his drink without speaking.. smiling at me.. after i came over my shock of seeing him.. i was able to finally speak...

 "WHo the Hell are you" i said

"well, i think the more appropriate question you should first ask is where the hell are you" he replied taking another sip on his drink

"you are messing with things that are too dangerous for you son, but i guess that runs in the blood" he said with a rueful smile..

"i said tell me who are you and where the hell am i" 

 "that's better", he said as he plucked the umbrella out of his drink and threw it out, "at least you have some focus in that numb skull of yours, that might even keep you alive" 

"old man i am warning you dont try me, tell me where the hell i am or else" i said as i took another step toward him.

 "or else what" as he drained the contents of his glass, "your threats mean nothing to me , at least not now" and he sounded almost embarrased as he siad it, "they might someday, the whole world might depend on yousomeday", "but right you are like a newborn child.. who has barely learned to walk "now calm down, he said as he put his hand on my shoulder and tuned me around have a seat..

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