Hold up

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This chapters short sorry I'm a little busy at the moment.Thank you guys for the reads. Please VOTE AND COMMENT! VOTE VOTE!


If you guys are interested into a Harry Styles fanfiction my beautiful friend @m_chelle is writing one. Please give her feedback and VOTES.

Also just wanted to give a little shout out to @hiallhyles she has such a great heart. And follow her too! She's the sweetest. (:

~Let me get 10 votes then ill update again!!~

Anyways enjoy the chapter ! :D

(Katy's POV)

"I'm still shocked that Demi was in your house. Did you tell her you are such a huge fan?" Zayn asked as he drove.

'Haha yeah I'm still very shocked. And yes I told her I was a huge fan.'

I started to feel some guilt in me. I don't exactly know why. I'm guessing its because Demi and I have this thing now and Zayn doesn't know..

I have to tell him. But I don't want toooo! I just feel that he's going to be even more upset because its with Demi frickin Lovato... Agh. I don't know I'm probably just over thinking.

Zayn stays quiet. It's starting to get reallyyyy awkwardly silent...

I start to feel a little uncomfortable.

I look to Zayn. Gosh he's so perfect. His perfect structure in his face. That amazing jaw line and his perfect quiff...

I don't know why but now that I think of it if Zayn ever settled down in a relationship I'd be a little jealous...

I don't know why I just thought that..gawddd I'm weird.

I start to worry a little. Zayn is really quiet he usually always talks when he's with me. It's weird he seemed totally fine when he picked me up.


I say looking up at him concerned.


Zayn responded in a normal tone like nothing was wrong.

"Are you okay?You seem a little quiet today."

I ask but begin to regret asking because his face totally changed.

He bit his bottom lip and looked down. He squeezed the steering wheel tighter and his face turned red. His veins on his neck started popping out.

His eyes started to get watery.

'I-I'm okay.' Zayn said trying to avoid eye contact.

He is clearly not okay if his face reacted that way.

"That's bullshit Zayn. Don't give me that crap. What's wrong?"

I say in a more serious tone.

Zayn bit his bottom lip again. But harder. He was holding back tears. I can tell.

He quickly turned the steering wheel it caused me to hit my head on the window. He stepped on the gas petal hard and drove fast to an abandoned parking lot.

He immediately stopped fast. Then got out of the car and slammed the car door.

He left me. I watched as he started walking a little far from the car. I saw him scream and put his hands on his head crouching down grabbing onto his hair in frustration. Then he sits down and begins to start crying with his hands covering his face.

Woah. What the fuck is wrong with Zayn? He better not be having a melt down. He's so scary when it happens.

I get out of the car running to Zayn.

I crouch to him and gently rub his back.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

I didn't even ask him what's wrong


I didn't even ask why he was crying.

I really wanted to know the answers to those questions. But those questions don't seem right to ask right now.

'Do you have any idea how much I'm madly in love with you?'

He asked looking up at me with tears running down his beautiful cheek bones.

My heart dropped and my chest started feeling heavy.

I don't know how to respond to that question. He said he...he..he loves me...

The word love scares the shit out of me. Especially when he's referring to that kind of love..

I didn't even know what to do. I didn't even think. I couldn't even think.

I look straight into Zayn's amazing light brown eyes. I can see the pain written all over his face.

I grabbed his collar and pressed his lips against mine.

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