Chapter 2

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It's been two weeks since my concussion,the nurses said I could go so I happily waved goodbye. As for my amnesia I'm recovering slowly. Shizuo only visited me twice after I cried on him because he was busy with work, not much happened except he promised he would pick me up today.
It was nice being out of the hospital, I stood outside of the hospital for a while not sure where to go, I guess I should wait for him here...
"Alice " I hear a deep manly voice call my name, I look up expectantly and see Shizuo, his blonde fluffy hair, his piercing dark brown eyes, his nose and perfectly carved jawline! Kyaaa~ I'm so lucky!
"Shizuo!" I look up at him and smile weakly, I haven't walked around for a while and the sun is so bright, it's hard to see.
Still, I wonder how long Shizuo will keep caring after me for... It's probably just the guilt of giving a girl amnesia that's the reason of his visits.
"Umm, do you know where you live?" He says bluntly. I've gotten used to his bluntness though. The doctors say that my memories will come back to me after I explore the streets of Ikebukuro and that there was no point of staying in the hospital.
"Well" I shuffle my feet nervously "Not really but the doctor said I would remember everything eventually!" "Oh okay, well..." Shizuo shifts his gaze away from me and he looks down the road deep in thought. "I know a place you can stay for now." He starts walking down the street and I hurriedly tag along after him, he is so tall and I struggle to keep up... "Shizuo-" I pant "Yeah?" He turns around "Where exactly are we going?" I stop walking to catch my breath. "My friends house, his name is Shinra Kishitani, he's also an underground doctor" He keeps walking and then stops, he turns back at me and grabs my hand. I blush "Oh, okay" I mumble he keeps on walking and I walk along beside him, when ever people see us they scuttle away. Poor Shizuo... It must be lonely, everyone fears him but he is so gentle to me.
My heart starts beating fast, his hand is warm and I can't help a light pink blush spread across my face. I look around the streets, and we go past a place called "Russian Sushi" I stop, and tug Shizuo's hand back towards me. "Why are we stopping here Alice? Are you hungry?" I can hear him ask but I block out the noises of the city and lean against his arm "uhh" I close my eyes.
Shizuo's perspective:
I wait for some sort of reaction from Alice, what is she doing? I stare down at her but she is closing her eyes. I've never seen this expression on her before, it's kind of cute but I like looking into her eyes. Huh.. Her eyes...
Suddenly she lets out a gasp, "Alice?" I stutter, I'm met with her large gleaming auburn hues.
She smiles, a genuine soft smile, that makes her face seem so much brighter. She playfully hugs me, my cheeks start to feel kind of hot, I'm not sure what to do so I wrap my arms around her small back. She nuzzles her small face into my chest and mumbles "I remember something!" I hug her tightly and smile "Ah, I'm glad" I hear my self reply. My heart beats faster, it's probably just the heat, or the intensity of our hug... "What do you remember?" I ask, I want to know more about her.
She pulls away from me and I unwillingly let go of her petite figure. It felt comfortable hugging her but I decide to not say anything. "I used to come here with my sister Bee!" She giggles "Even though the sushi tastes rather weird here! Bee, My younger sister, she's dating someone called Kida Masaomi as well..." She continues and laughs.
It's one of the first time I have heard her laugh like that and I smile, feeling genuinely happy for her, and my heart skips a beat.Or something weird like that. I'm not sure...
"Shizuo?" She says looking up at me with her same cute smile "Cool, it's nice you remembered something! Your sister Bee must be important to you if she is the first thing that you remember." I smile "Yeah! I can't believe that I forgot about her though. I completely forgot. What else is there that I can't remember?" Her smile fades away and she looks at the floor, I can no longer see her expression and it annoys me. I hold her hand and push her body closer to mine, I can feel her petite figure against mine (she is like a mini hot water bottle that fits perfect against me.) and I feel a familiar heat rise to my cheeks. She shuffles away slightly. Huh? I guess I made her feel uncomfortable. I lightly pull on her arm and continue walking.
I make sure that everything I do to her is light, I try my best to gently touch her all the time, when I hug her it's gentle and I caress her body, maybe it's because she is so small and I want to protect her, even now I'm walking slightly slower than usual so she can walk beside me. I mean, I made her go to the hospital. I couldn't control my temper, I frown in annoyance. I want her to know that I hate violence. I hate it!
THAT STUPID FLEA IZAYA MADE ME LOSE MY TEMPER AND I BETTER NOT SEE HIM BACK IN IKEBUKURO OR I WILL THROW A VENDING MACHINE AND I WILL NOT MISS AND I WILL KILL THAT PETTY EXCUSE FOR A PERSON- I harshly tug on Alice's arm by accident, she lets out a cute noise. Cute. A really small cute noise. Then I realise what I just did.
"Damn it!" I look down at her and realise the tight grip I have on her hand, I don't know my own strength and she looks so fragile, it must really hurt. "Oh shit! Alice are you okay?" I rub her arm, before I realise what I'm doing, I've pushed her towards me. Again.
Why am I doing this???
"I'm fine Shizuo, thank you though" I think I can hear a slight undertone of annoyance in her voice.
I let go of her completely and wait for my cheeks to stop burning. I walk the rest of the way and she tags along behind me. I hope I didn't scare her too much.. Urgh, I'm such an idiot, I should've been more gentle.
She kind of reminds me of a kitten, the way she follows me and is cute and tiny. I barely talk to girls on my own, so it's quite pleasant to have her as company. I also always want to see her and touch her, it's something about Alice, I want to touch her long wavy chestnut hair.
We finally stop at Shinra's flat and I abruptly stop walking, Alice slams into my back. I can't help but laugh out loud, she must've been so deep in thought that she didn't notice the fact I stopped walking. "Haha, are you okay?" I ask, I wonder how many times I've asked her this since I've known her. A lot of times probably. "I'm fine, you suddenly stopped walking and it caught me by surprise!" She lets out a small giggle "Are we at your friend Shinra's house?"
"Yeah we are" I say, I'm about to ring the buzzer to his flat, when I remember something "Oh yeah, Alice, Shinra can be a bit- Well, you should talk to Celty more, she lives with Shinra" I ring the buzzer and wait. Alice then replies "Oh, okay" In her high little voice. I'm contemplating whether or not I should tell her that Celty doesn't have a head...
She'll just wait and find out.
Izaya Orihara's perspective:
I smirked, Shizu chan with a young girl? Ha! I bet he kidnapped her. Still, what's a monster like Shizuo doing with a young girl, and hugging her publicly outside Russian Sushi?
I stopped smirking and looked down on to the busy streets of Ikebukuro, "What's wrong Izaya?" Namie asked "Oh nothing, I'm simply getting ready for some action" I tilted my head back, "Humans are so interesting, who knew a monster like him would find a young girl? Hahah!" I let out a laugh and turn around to see Namie filing some paper work, totally unaffected to what I said, as usual.
"Cancel any appointments I have tomorrow, I've got something more important to do." I demand.
Oh Shizu chan~ you just wait till this Alice girl sees what a beast you really are!
Thank you for reading!
Comment what you want to happen next :3

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