Meeting Lauren

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Kyle's POV (clarification - Kyle is some random fictional douchecanoe)

Camila and I had been friends since freshmen year and I had a not so secret crush on her, everyone knew it except for her. I basically flirted with her all the time and she would give me her cute giggle and that was just how our dynamic worked, it was clear that we were made for each other. But for the last month and a half she said that she had some girlfriend who went to another school or something and by the way she described her it was clear that this Laura or Layla or Lisa chick she always talked about was just so that other people who would hit on her would stay away from her. It was so obvious she was just trying to get me jealous, she wasn't very subtle about it. Whenever I would ask to hang out with her she would say some made up excuse like, "Oh sorry, Laura is taking me to the movies" or "Lily and I are going to run away and drive into the sunset" blah blah blah. Camila had her own group of tight knit friends, so most of the time I would just admire her from afar like the rest of the guys, the only difference was that I had a chance. Who wouldn't want her, she was popular, gorgeous, smart, hilarious and over all just too good for everyone. It was clear that Camila was in love with this Lisa chick, so I would try to find someone else to get her jealous.

Well, one Monday I walked to school like I usually did and I spotted this girl, she was completely mesmerizing. She stepped out of her sleek car, like in the movies where it goes into slow motion.  She wore a tight black leather jacket and ripped skinny jeans, her hair flowing with the wind and she took off her sunglasses to reveal intensely beautiful green eyes. I knew from the second I saw her, she would be the girl to make Camila jealous. So hurried over to her before anyone else could steal her away.

"Hey, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. You new here?" I said, attempting to be casual

"Uh yeah, it's Lauren." She greeted as she held out her hand.

I took it and reciprocated, making small talk as we walked together to the school from the parking lot, "Kyle. Where you from?"

"I'm actually from LA, southern California, Hollywood, that area. But I begged my parents to let me go here because I know I few people here."

"Oh yeah? Maybe I know them, what's their name?"

"Uh well I'm close with Camila? Cabello? Do you know her?"

I gave a humorless chuckle, "Yeah, nice try...I know everybody wants to be popular in high school but damn girl! You move fast!"

She gave me a genuinely confused look,"What?"

"Come on, Camila Cabello is like the smartest, most gorgeous, hilarious, most popular girl on campus. And even though she came out of the closet like two months ago, you barely have a chance, kid, she has a 'girlfriend'. But everyone on campus knows that she's just trying to make me jealous because she talks about this chick like she's the center of the universe or something and she has like the body of a goddess." Lauren had an amused look plastered to her face,

"Oh really? Interesting..."

"Yeah, so where's you're locker?" She handed me a piece of paper with her locker number, "Oh it's like right next to mine!"

We walked to our lockers and I helped her get settled in with her books and her schedule. Then just like in those dramatic Disney movies I saw Camila, looking as stunning as ever, walk down the hallway, students frantically making way for her and her friends. Guys and girls alike longingly looking at her, wanting to be close to her. But, she was saving herself for me and I knew it.

Lauren's POV

I was talking with Kyle when all of a sudden he just trailed off in mid-sentence, his jaw dropped as he stared at something behind me. Confused, I turned around to see my beautiful girlfriend with Dinah and a redheaded girl walking down the hallway...towards me? Since I was planning to surprise her, I didn't make myself known. I quickly turned around so they couldn't see my face and it looked like I was talking to Kyle. Luckily they were close enough so I could eavesdrop on their conversation. Camila opened her locker behind me and put her books inside her locker while talking to her friends.

"Mila, I just think you should actually look for a boyfriend or a girlfriend and not cling onto some chick out of you're dreams." Redhead said nonchalantly.

Camila just chuckled, "Listen, I like who I like and that's that. But I'm telling you guys , Lauren is real. I even have a picture of us together from last summer when she took me to the beach!"

Very subtly, hoping she wouldn't notice I peeked at the picture and smiled at the silly face Camila made in the photo as I kissed her cheek.

"Lo?" Dinah had spotted me. I frantically signaled for her to pretend I wasn't there and she faked it off as a cough.

Camila gave her a confused look. "What?"

"Oh nothing just a sore throat." Dinah lied smoothly as she gave me a wink. I let out a sigh of relief, I was covered.

The redhead still examining the picture, "Oh come on Mila, I'm not dumb, you probably photoshopped it or hired someone or something." Camila just laughed it off,

"Yeah, yeah, believe what you want." They walked over to Dinah's locker which was across the hallway and Kyle and I resumed their conversation.

"So Camila, wow, she seems like a big deal here, huh?" I spoke up.

"Yeah, that's my future girlfriend so..." As much as she tried not to let it bother her, this guy was being a douche. But as much as I hated it, I wanted to learn more.

"So tell me more about her and know, you."

"Well we're like super tight. She talks to me like all the time and sometimes I swear she gets jealous when other girls talk to me. But you know how it is,  I just have to blow them off for my girl. Because all that ass is mine and I just can't wait to get into her pants, because I know it's going to be epic." I didn't know if I wanted to give him a piece of her mind or just laugh at how wrong he was. "You know this one time at a party I tried to kiss her and she like kinda pushed me off so I think she wants to take it slow." Okay so, I have just confirmed that this guy is out of his fucking mind. "But you know how girls are...So you know, if you ever try to go after my girl, just know she won't roll that way, because she actually wants me."

I just scoffed. This guy really wanted me to punch him in the face. Still oblivious he continued, "Hey, speaking of jealousy. I was thinking since you probably want to make yourself known here, maybe I could help you. I was thinking that we should be in a fake relationship and make Camila jealous so I can back at her and you can make yourself a name." His face was now inches away from mine and as coordinated as a toddler on stilts he tried to caress my face, "I mean unless you want a real relationship." Okay that was the last straw, I not so gracefully pushed him away.

"Hey Kyle, you want to see something cool?"

Stupidly he said, "Sure. I guess..."

I looked over at Camila and called her name, she looked over at me and I could practically hear the wheels turning in her brain.

"LAUREN?" She ran over and practically tackled me and showered me with kisses. And God, did I wish I have a camera on me because the look on his face was so priceless, I think it would've felt better than punching him in the face."Oh my God! What are you doing here? You're not supposed to be here? Where are you staying? Do my parents know you're here?" Camila just couldn't stop her rambling.

"Babe, babe, slow down." I laughed and then proceeded to explain how I was staying with her and her parents knew I was in town and how within two weeks we would be neighbors because my dad got a new job in Miami all while Kyle just stood frozen, his jaw dropped to the floor.

"Oh, Camila you probably know Kyle..." She looked confused, I pointed to him and she pretended she knew who Kyle was.

"Oh yeah...Kyle...right."

"Anyways, I forgot to properly introduce myself. Hey, Kyle, I'm Lauren, Camila's girlfriend for over a month now." I gave with a smug smirk on my face.


"Yup. This is my girlfriend. Now, excuse us, we have to get to class." Camila and I walked off leaving an astounded Kyle stranded in the hallway. I threw another smug smirk over my shoulder just for good measure. I knew I made some decisions that could be questioned but I couldn't help that the small revenge felt so damn good.

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