Chapter 2

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"WAKE UP! WAKE UP RIGHT NOW!" Dishya was frantic and was screaming at the eigth octave. She had her freshmen party in about a couple of hours and she wasn't about to miss it just because Varun's sorry ass can't roll off her gorgeous lavender lehenga.

Zip. Zilch. Nada. There was absolutely no response.

Even his hair would've stayed put if it wasn't for the blasting air conditioner.

"Are you a demon of some form? Are you kaali? Why are you shouting at the top of your lungs Dishya? He sleeps properly only 2 days in a week and why are you ruining it?" Mrs.Manjula aka their mom demanded.

Dishya rolled her eyes. "Dear birthgiver! Your perfect, hardworking son is sleeping over my Lehenga ! He is ruining my party dress. I had it ironed and everything. He's not moving a muscle. Wake him or I'll shove the iron box over him." There were streams of smoke missing from Dishya's nose. She looked red and pissed.

"Who asked you to keep it under him?" Her mom retorted.

"Are you seriously kidding me? I retrieved it from the closet and put it on the bed and went to bath. He was sleeping there!" Dishya pointed to the wall corner. "And he rolled over to here!" she pointed to the free end of the bed. "And now he seems to be a dead body!"Dishya went back to her highest octave again.

"How dare you say such a thing on a friday morning Dishya?" Mrs.Manjula was completely outraged. She would never tolerate such intense words in her house. Dishya would hold her tongue on normal days but her brother gets her worked up and she ends up on the wrong side of her mother.

"I have a first college event to attend in an hour mom! You're not helping much. And he is getting on my last nerve here."

"That doesn't mean you can say such things. Its Friday and I don't want to hear such vile talks. Wait I'll wake him up."

She walked in closer to her son, placed her hands on his hair and genty stroked his head. "Varun.. Varun kanna.. Its late da. Wake up."

"Yeah why don't you sing a lullaby now? You're making him cozy ma." Dishya exclaimed ferociously.

"Wait. Varun kanna.. I made breakfast for you. I made poori and potato. Your coffee is ready too. Why don't you get up and let this stupid dress?" Dishya opened her mouth wide in disbelief. She couldn't believe she was referred as the stupid here. Moms and their partial love for their sons. She could never understand.

The eyes that were shut tight till the last moment opened swiftly on hearing about food and sensing sunlight for the first time after hours, cranked shut again.

"I don't have all day. Ask your golden prince to move his ass ! He's crushing it."

Varun finally opened his eyes. The gleaming sunlight coming through the open window shone on his face, revealing a dark brown natural eyes, a thickset of eyebrows, an aquiline nose and a thick jaw. He took in the scene before him incredulously.

"Why in the name of Spock are you jumping and squeaking in my room with nothing but a towel? For God's sake, put some clothes on. Shameless Dishya." Varun said in a tone of accusation.

"Why, sorry your majesty. But you are literally laying over my lehenga that I need to wear for my party. SO WAKE THE HELL UP IN THE NAME OF DUMBLEDORE!" Dishya seemed to have lost it. She now looked like one of those over-heated rail engines in Thomas and his friends.

"Ohh.. Well, which silly girl would put her lehenga under her sleeping brother? " Varun rolled over amd revealed a now crushed and tampered Lehenga.

"You rolled over! You moron! Now get your ass out of here. I need to get ready." Dishya pushed him off the bed.

"Ma teach her how to behave like a lady!" Varun frowned at his mom.

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