Chapter 5

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Anusha constantly kept checking her phone even if it wasn't pinging or anything. She was making herself appear so busy when in reality, she was scrolling over her what's app contacts and checking their dps and statuses.

"So how's work?" An unfamiliar voice hit her and she looked up to see Pradeep's curious eyes.

"Uhh..Yeah. Good." She said nervously and began doing the same thing again. She opened her chat with Nanditha and there were already 11 unreached 'Thr? 's that were unread. She typed one more and sent it as if this one will jump out of Nanditha's inbox and flash itself before her eyes.

"So, what domain are you in?" Pradeep again. She hated when someone spoke to her for the sake of speaking.

"I'm in Big Data. What about you?" She asked, with a force she miserably tried to hide.

"I'm in Data Mining. Actually, I'm the team lead of it." Pradeep said, boastingly.

"Wow. That's umm. That's really impressive. " Anusha said, sarcasm coated thinly over her tone, which Pradeep was too occupied to notice.

"You bet it is. It's actually so tough for an Indian to get to that position, especially when there is a lot of competition and including the factors like racism, politics and all that." Pradeep said.

"Ohh. No wonder. You don't say." Anu said. She was unsure of how to deal with this.

"Okay. You all please wait, I'll go fetch the starters." Mrs.Malini, Anu's mother said and arised.

"Wait. I'll help you get them." Meena aunty stood up to leave too.

"Meena! You're our guest. Why the formalities? I'll get them." Malini said.

Meena aunty whispered to Malini. "Aiyo.. Don't you get it? We'll leave them alone for sometime, to talk." Which she thought nobody heard, but was clearly audible in the air conditioned room.

"In that case, I would love to take a look at the infamous Swing that's broke. I know a guy who'll fix it for you." Raju uncle said and raised from his chair.

"Ma I'll come too." Anusha said and was about to leave with them when Meena aunty interrupted.

"No no Anusha. You must be tired already. Leave the small works to the old and skilled ladies. You just rest here in AC and keep company for Pradeep. He has been whining about India ever since he arrived. Talk some sense into him." Meena aunty said and everyone disappeared from the room.

Anusha looked over at Pradeep and he was smiling sheepishly back at her. Anu felt like crying after a long time.

"Forgive my mom. She can be a little too aboveboard at times." Pradeep said.

"Umm. No. Nothing's wrong with her. That's okay." Anu said instantly.

"Hmmm. Soooo?" Pradeep pulled on his sentence.

"So?" Anu asked. This was getting too awkward and she hated it.

"What plans?" Pradeep asked.

"Plan? No nothing. I just have to eat, bathe and go to bed." Anu replied.

"Umm. I meant long term."

"Ohhh sorry. I don't know. I just want to keep working I guess and I'm planning on applying for onsite." Anu replied.

"That's fine. Onsite? Wow that's great. Do you have projects going on in UK?" Pradeep asked inquisitively.

"Yeah I guess. But I was planning on applying for US." Anu said rather forcifully.

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