Chapter 29

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SmileyxLoner: I want to spread positivity 😄

Red_Painter: 😑

SmileyxLoner: So today I'm sending you positive quotes 👍🏼👼🏼

Red_Painter: why

SmileyxLoner: why not

Red_Painter: 😕

SmileyxLoner: you're a diamond dear. They can't break you

SmileyxLoner: beautiful things happen when you distance yourself from negativity

SmileyxLoner: nobody makes you angry you decide to use anger as a response

SmileyxLoner: Inhale the good shit exhale the bullshit

Red_Painter: ok I like that one

SmileyxLoner: 😏😎

SmileyxLoner: I was reminded that my blood type is be positive

Red_Painter: 😒 really

SmileyxLoner: hey I like that one

Red_Painter: I can tell

SmileyxLoner: lol I'm sending more

Red_Painter: oh the joy

SmileyxLoner: I can literally read the sarcasm

Red_Painter: 😏

SmileyxLoner: count your blessings not your problems

SmileyxLoner: when life gives you limes rearrange the letters until it spells smile

SmileyxLoner: Negative people need drama like oxygen, stay positive it'll take their breath away

Red_Painter: I don't need drama and I'm a negative person fack

SmileyxLoner: 😅

SmileyxLoner: "a positive attitude may not solve all your problems but it will annoy enough people to make it worth it" ~Herm Albright

SmileyxLoner: you can't start the next chapter of your life if you keep
re-reading the last one

SmileyxLoner: difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations

SmileyxLoner: I would send you more but I've got to go to work 😔

Red_Painter: I think I've had enough positivity for one day

SmileyxLoner: if you feel down just read one of the quotes I'm sure it'll cheer you up

SmileyxLoner: have a good day Red 😌

SmileyxLoner: byeeeeeee

SmileyxLoner is offline

Red_Painter: bye

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