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Yoongi awoke to the faint smell of disinfectant surrounding his throbbing nose. He looked around to witness doctors checking up on patients and a worried Jimin sitting by. 

"Ah, you're awake." Jimin said as he eyed the bandaged state of his friend. The IV drip needle that stuck to his hand and the white gauze bandaged around Yoongi's neck reminded him of the final confusion that plastered on his friend's face before the crash. 

He was currently placed in the recovery unit that was shared by many other patients as well around him. There were three other though, of old age, napping away in the dim lit room.

Yoongi grunted and winced in pain as he sat up right and noticed a doctor coming towards his way. He immediately felt a wave of embarrassment and regret when he remembered what he'd done. The doctor crossed his arms and stared at the vitals displayed on the monitor. 

"You haven't had any life threatening injuries except for a fracture here or there." The doctor informed him. The brunette doctor was looking at Yoongi with such an intensity or perhaps annoyance, that sent Yoongi fidgeting uncomfortably.  

"Thank you, Dr. Kim." Jimin said to the male. Dr. Kim nodded and walked away, giving one last look of annoyance at Yoongi. 

Jimin took in the tattooed male's bruised lips and swollen eyes. He wanted to reach out to him and say something to comfort the pain and regret in his eyes, but the thought was soon interrupted when the booming sound of another male was heard.

"Min Yoongi?"

Both males looked up to see a police officer standing in front of the hospital bed. Yoongi's heart gripped as he nodded slowly. 

"I'm here to inform you that as soon you're discharged, you'll be taken to court for the crime you've committed. As of now, you're charged with illegal driving, drunk driving and the life threatening injuries on a pedestrian. You're welcome to hire a lawyer and fight for your case." 

"What is the state of the pedestrian?" Jimin asked. 

"Currently, he's in the ICU and is being operated on." And with the tipping of his police hat, he walked away. 

"Yoongi. . ." Jimin's voice trailed away as he saw him burying his head in his hands. Jimin felt as if it was his fault as well for not warning him when the traffic light was red. But the fear had hung onto Jimin as he had gripped the steering wheel. 

"Hey, listen," Jimin rested a hand on Yoongi's shoulder. 

"I know this really good lawyer a-and we can hire him to fight. Don't worr--"

"what if he dies, Jimin?"

Yoongi lifted his face and looked at Jimin with red rimmed eyes. The disgust was now eating him whole. All his life he had wanted to die early, not be the fucking reason for another's death. Whatever punishment that was supposed to come his way, he'd accept it with his head bowing. 

Yoongi lied back down in his bed and closed his eyes, hoping that by the time he woke up, he'd already be dead. 

He deserved it. 


Hoseok flexed his fingers, trying to regain the feeling in them. 

He couldn't walk. He couldn't eat. He couldn't sleep. All he could do was be trapped inside the shell he called his body and think of the time he was wasting lying here in this hospital. 

He had to go back and finish up his thesis. He had to brew a warm mug of green tea and lick his lips as he memorised the material for his next exam. He had to greet his parents and make stupid jokes just so they could forget for a few minutes their son was dying. He had to, he fucking had to. 

But he couldn't. 

The ache in his heart subsided temporarily as he saw his best friend, Kim Taehyung, entering the room with his lab coat on. He smiled when he saw Hoseok was awake, but it soon faltered when he realised what he was about to tell him. 

Hoseok tried to move, but it was no use. Taehyung settled on the stool beside his bed and clasped his hands together. 

"Why so quiet? Usually you're screaming your head off, Dr. Kim." Hoseok chuckled and tried to lighten the dark atmosphere. But it was no use when he met his eyes and knew something bad had happened. 

"Tae, you're lucky I can't move my legs so you won't get your ass kicked. What's wrong?" 

Taehyung pursed his lips and met his tired eyes. His eyes had teared up and he had excused himself when he witnessed the CT scan of Hoseok's brain around other surgeons. He wanted to murder that Min Yoongi who had further ruined Hoseok's remaining life. 

He exhaled waveringly and tried to blink away his tears. Despite his friend's body temporarily being paralysed from the waist and down, the smile on his dewy and beautiful face sent Taehyung's heart aching to embrace him. 

Hoseok knew that the temporary body paralysis would be gone within two mere days, so he didn't understand why Taehyung was looking all so sullen for. After two days, Hoseok could walk again. 

"Hoseok. . ."


"There's something else the accident caused."

Hoseok looked over at him curiously, wondering what it could be that his dear friend was tearing up over.

"T-the tumour spread more."

He bit his lip, letting the tears finally fall down. He didn't mean to cry again, as he thought the secret crying session he'd done in the bathroom earlier was enough, but this was about Jung Hoseok, his best friend of five years.

"It spread a-and," 

his tears streaked his cheeks like new rain and he peered at him through red rimmed eyes, at the worry stricken face of that beautiful sunshine, "shortened your life span."


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