Chapter Twelve-A killer's revenge

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Dimloch's killer assassin watched the Royal carriage.

He hated Prince Delaware.

The arrogant fool was up himself, and so was his sister. They felt entitled to mete out trouble to all people.

He decided that everyone had had to die.

But he wanted them to suffer.

And he grabbed the sharp dagger in his right hand.

It was tipped with a lethal poison.

And, dressed in a black colored Priest's robes, and wearing brown colored boots on his feet, he walked down the arched hallways,  and into the dingy Inn where the seafears travelled to stay when they weren't out at sea, where the more dangerous killers contemplated their latest jobs that came their way.


"It was a hopeless thing, sister", Prince Delaware watched his sister.

"It was not hopeless".


"Be quiet!".

Prince Delware focused on the cobbled road. He knew assassins, rogues, and highway robbers could attack the carriage.

"We need security".

"No one shall attack us". Lord Delware was so confident that his son frequently questioned his father's motives.


And then they saw the assassin.

They screamed, as they saw the Priest.

"I'm sorry M'Lord, M'Lady. M'Princess, M'Prince. But you see, there's a lot of rogues who will kill you all".

"We don't need to heed your warning, Priest". Princess Delaware insulted him.

"That, you insolent girl, is your own demise".

"How dare you speak to my sister that way". Prince Delware shouted.

"I can speak my mind; I am a Priest. Yet, you all have sinned".


"Aye, by behaving in a unregal manner".

"How dare you...".

And then the assassin did something nasty.

He picked up several rocks, and smashed the passenger-side window. He then stabbed Princess Darrow in the chest with the dagger with his right hand.

Ignoring the pain, as well the blood that gushed, and he watched her pass away before she had time to yell.


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