Shopping or dropping?

5 1 2

~*~*Remi's POV~•~•~

"Marco!!!" I shout across the baby cloths store to my sister Sammy

"POLO" I hear her shout back.

I walk around cute little baby shoes and baby blankets. All saying different things.

I finally see Sammy's head come into view as I sprint towards her.

I reach her and we both burst out into fits of laughter

"I swear we are so immature!" She laughed

I nodded in agree ment.

"So what did you pick out for my precious bundle of joy?" I ask happily

she pulls out a Little shirt that is multi coloured and a skirt that is black. The shirt says 'my auntie is the best' I smiled at how much Sammy spoils Hollister.

"What did you pick out for her?" She asked while she looked around.

I sighed as I followed behind her.

"This" I said pulling out a pj out fit that says 'Mommies rule and daddies drool!'

She bust out laughing.

"Isn't that the truth!" She laughed

"Can you believe she's turning 1?" I ask as I remember the day she was born.

"I can't! I can remember you screaming in the middle of the night!" She laughed

I blushed at remembrance of that day.

"I miss my little munchkin!" I whine

"Rem you've been away from her for 2 hours!" She states

I shrugg.

"I'm so proud of what you have accomplished after having Hollister! You were 18 when you had her! And you have accomplished your high school years! Managed to keep a job! and raised her without you know who!!" She exclaimed hugging me

"But I had you! I didn need him! You were always there when I needed someone to watch her. Everything! I couldn't ask for a better sister!" I smiled as I could see tears brim at the corners of her eyes.

"What about shoes! The girls got to have shoes!" She said whipping her tears.

Walking over to the shoe section

"Sam you but her shoes almost every month! The girls got shoes!" I laughed.

"We'll I love her!" She laughed

"Fine." I laughed

"GET DOWN!!!!!!" I hear a manly voice shout then a gun shot when off

I scream as I look at Sam on what to do.

She pulls me down as we lay down next to each other. She looks at me as if she was saying 'shh it's going to be fine just do what they say'

I nodded as they shout all these things.

There were two men and they were moth in ski masks.


One man walks up to us. I push him my purse as does sam.

He takes it and starts to walk but then slowly turns around.

"Which one has a baby?" He asked only loud enough for us to hear.

I raise my hand.

He looks at me as he gives me my money back but takes everything else.

We'll at least he cares.

He walks off as the other comes up to us.

"Who has the baby? Huh you guys seem pretty young to have a baby!!!" This man shouts this time

I raise my hand for the second time

"I already took care of them Jim leave them alone!" The other man says calmly

The one who I'm guessing is Jim whips around and says to him

"Shut up Nate!"

Nate turns around

My heart beats rapidly as I'm sure kids In America can hear it.

"Wouldn't it be horrible if you baby grew up without a mom??" He asked

I nodded frantically.

"Please sir leave my sister alone!" Sam said to him

He bends down and slaps her.

"Shut up I'm not talking to you!"

"Now it would be horrible for your baby to grow up thinking their mom was a horrible mom!"

I nodded again

"Well we'll find out!" he said raising a gun to my stomach.

"No please!!" I cry now.


Hello! Cliffhanger!! Sorry!! I just want to see if you guys really like this book so far! Um I want to thank my good friend SamBerney for the babies name and some ideas of the book! And basically being my co writer! My writing would be crap without her!! So anyway Vote, Comment all that good stuff!! Tell me what you think so far! And don't worry one direction will be coming in shortly!! I promise!!!

love you guys!!!

Nillerspotato! cx

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