My Little Demon

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(Fluff chapter for all the innocents reading, ily)

Dark woke up to Anti snoring softly on his chest. In all honesty, that was the cutest thing he'd ever seen. Dark moved slightly only to be pulled closer to Anti. Anti held on for dear life, he didn't want this moment to end. "I know you're awake darling," Dark said kissing the smaller demon's forehead. "Don't go I wanna cuddle!" Anti whined. "How about I make us some breakfast in bed, and we can cuddle and watch Netflix, ok?" Dark offered. Anti released Dark from his death grip, "I'm picking the movie." Dark smiled and rolled his eyes, going downstairs to make breakfast. Anti picked out a Disney movie and waited for Dark. Soon enough Dark appeared with a tray of eggs, bacon, and orange juice. Dark laid beside Anti in their bed, setting the food up. Anti cuddled close to Dark and began eating. He kissed Dark in between bites as a 'thank you.' They ate and watched the movie Anti had chosen while cuddling. About hallway through the movie Dark got up and cleared away all their plates. When he came back Anti was asleep in a ball on the bed. Chuckling softly, Dark pulled his boyfriend into his arms. "I love you Dark." Anti said once again clinging to Dark. Dark kissed his boyfriend, "I love you too, my little demon."

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