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No Memes. ;(
There's no meme of the month for August. It better hurry up because I need to laugh. So I have a Tumblr post for you instead. :)

What's Up?
My email got hacked and it's really annoying, not because they deleted my messages or anything, but sent dozens of random messages to random people and I feel bad for them. XP
I just got back from a 4-day trip, which no one cares about, but I'mma say it anyway.
The Olympics are happening, I guess. What are your favorite sports? Mine would probably be swimming/gymnastics because duh, Simone Biles and Michael Phelps. But I love watching diving too. I JOINED GraphicKingdom!

Who's The Big Cheese?
GraphicKingdom I joined them! I personally run the DeviantArt and YouTube account.
Afreen_sultan 's a friend of mine. She's got a great story started!

A Bit of a Rant
So, as you already know, this isn't a regular newsletter. It's basically an everything book-- full of memes with no originality and weird thoughts. So I figured putting a rant in here won't make much of a difference. So here we go.
You may have heard that France is banning the burkini (a covering swimsuit that many Muslim women wear)-- because, what, people will get traumatized and scared?? Honestly, we aren't going to HURT you or anything. All we want to do is freaking swim, dammit! Like regular people. But now France won't let them have a life and have fun because of some ignorant Islamophobes. I'm sorry, but that doesn't make sense. I'm probably going to get a lot of hate for this, I just realized. :P
And even if you don't agree with me on this, you must agree that this is an absolutely ridiculous thing that people are focusing on. It's 2016, and people are getting outraged by a few people wearing swimsuits. Have you seen the state of third-world countries? Have you seen the state of Syria, Bosnia, Afghanistan, hell, even Britain and the USA at the moment? There are much  larger problems to fix than clothing.
Phew, that was the most serious I've ever been in any of my books.

What's the Big Cheese?
1. The Peanut Butter Banana Ratio
Such a cute little book. It's a short story, but really good.
2. Chasing Mr. Crown
The biggest emotional roller coaster ever. Made me want to throw my iPod across the room. Highly recommend.

My QuizUp Identity Revealed
So a couple days ago I hit 100 followers on my QuizUp account (My username is : TheHeraEra (Used to be YouShallNotPass)) To celebrate I did a name reveal and stuff. So if you have a QuizUp, definitely go check my profile out and tell me "The Hera-ld" sent you. :)

Some Good Songs
1. How Deep Is Your Love by Calvin Harris
I don't know why I haven't heard this song before but it's CATCHY.
2. Colors by Halsey
It's a really sad song when you listen to the lyrics. ;(

Musings of the While
• Shoutout to all the public bathrooms that provide those toilet seat covers. Lifesavers for germaphobes like me.

• It's been 108 years and I still don't get how humans are trusted to drive cars.

• That moment when someone heavily compliments something you did/made and you're just like... 'That was one of the worst things ever... Couldn't they have complimented one of my better ones???' (This is not directed to anyone in particular.)

• School is coming and I'm ready with my pencil and my tears.

• I either do all my work for the day or none of it.

• Honestly, hackers are really dedicated. WHO ELSE HAS THE TIME TO SEND LIKE A HUNDRED RANDOM EMAILS TO RANDOM RECIPIENTS WITH RANDOM SUBJECTS IN LESS THAN AN HOUR?! I'm sorry, that's just exhausting. (Welcome to TheHeraEra-- where we criticize hackers, not for hacking people, but for the unnecessary amount of effort they put into it.)

And to round this post off, where are my fellow holosexuals at?!


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