Streamclan Cats

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LEADER ~ Slashstar - thin white tom with long sharp claws and very light blue eyes

DEPUTY ~ Mothwing - white she-cat with cream colored legs and tail, and yellow eyes

MEDICINE CAT ~ Finchblossom - ginger kitten size she-cat with green eyes

TROOPERS ( Toms and She-cats without kits )
Rainfoot - blue-gray tom with light grey back paws and dark grey front paws, and blue eyes
Icepatch - white and dark brown she-cat with small paws and amber eyes
Apprentice, Fadepaw
Brokenpelt - brown she-cat with a broken leg and brown eyes
Maplepool - dark ginger she-cat with a single black line on her back and yellow eyes
Apprentice, Moonpaw
Whisperwood - light brown tabby she-cat with yellow eyes
Nightclaw - jet black tom with brown eyes
Softflower - fluffy small orange, brown tabby she-cat with white paws, chin, chest fur and underbelly, and blue eyes
Brightfire - light orange tabby she-cat with white chest fur and underbelly, and amber eyes
Apprentice, Dovepaw
Hawkclaw - huge dark brown tabby tom with icy blue eyes

APPRENTICES ( Cats six moons or older in training )
Fadepaw - brown and orange tom cat with green eyes
Moonpaw - sleek silver she-cat with blue eyes
Dovepaw - fluffy white she-cat with yellow eyes

QUEENS ( She-cats with or expecting kits )
Rosepetal - light brown tabby she-cat with blue eyes
Expecting kits

ELDERS ( Troopers now retired )
Frostpelt - light gray she-cat with green eyes

TROOPERS ~ Book 1 ~ Forest Of SecretsWhere stories live. Discover now