Believe...And Anything Can Happen

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Once upon a time, in the far corner of the Enchanted Forest, lived two kingdoms in harmony. A kingdom of elves and a kingdom of humans.

Every thousand years, the human kingdom would offer the king of the elves a princess in exchange for their alliance. It seemed fair enough, as the princess would bond the two kingdoms through marriage.

When King Kallan came to the throne of the elfin kingdom, he was offered the marriage of Princess Rosetta. He was taken by her beauty and she, by his humble attitude. They had fallen in love at first sight.

A human-elf relationship had never existed before; only through myth and song. Then the princess gave birth to a beautiful baby girl a year after her marriage with Kallan. They named their little princess, Avery.

As little Avery grew up, though, she was shunned by her elfin people. Because she was only half elf, her skills did not come as easily as any regular elf child. Her hair was not as light as her fellow peers, either.

But her parents loved Avery all the same; she was, afterall, the result of their love for each other.

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On the night of her thirteenth birthday, Avery had been sitting in her window and watching the town of her father's kingdom below. In the silence, she saw young elf boys climb out of their windows and down to the road in their night gowns.

"Peculiar...." Avery whispered to herself, grabbing her emergency rope ladder and climbing down the wall of her castle.

She hurried through the town, watching the seemingly entranced boys as they walked through town to an unknown place. Avery stayed in the shadows, like her dad had taught her, and followed the boys to find a hooded figure, a bonfire, and a ring of masked, dancing figures.

Then, she heard it: the faint yet increasing sound of pied pipes playing an eerie tune. Avery felt her body slowly numb as she started to move along with the masked boys. Soon, she received her own mask as she danced, hollered, and laughed. Her worries and fears melted away as she circled the bonfire. Avery felt free.

Soon, the music stopped and the Pied Piper looked among his gathered group. Everyone there in that moment stopped, turning the face the hooded figure. His hands pushed back the hood and he revealed himself as a handsome, young man; no older than eighteen.

"You've gathered here for one leave your unloving families for a place where you never have to grow up: Neverland!" the boy shouted. Others cheered in agreement yet Avery was confused; why was she here then?

"Come with me and you can leave this reality," the boy added. He watched as the boys cheered as they made their way into the woods. Avery stayed back though, rooted to her spot. The boy noticed immediately.

"Are you not coming?" He asked, stepping towards the princess.

"No...I have to stay here..." Avery answered, pulling her mask off slowly. "It seems I don't belong with you boys..."

Saying Peter Pan was surprised to see a girl was almost an understatement. He thought that only Lost Boys could hear his flute. That made him curious about this girl.

"Well...if you ever decide you want to leave, that you do belong on Neverland..." here, Pan tossed Avery a small silver whistle. "Blow the whistle and you'll be in Neverland in no time..."

After staring at the whistle in her hands for a moment, Avery looked up to find the mysterious boy and the others gone.

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This is the whistle:

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