The Choi's(Edited)

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Sungcheol's p.o.v

I was in the kitchen thinking of what to make for lunch for all my monsters when saw I had just gotten a text from Jeonghan with a picture of him and little Minghao smiling brightly saying everything had gone alright.

Throughout the year Jeonghan had showed me pictures, told me his children's names, silly stories, and preferred names each boy (and Jeonghan) go by. He wanted me to make the best impression when we would all met, but I know I would.

Deciding I really don't want to cook I walk to the hallway with all my children's bedrooms and heard silence. Omg it's almost noon and those boys are still asleep?

Knowing I wouldn't get them up that easy I walked back to the living room to see my 6 year old son, Jun, sitting playing with his Pororo doll. Ah....

'nice timing Jun'

Jun was a very quiet kid that mostly spoke with his actions. He did however have his looks going for him be it as he's only 6. All my older children adored Jun feeling he needs to be protected but I feel like he will be the one to protect others.

I walk over to him and kneel down ruffling his hair before kissing his forehead

"Hey buddy wanna do me a favor?"

"Sure dad what's up?

"Okay Jun 1 2 3 "

I closed my ears while I stood behind him as Jun had a pot and a cooking spoon, which I gave him, and he started to bang away at the pot, the echoes blasting through the entire house, until screams came over that.

"AHHH WHAT IS THAT!!" (Vernon)




My 4 other sons came out of their separate rooms all at once glaring at me till I pointed down at my little one. Their faces softened as they saw Jun giving his cute ageyo face as he went to grab my 17 year old son Dokyeom's hand and pull him to the living room.

Dokyeom was a special kid. Being the first of my children to ever adopt he seemed to never have a negative thought. Which always made not only me but his brothers always smile.

"Ah wait guys I had Jun wake you all up because I wanted to go out to lunch I have some special news~" I said giving my sons my signature smile.

"News? What news? You never have news" Asked my 14 year old Hoshi

Hoshi was the starlight of my boys. He loved to dance wherever he was no matter where we were or what we were doing, it was his passion.

"Oh crap your not getting another kid are you?" Asked my 10 year old Americano Vernon

Vernon was the fighter out of my kids. He never really got along with most people (except his brothers) and that led to me always having to come up to his school and see why he was always in trouble. The hardest part is he feels he has to stick up for himself because he looks different then most.

"Relax dude dad can barely handle us what makes you think he can take on more?" Says my handsome 15 year old son Mingyu while picking up Jun and setting him on his hip.

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