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Jeonghan's p.o.v

The whole family was lounging in the living room me myself was nestled up on my husbands chest. Everything was perfect...until I felt it.

"Ah-hh!" I yelped making everyone in the room look at me. That was a baby kick like non of the other times he kicked before...oh crap.

"What's wrong baby" Seungcheoul asked worried pushing some loose strands of hair away from my face.

"Uh hehe... don't freak out, but I think the baby's coming." I watch as his eyes widen.

"AHHHH!" All of the children start to scream and panic. Really I'm having it not them.

"Oh my god we have to go to get you to the hospital! But we have to get a bag! And make sure all the kids get there and- and- and..."

"GUYS!" I yell making everyone stop and look at me. By now most of the kids are standing leaving Seungcheoul to help me stand.

"Look here's what we're going to do Dokyeom and Jisoo take the other vehicle and you guys are in charge that Mingyu, Wonwoo, Hoshi, and Jihoon gets there. We will take Vernon, Seungkwan, Jun, and Minghao. Everyone understand the plan?" With nods from everyone I continue

"Now Seungcheoul can you please go to our room and get the hospital bag I packed last week." Rushing from my side Seungcheoul zoomed off to our room and to my side was Vernon holding my hand keeping me up steady.

We were standing waiting for Seungcheoul to get the bag of clothes and keys (me thankful for Vernon keeping me up for being my wobbly self) when all of a sudden another strong pain hit my stomach. Not thinking I clenched my hand. Hard.

"Yah! Okay! Let's hurry up before we break Vernon's hand!" Vernon yelled out

"Oh my god baby I'm so sorry!" I quickly apologize while putting my other hand on his scrunched up face

"Hm I think we can wait a bit more" Seungkwan crossed his arms smirking at Vernon.

"Why do you hate me" Vernon whipped his head over looking at the sassy boy.

"You really want me to answer that?" He bit back rising a brow.

"No I think we're good!" Vernon quickly answered almost cutting Seungkwan off

Right at that moment Seungcheoul came back with the bags and tossed a set of keys to Dokyeom.

Once back at my side he took my hand as we all went outside. Helping me into the passenger seat before he raced to the driver side before we were headed on our way.

                At the hospital

Jihoon's p.o.v

Right away mom was rushed into a room. Gosh I can't believe we're going to get another baby brother.

"What you thinking babe?" Hoshi walked up to me, right now it was just us because Dokyeom and Jisoo took Jun and Minghao to the restroom, Mingyu, Wonwoo, Vernon, and Seungkwan all went down to the cafeteria to get some food.

"Shh careful when you say that word, here we're brothers remember." I laugh as he came up and took my hand.

"Were the only one in this hallway now come here"

Hoshi pulled me to him and pushed my back to the wall pinning me to it. With his forearms by my head he leaned down capturing my lips in a heated kiss.

"Hey Hos-"

We broke our kiss and jumped away quickly hearing that voice. Of all people why did it have to be him.

SEVENTEEN Family((REWRITING))Where stories live. Discover now