Chapter 5: Hallowen disaster

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"Hey nerd!" A voice said behind Will. When he turned around he saw a grinning Dipper, which made himself smile. "Hey Dumb dumb" He replied "you ready to go look for a costume?". The brunette nodded "Yeah, the store's only a few blocks away".

They began to walk to the halloween costume store. The party was today and it started at 6, the time when the sun sets. "So do you have any idea's?" Dipper asked casually. Will shrugged "I don't know, I want something cute though". Blushing at the thought of Will in a cute bunny costume, Dipper opened the door for Will. "Why thank you" He said happily, walking inside. "No problem" Dipper mumbled.

Inside there were so many costumes, it made Will gasp in astonishment. "How about we get matching themed costumes?" Dipper suggested. Will thought for a second "That sounds fun!". The two went and searched around the costumes, trying to find the best ones.

"What about a Deer and a Hunter?" Dipper suggested pulling out the two costumes. Will laughed "Yeah right! How about Micky and Minnie mouse?". Dipper groaned "That's so child-like Will, I think we should do Mario and Luigi?". Will scoffed "And i'm childish?". Both of them started to giggle as they looked at the funny costumes. Then they decided to settle on Police officer and Prisoner.

Will wore a short dress with black and white stripes, A black and white hat, fishnet stocking that went up to his thighs, and black boots that went up to his knee's. He also added handcuffs. Dipper on the other hand wore a black colored police officer costume, also having a black police officer hat. When both of them looked in the mirror, they couldn't help themselves but laugh.

The party didn't start until an hour but they wore the costumes anyway. Another giggle escaped Will's lips "I've never had this much fun before!". Dipper looked down frowning, feeling a bit guilty, but then chuckled "It's only the start Will, It'll be so much fun once the party starts. Common!".

They got Snacks, Beverages, party supplies, and a lot more. Then they started to set up the party room. "Where should I put the snacks?" Will asked. Dipper replied by pointing to a small table. "Thank you~" Will giggled. Then the door bell rang. "Looks like we already got visitors" Will said while smiling. Dipper nodded "Yeah, let's greet them".

Soon a bunch of people were here and luckily no one questioned who Will was. Although quite a few guys tried to hit on him, which made Dipper pretty upset. A lot of people swarmed around Will, which honestly, he would rather have been around Dipper.

"What school do you go to?" "What kind of skin ointment do you use" "your skin is so soft!" "Are those contacts" "you are so pretty" "I love your hair" "is it real" "omg I wish i was you" "She is so adorable" "Aw so cute" "This costume looks amazing on you". All these compliments were driving Will mad and he started to get frustrated. Dipper lied, the party isn't fun when there are more people he thought to himself.

When he saw Dipper again, he was with another girl. Before Will could call out, the girl dropped her drink and began to smooch his face off. His eyes widened and tears began to fall. He didn't know why either. He just felt lonely and betrayed a bit. He noticed a lot of people having alcohol in their hands, which just made him more confused.

Then a hand slid up his thigh. "What are you doing!" Will said upset, tears still in his eyes. Then another touched him. "Omg she has a d***" someone said. Everyone began to gasp. "Ew disgusting!" "Transitive" "Gay f**" "so not cute". Tears began to fall more as Will felt himself being attacked. Finally he had enough, getting up and bolting out.

I should have known humans would never accept a demon like me Will cried to himself. Dipper saw the flash of blue go outside and he immediately followed after. Once he was outside he saw Will crying, his knees to his chest. Dipper winced at the sight but left him alone, going inside.

Dipper got his blue jacket and went back outside, putting it over the crying boy's shoulders. The sobs didn't stop but Dipper wrapped a arm around him, waiting for him to calm down. Finally there were on sniffles. "Wanna tell me what happened?" Dipper asked. Will sniffled again.

"Why did you kiss that girl?" He asked. Dipper tilted his head "You mean... Oh no!". He then began to laugh a bit, explaining how it was his sister who was bumped into him. He started to tell Will how she began to curse loudly at him but was stopped by Will's cute giggles. A blush arose on the brunettes cheeks.

"After that the kids in the party started to feel me up and now they know I'm a guy" Will added, frowning. This made Dipper stop in his tracks, a deadly glare on his face "What?". Will shivered a bit but Dipper already marched into the house. "Everyone get the f*** out!" Dipper yelled, smashing something on the floor to get everyones attention.

One guy refused which earned him a hard blow to the face. After that, everyone left smoothly. To be fair, everyone knows Dipper's wrath when it comes to karate.

The house was empty now. Dipper took a water out of the fridge and cooled off, sitting on the couch. Will sat next to him "well, that just happened". Dipper chuckled a bit "Don't let them treat you that way, they just don't understand". Will had a happy grin on his face "If that happens again at least I can come to you".

Silence filled the room and all that was heard was breathing. "You know" Will started "It's only 7:30". Dipper raised a brow and Will grinned grabbing a pillow case. "You call it childish, I call it free candy" Will giggled, taking Dipper's hand and leading him outside.

Both of them started to trick-or-treat to the remaining houses. "You know, I haven't trick-or-treated in at least 5 years" Dipper admitted. This made Will chuckle "See, being childish is fun". The two walked across the blocks, most of the people being generous and complimenting their costumes. In the end, they had a big bag of halloween candy. It was a struggle for Will to hold the bag so Dipper carried it most of the ways back.

They relaxed by the TV and Dipper asked what Will wanted to watch. He grinned "Do you have netflix?". Dipper nodded, confused. Will began to look through and finally found mean girls. "You watch this?" Dipper said disgusted, making Will laugh. "Yeah, It's really funny" He replied and leaned against Dipper. Dipper looked down at Will, blushing.

Both of them ate the halloween candy, Dipper refusing to eat the sour ones. "Sour candies are the best though" Will pouted. Dipper shook his head "They are disgu-" He was cut off by Will slipping a sour patch in his mouth. "Why!" He said loudly, spitting the gummy out. This made Will giggle "You are such a child".

Then, Dipper began to complain about the movie, saying how popular people did not act like that. "Regina George, you need to get your crusty self a personality" He said sighing at the screen.

Will was getting sick of his smart remarks despite most of them being funny. "What even is Regina-" Dipper started before he felt his collar being pulled. Will's lips met Dipper's quickly yet passionately, lasting a few seconds. When Will pulled away, Dipper had a gazed kinda look, and he took that as an advantage to snuggle in Dipper's arms. "W-what was that" Dipper asked. Will just smiled "Just something to shut you up".

The rest of the night remained with Dipper excited and Will in tune with the movie. Eventually though, the movie ended. "Okay Dipper you can speak now" Will said turning to Dipper. He was asleep, breathing peacefully. Will took this chance to admire his features. His hair looked soft and his skin was soft, and overall he was gorgeous.

Will got up just to get a blanket, then moved Dipper down on the couch so he was lying on the couch. Of course, Will laid on top of him with the blanket above the both of them. He then fell asleep on Dipper's chest, peacefully listening to his heart.

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