Chapter 8: Protection

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(A/N- Whose ready for a chapter everyday because its the weekend? :D Stay tuned because I'm gonna stay loyal to this book. Also- thanks for 600 views! Thats my highest <3 Ly!)

Will's eyes widened. "S-Stanford..." He whispered. Dipper looked down at Will who was cowarding in his chest. He pet his head a bit and glared at his grunckle. "You already have your research so don't you dare lay a finger on him" He growled. Stanford snorted "I don't need him Dipper, but wouldn't you like if he became our maid again? Then he'd be all yours".

Dipper stiffened at the thought. Will in a maid outfit.. He smirked a bit. "F*** off Grunckle, He isn't our maid anymore". Stanford shrugged "whatever" then he walked back into the house. Once he left Will wheezed out gasps of air. "It's okay, he won't hurt you anymore" Dipper chuckled embracing Will.

They shared a small peck on the lips before Will walked back home. 'spaghetti night, spaghetti night, spaghetti night' He silently chanted to himself, a grin on his face.

Monday morning was a pain. All the spaghetti he ate made him sick so he wounded throwing it all up. Human food was pretty annoying to digest, since he wasn't actually human. But Now it was back to geeky pants and geeky glasses. Will giggled to himself as he left the house with a waffle. Specifically bill's waffle. Bill had an obsession with them so often times Will had to hide them in the laundry room.

He walked inside the school building, scratching his head. Everyone was ignoring him and luckily no one knew who he was from friday. He liked it that way to be honest. "Ugh look, it's Wilbert" A girl fake groaned. Turning around, Will saw Dipper and a bunch of others tagging around him. He gave a soft smile which, surprisingly, Dipper returned.

"Eww his smile is soo geeky" Another girl laughed. Dipper groaned "Stop being a bitch Samantha". The girls both stopped, anger in their eyes. Dipper turned his head and walked off, the girls glaring at Will while they followed behind.

Later in Gym they were supposed to play tennis. Yet the whole time Dipper was showing Will how to swing the racket and hit the ball. They we're flirting publicly and everyone was disgusted. "He is so ugly, why is he hanging around Dipper" A girl jealousy said. Another flipped her hair "He needs to get his geeky a** out of here". The fangirl's of Dipper were not amused.

"we should show him a lesson right girls" A brunette said. She chuckled evilly making everyone else join in. "So do you wanna meet up later, possibly go somewhere" Dipper asked, taking a break from the racket. Will shrugged "I dunno, on weekdays I'm at the bar til 8. Although if you want, I'm fine with weekends. How about doing something on Saturday?". Dipper agreed "Let's go ice skating". Will laughed "Sure".

Later on the bell rang and the both of them walked separate paths. This was the girl's time to strike. "I wonder if Dipper even likes ice skating rinks" Will mumbled to himself, barely hearing the footsteps behind him. He turned around fast and saw about 5 girls with tennis balls. "Since you love Tennis so much, let us help!" One girl yelled. Others joined in chanting "get him!".

Will tried to dodge them but got hit a lot. Tears sparked in his eyes. It got so bad to the point where the demon couldn't take it anymore. He took off his glasses and threw them at one of the girls, hitting her in the eye. A small gasp was heard before the girl started to cry. Immediately Will felt bad. The scene caused people to notice and surround them, including Dipper.

"I leave Will alone for a second... What happened?" The brunette asked. All the girls began to say how Will started to bully them so they used self defense and he went wild, hitting the girl with glasses. "Is this true Will?" Dipper asked. One look at the girls, Will knew he'd be in more trouble if he said no. Looking down, trying to stop the tear flow, he nodded.

All was silent until he felt himself being embraced. "You are a terrible liar" Dipper chuckled "You have a black eye and everything!". Will looked up and was surprised to feel warm lips upon his. His eyes widened but he wrapped his arms around Dipper's neck, melting into the familiar kiss, all too well.

Dipper pulled away first, turning to everyone else. A small glare was on his face, similar to the one at the party. "Don't mess with Will anymore, if you dare defy me well, I guess I can say your sex won't stop me from beating your face in" Dipper threatened. A small smirk came on his lips when he saw everyone's shocked faces. Even Will shivered a bit.

Dipper leaned down close to Will's ear, making sure no one heard his whisper. "Don't lie to me again, kay Willy?"

After that, Dipper walked away with the nervous wreck Will, hand in hand. He walked him to the bar, through the back obviously, and into Will's changing room. "Did you wanna stay for the show?" Will asked, taking his makeup out. Dipper thought for a second. I don't have karate or golf since that is in the morning and if I go back to school I'm gonna have to hear everyone's complaints. "Sure, why not?" He shrugged.

He watched as Will carefully applied his foundation, mascara, and lipstick. "Don't you worry about all the acne you can get from all that makeup?" Dipper asked. Will chuckled "I'm a demon, not a human" "oh yeah". Silence filled the two and Will got up to look through costumes. "Which one should I wear" He asked Dipper. Dipper looked through before picking out a dress*.

Will started to get dressed in front of Dipper. "Whoah- what are you doing" Dipper gasped, trying to cover his red face. His eyes looked at Will's chest, and as his eyes trailed down... Will chuckled "Even though we have similar bodies, you are such a perv". Dipper turned around and coughed "W-whatever, just get changed". It only took a few seconds for Will to strip completely and put on the dress. "Done" he whispered in Dipper's ear making the poor boy surprised.

"D-don't do tha-" Dipper started, turning around to face Will. He was cut off by his beauty that his mouth was agape, again. Will had a small smile on his face and he looked so different with the dress on, plus the makeup. "Dippy?" Will tried. Dipper's face was red and he hugged Will. This made the blue haired boy confused before Dipper spoke up. "Your too cute and I can't face you right now without..." Dipper cowered. Will sighed before breaking away from the hug and cupping his hands around the brunette.

"It's okay to blush in front of me" He chuckled then kissed the boy on the nose. "Okay" Dipper responded trying to kiss Will on the lips. Will stopped him "I already lost most of my lipstick on your nose, I think we should wait afterwards" He giggled. Dipper blushed again but smiled anyway, nodding.

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