Chapter Two

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A/N: Well, well, well... it seems we meet again! Please comment your thoughts and vote :) I do read every single comment <3 I just want to thank you all so so so much, I known I've been slacking and your support is honestly the world to me :D

~ Pictures above are Amelia, her sister, her friend, and cheetah ~

Amelia's POV

Well shit.

"Kill me." I demanded.

My dad rolled his eyes.

"Stop being such a drama queen." He sighed.

I stuck my tongue out like the immature teen I was.

"I don't want to." I grumbled crossing my arms like a child.

"Amelia get out of the car." He ordered.

"No." I stated.

"Now." He demanded.

"You can't make me!" I yelled.

"Amelia! Stop this nonsense now!" My dad yelled frustrated.

"Amelia stop this nonsense now." I mimicked.

He ran his fingers through his hair. Which I don't even know why he did, it's not like he had much hair anyways.

"That's it." My dad muttered getting out of the car.

I watched him walk towards my side and open up the door.

He tried dragging my body out of the car but I WASN'T going through the gates of hell.

"YOU WILL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE!" I screeched as my dad pulled my body out of the car. My hands gripped onto the door for dear life.

"Amelia?" A curious voice popped out of nowhere.

I squealed and landed on the floor harshly.

"Have a good day. Keep an eye on Amelia, will you Lucas?" My dad asked.

"Sure thing." Lucas replied.

My dad walked away without even sparing me a glance.

"Love you!" He shouted before getting into the car and driving off.

How dare he!

"NO!" I screamed. "YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS"

I raised my fist in the air and crawled dramatically on the ground.

My head turned towards Lucas and I swear my grin almost sliced opened my whole face.

"Don't give me that shit eating grin you bitch." He said, placing a hand on his hip.

"Shut up ugly hoe bag. Always flaunting off your ass." I said.

Of course we were teasing.

"If you got it, flaunt it." He said while shaking his ass.

My eyes widened in horror.

"Stop! Now I'm going to have to wash my eyes out with bleach." I said.

I just realized I was having this whole conversation while still on the ground on my knees.

"That will be $20 for the show." He stuck his hand out.

"How about I rather eat shit." I shotback.

He pulled me up and I wrapped my arms and legs around him.

"I missed you." I fake cried.

"The feelings not mutual." He mumbled.

I pinched his perfect ass and he squealed.

"Hey! No touching the prize. That will cost ya." He joked.

"Shut up." I mumbled.

"Of course I missed my best friend. It was lonely without you and I was worried sick! What happened Amelia?" His voice softened.

"I'll explain later." I answered quickly.

"Hmm okay. But on the bright side! Rumor has it 5 new hot guys are transferring in tomorrow." He squealed excitedly.

"I don't care." I muttered.

I just wanted Alec.

"Who's Alec?" Questioned Lucas.

My eyes widened. Shit I said that outloud?

"Yes you did." He chuckled.

I said that outloud too?!?!

"So?" Nagged Lucas.

Curse my nosey best friend!

Think fast! "Alec is my fat pet rat I met."

I almost face palmed.

Are you kidding me?

Lucas looked even more confused.

"uh huh. Are you feeling okay?" He asked.

"Perfectly fine." I said stretching out a huge fake smile on my face.

The bell rang.

Saved by the bell!

"We're late." He pointed out.

"Just like old times aye?" I said nudging his shoulder.

"You got that right! You ready for our doom?" He said dramatically.

"Yes." I played along. "I wonder what will face us."

"Bald principles? Picky annoying teachers? Obnoxious students? Or worse the big bad wolves?"

He's onto me!

Act naturally.

I bursted out fake laughing.


Lucas looked taken back.

"Okay then... I want you to meet somebody."

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