Impressions, Dancing, and Big Time Rush

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James POV

We made our way back to 2J after saying goodbye to Meredith. My thoughts wandered to her. She is so beautiful, so is her voice, and she was singing my favorite song this morning!

"James, James, JAMES!" I snapped back to reality.

" Man you got it bad." My three best friends stated.

"I do not!" I shot back at them. Ok that was a lie.

" Yeah sure that's why you're "not" blushing right now." Logan Smirked. Curse his powers of observation.

"I…uh." I stuttered. I knew my face was on fire, so why deny it. The others busted out laughing. I just glared. Like none of them had ever gone crazy over a girl before.

"That's what I thought." Logan stated after composing himself. I sighed and plopped down on the couch, if you could even call it that.

" It doesn't really matter how bad I got it cause a girl like Meredith would never go for a hockey player with a crazy dream."

"Hey it's because of that crazy dream that we're in LA right now," Kendall interjected, " and besides she couldn't take her eyes off you all night."

I perked up when he said that; maybe I had a chance after all.

"But even if Meredith does want to go out with you doesn't mean Gustavo will let her." Logan added. He just had to point that out. He's such a killjoy.

"Yeah He already hates us." Carlos added to the conversation.

" Well we'll just have to make him not hate us tomorrow." Kendall Smirked. Uh oh he had that look in his eyes.

"I smell plan!" I stated excitedly. Logan and Carlos nodded in agreement.

" Its simply really. First we have to fix that crappy song and then actually try when we dance tomorrow." Kendall explained. He always has the best plans.

" Well I say we change the title of the song. I mean Girl Time really?" Logan suggested.

" Yeah." We all agreed. We all started to think. Our old teachers back in Minnesota would have fallen over in shock big time. Wait big time! That's it!

"I've got it!" I shouted nearly giving the others a heart attack, " You know how Kendall is always telling us when we put ours minds to something we need to rush the net and go big time?"

They all nodded, but I could tell even Logan, the genius, was confused on just where I was going with this.

" Lets call the song Big Time Rush! It could be like our theme song!" I smiled.

"Yeah! That's a great idea." They shouted and we all high-fived. We all chatted excitedly going every inch of our plan for tomorrow until…

"Bed time guys!" Mama Knight shouted. I sighed how come I love to sleep, but hate actually going to bed. I do need my eight hours of beauty sleep though.

The next morning everyone was up early. It was going to be a long day, but on the bright side Meredith would be helping us rehearse all day. I smiled at the thought as I ate my cereal.

"What's he so happy about?" I heard Katie ,Kendall's little sister, ask him.

"Oh he's just thinking about Meredith Rocque," Kendall answered with a smirk, "Speaking of which here she was cool enough to sign this for you." He handed her, the Cd Meredith brought last night.

"Wow awesome tell her thanks for me!" Katie's face beamed. She jumped up and hugged Kendall. Their little sibling moments sometimes make wish I wasn't an only child. My parents got divorced a few years back. Mom wasn't likely to marry again unless it was to her job and dad he did remarry but to a woman fifteen years younger then him. If it wasn't for the guys and hockey I don't know what would have happened to my sanity. I stood and put my bowl in the sink. Kendall repeated my actions and looked at his watch.

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