Drama and Girl Time

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Meredith's POV

Texting: Bold is James

Italics is Meredith

Oh my God did that really just happen? To say I was shocked was an understatement! Kendall and Logan's eyes were big as saucers, but Carlos was just smirking. Did I dare look at Uncle Gus? He's probably fuming. I smiled at James before slowly turning around.

"Dogs get out before I fire you again!" Yup he was mad. As the guys walked out James and I smiled at each other, but there was something in his eyes I couldn't make out.

"Meredith you stay." Kelly said before I could reach the door. Aww man I feel another lecture coming on. The guys gave me a sympathic look as they exited the room.

"Sit down!" Uncle Gus instructed. I did, as he said no need to tick him off more. He paced back and fourth.

"Why are you acting like I did something wrong?" I asked cautiously.

"You didn't do anything wrong. We just wanted to talk to you." Kelly stated simply also sitting on the couch.

"About what?" Although I'm pretty sure I already knew the answer.

"It's about James." Kelly looked me in the eye. I narrowed mine at her.

"What about him?" I almost hissed. I looked over at Uncle Gus he was playing with his fingers. Something he always did when he had something he wanted to say. I resisted rolling my eyes.

"Look I don't want him dating you, because I've been in this business long enough to recognize the player in the band."

"Wait what slow down who said anything about dating! And hold on you don't even know him so what gives you the right to judge him" I jumped out of my seat.

" First off I don't have to know him to know he's a player and players don't ever change their ways." Uncle Gus yelled at me. He never yells at me. I stay in silence for a minute. I didn't get the player vibe from James, but I guess with his good looks and that killer smile it wouldn't surprise me. No I can't think like that.

"Uncle Gus I know you just trying to look out for me but you gotta let me sink or swim on my own." I repeated the words I'd told Kelly. I was beyond angry now and it took all my self-control to hold back tears.

"Even if it means getting your heart broken and messing your new album up?" Uncle Gus stated smugly. If he thought that throwing my album in my face was gonna change anything he was wrong.

"Yes!" I replied stubbornly standing up. I was done with this conversation.

"Fine but don't come running to me or Kelly when you do because all we'll say is I told you so!" Uncle Gus spat at me as he also stood.

"Don't worry I won't!" I screamed and on that note I left the studio.

I went straight to the Palmwoods. I needed some girl time. I walked though the lobby, but stopped at the door to the pool. I was shocked at what I saw, there was James shamelessly flirting with The Jennifers! He looked up but if he saw me I didn't care. I took off up the stairs to Camille's place. She answered after the second knock. She took one look at me and pulled me into a big hug.

" Want to talk about it?" She asked as she guided me to her couch.

"Yeah my uncle is a jerk and so is James." I stated as plopped down on the couch.

" Ok I understand your uncle, but why is James a jerk? They all seem like nice guys to me. Especially Logan." I crooked an eyebrow at her, but started into the story of how he flirted with me all day yesterday, danced with me, and then kissed me on the cheek today. I knew I started gushing but hey I've never had a guy do those things for me before!

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