Chapter 8: A Frightening Premonition

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Chapter 8: A Frightening Premonition


Hikari's P.O.V.

"Oh, we're already at the forest." Its really a good thing that we're already here. I need to find Kei tonight quickly.

"It's already night time. Let's camp out for today. Natsu, can you hunt some animal meat and make some fire?" I suggested

"Yeah, can you do that Natsu?" Phew its a good thing that Erza agreed

"Roger that ma'am." Then he ran off

"Lucy, Wendy please prepare the tent."

"Copy that"

And she looked at Gray

"You're going to be the watch out. Are we clear?" She glared at Gray who's shivering in fear

"Yes ma'am."

"Um what will you do then Erza?" I asked her who's eyes are shining

"Oh, im going to eat my strawberry cake!"

I just sighed then thought

'Maybe I shouldn't have suggested of the idea on camping if this is how it will turn out with her doing nothing but eat her stupid cake'

Few minutes later

"Are the both of you done? Lucy, Wendy?" Haay, finally we're done

"Yes Erza-san!" Wendy said to Erza. She's the only one who answered since I'm wiping my sweat

We suddenly heard rustles from the bushes and it looks like its Natsu

"Got some meat and fish for dinner!!" He yelled happily and danced around. Fish? Where did he get that?

"Where did you get fish Natsu?" I asked him

He looked at me like I'm the most stupid human in the world. And wait, am I even human?

"Of course I found the fish in the water. Are you that stupid Luce?"

I got a tick mark on my forehead. Me? Stupid? No way

"What I meant by that is where did you find the fish. In the lake or the river? Have some common sense Natsu."  I glared at him but he just smiled. Ugh, this day is tiring

"I found a lake so I decided to catch some. Right Happy?"

"Aye sir!"

I just sighed in frustration. This guys are so hard to deal with.

"Guys let's eat!" Erza shouted.

"Hey Carla are you hungry? Want some fish?" Happy said to Carla with hearts in his eyes. Oh, i forgot to say that Happy is in love with Carla

She glared at him. Haha poor Happy. "I do not Tom Cat."

**•••°°°***•••°After Eating°***•••°°***•••°°

"Goodnight everyone"

"Yeah goodnight"


"See you tomorrow Lucy-san!"


I just lied down and let sleep devourer me

Carla's P.O.V.

Demons..........demons everywhere

People shouting and Wendy crying

Natsu ahouting at Lucy

Lucy fighting the demons with a sword

A bright light covered the whole place

And one more thing........

Blood all over

I woke up and gasped with sweat. What was that? Is that a premonition? Another danger?

"Carla? Are you alright? Tell me what's wrong." Wendy woke up and asked me

I shook my head "I'm alright child. Its just that........." I'm hesitating whether I should tell her or not

"Just what?" She thought for a second then her eyes widened "Is it another premonition?"

I sighed "Unfortunately.....yes. "

"What kind of premonition Carla? What did you see?" Her eyes looked worried and uneasy.

Wendy's P.O.V.

"What kind of premonition Carla? What did you see?" I asked her and she seems hesitating to

But what she has answered brought fear to me and my eyes widened

"Blood all over..........Demons attacking..........Natsu screaming..........and Lucy fighting."

Hikari's P.O.V.

I felt shivers down my spine. What was that?

"Lucy-san come out niw. We have something important to tell you!" Wendy yelled. I wonder what important business is it

I went out of the tent and notices that I was the only one missing. Ugh just what is it this time

"So what is this important thing Wendy?" Erza asked Wendy

She sighed and seems hesitant to say it but nevertheless she answered

"Its about Carla........she had a premonition."  A premonition? What about?

"What kind of premonition Wendy? Is it a bad or good one?"

"A.......bad one." So something dangerous is going to happen. I hope we can stop it without using my hidden powers.

"What did Carla see?"

"Demons.........blood.......Natsu screaming and Lucy fighting with a silver and blue sword."





I am so sorry for the late update. I so many project and assignments just.......ugh

I hope that even if i update slowly you guys will still keep supporting

See you guys until the next chapter!!

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