♕ t h e n o t e b o o k ♕

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( r e q u e s t )
t y p e : cover

f o r : @xAlwaysSmilingx

c o m m e n t s : so, this wasn't exactly what you asked for, but I hope it's still okay. If not, please do tell me and I'll see what I can do to fix it!
Also, I realized that I always hate my covers when I first edit them together but when I go into Photoshop ps, add a filter and edit the photo, I like it so much better. Photoshop PS is literally my lifesaver, I kid you not. ALSO SAW SUICIDE SQUAD FINALLY AND I LOVED IT

f o n t s : t i t l e : bebas & againts (literally in love with againts, tbh)a u t h o r : bebasg r a p h i c s  b y : code-bold

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f o n t s :
t i t l e : bebas & againts (literally in love with againts, tbh)
a u t h o r : bebas
g r a p h i c s  b y : code-bold

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