
36 6 0

Tuesday, August 16th 11:52
I hate how I fear sleeping like I don't understand how that's even a thing. Usually people are like "Yes, it's been a long day I can't wait to get home and goto sleep." For me it's the complete opposite.
I hate being in the dark and I absolutely hate not being able to sleep. Whenever I close my eyes it's dark and I can't stand that and begin to freak out. The only way I can sleep is if someone is sleeping next to me. I used to be able to sleep with all of the lights on but that's not working anymore.

I am alone after midnight which doesn't help this, it just creates even more anxiety.

My cat just came and laid next to me >•< c: awe she's so sweet.
~ That one girl that is afraid of everything

Late night thoughts with Sarah ☾Where stories live. Discover now